
Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] ------ He looked at his masterpiece with an impassive look, one stained in blood, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of all the lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. Among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the memory of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to weave his destiny. The sin paved the path for his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half-Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* This novel will have gore, sex, and battles, but they will come as the story progresses. Only when they are needed. This is not an instant op or overpowered character story that gets strong from just some training. Neither is Severus weak, to begin with. It will be relatively competent to strong. Like Marvel level strong. But it will take time since this is going to be a long novel. This will explore different magic disciplines in both HP and Marvel since Severus is a passionate researcher at heart for magic. Here I will try, *try* world-building for the Harry Potter universe while merging it with the Marvel universe. You will different types of magical arts of different cultures in the HP universe, so be ready. So, I hope you give this story a try and that I will be able to meet your expectations. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

Supes · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
57 Chs

Chapter 6. Duel.

With a clear destination in mind, I tightly grasped my mother's wand, feeling its familiarity course through me. Focusing on the image of Malfoy Manor, I apparated with a swift motion, vanishing from one location and materializing before the grand estate.

#Malfoy Manor#

Knowing that I couldn't apparate directly into the manor due to its protective wards, I approached the imposing gates.

It was Lucius who had previously explained the intricacies of these defenses, and it was his financial support that had allowed me to learn apparition this year.

My choice to seek aid at Malfoy Manor wasn't driven by any genuine friendship; it was a calculated move to accumulate a debt that Lucius would later exploit. He saw potential in me for the dark arts and sought to manipulate me into joining the ranks of the Death Eaters.

Though over time he had come to regard me as a friend, Lucius remained cunning and ambitious, always ensuring I became increasingly reliant on him.

As I neared the grand entrance, preparing to touch the door, a house-elf materialized on the other side of the gate. Fear tinged the elf's voice as it questioned my purpose.

"What is your business with the Malfoy family, sir?" the elf inquired, its voice trembling.

Recognizing the elf as Dobby, one of the two loyal servants of the Malfoy household, I couldn't fathom why he appeared so frightened in my presence.

Momentarily perplexed, I glanced at myself, noting the wound on my hand from the previous night.

"Fear not, Dobby. It is I, Severus," I reassured the trembling elf, striving to calm his apprehension.

"Master Severus, is it truly you, sir? Are you injured?" Dobby exclaimed, his worry evident as he materialized before me, diligently inspecting my wounded hands.

Aware of the Malfoys' treatment of their house-elves, a vivid memory resurfaced from a previous visit to Malfoy Manor. It was a distressing scene, witnessing Lucius's father punishing Dobby, a sight that struck a chord within me, as it echoed the memories of my own father's harsh discipline.

In that moment, my rare compassion had compelled me to help the elf stand and regain composure, and since then, Dobby had always greeted me with genuine happiness and care.

"Dobby, I assure you, I am unharmed. This blood is not mine. Has Lucius awakened yet?" I inquired.

Dobby's countenance shifted, his expression souring at the mention of Lucius.

"Master has indeed awakened, currently entertaining guests," Dobby replied.

"Dobby, please inform Lucius of my arrival and request permission for me to enter the manor," I instructed, mindful of the consequences the elf would face if he allowed me inside without proper permission.

Without hesitation, Dobby disappeared and reappeared moments later, relaying the response. "Master Lucius has granted Dobby permission to admit Master Severus into the manor."

Taking hold of my hand, Dobby apparated both of us directly to where Lucius was hosting his guests, bypassing the need for conventional entry. In an instant, we vanished and reappeared on the manor's balcony, overlooking the scene below.

Lucius sat at a table, engaged in tea drinking and conversation with two other wizards. With careful observation, I recognized them as the Lestrange brothers, a notoriously unsavory lot.

"Hello, Severus," Lucius greeted me with a polite smile, stepping forward but stopping short upon noticing my attire. He extended his arm for a handshake instead of a hug, maintaining a certain distance.

"Hello, Lucius. I trust your morning is going well," I replied, shaking his hand firmly.

Curiosity gleamed in Lucius's eyes as he inquired, "Why have you arrived so early in the morning, Severus?"

"I have some matters to attend to, and I thought to seek your assistance," I responded, glancing briefly at the approaching Lestrange brothers.

Rodolphus Lestrange, rising from his seat, joined our conversation, questioning, "Who do we have here, Lucius?"

Lucius, seizing the opportunity, introduced me, saying, "Allow me to introduce my esteemed friend, Severus Snape. I'm sure you remember him as the exceptional pupil of Slughorn."

Rabastan Lestrange, displaying a noticeable shift in his expression, remarked, "I don't recall any pureblood family by that name."

"He happens to be a half-blood," Lucius disclosed, causing their expressions to contort into one of disgust.

"I had no idea you associated yourself with these filthy half-bloods, Lucius. Which witch had the audacity to mix with a mud-blood? She should be punished for such treachery, a vile blood traitor," Rodolphus sneered, his disdain apparent.

"Yes, the wretched blood traitor deserves nothing but death. Tell us, Lucius, what is this filth doing in your presence? It is an insult to tolerate his existence," Rabastan bellowed, his voice filled with contempt.

These vile pigs dared to insult my mother with their filthy mouth. The overwhelming surge of rage and anger broke through my Occlumency defenses, rendering me unable to control my emotions.

The years of enduring their insults and humiliation, keeping my composure to avoid conflict with pureblood families, suddenly felt meaningless.

The very reason for my patience had vanished, and consequences be damned—I was determined to teach these sons of a bitches a lesson they would never forget.

'Yes, a present they would remember forever before speaking of my mother again'

Something in me snapped, something in me was different, the thought of making them roll in agony, amused me. Darkness, I knew not of, consumed me.

"Did you hear, Rodolphus? Mr. Robert seems to pay your mother visits while your father is away on Ministry business," I spoke with a cold, cutting tone, a smirk playing on my lips. "It's a pity you're left wondering who your true father might be."

The words struck a nerve, and Rodolphus exploded in fury, brandishing his wand threateningly. "How dare you call my mother a whore?!" he yelled, his face contorted with anger.

"But, my dear Rodolphus, I didn't call her anything. It seems you're the one implying that she is whore. Ah, sorry for such words, where are my manners." I retorted, an air of nonchalance in my voice.

Not to be outdone, Rabastan raised his wand as well, his voice filled with malice. "You shall regret opening your mouth, you filthy bastard. Incendi—"

Before Rabastan could finish his incantation, his wand flew away from his hand.

"Why don't we settle this like true wizards, with a duel? Or are you too afraid to face the challenge, my lord?" I provocatively taunted, fueling his anger.

Come on, take the bait, you fucking pig.

"Me? Afraid of a filthy half-blood?" Rodolphus sneered, glancing at Lucius for validation.

"Hmm," Lucius remained silent, contemplating.

"Lucius, why don't you act as the judge for our little match? I'll show you why you should keep this filth out of your life," Rodolphus jeered, trying to provoke his friend.

"I advise against it," Lucius calmly cautioned, concerned for the safety of his guests.

"Why? You think I'll harm your little friend too much? How sweet," Rodolphus mocked, his arrogance oozing.

"No, I simply don't wish to witness your inevitable humiliation," Lucius responded, his demeanor still composed.

"You! You believe this trash could ever defeat me in a duel? I won't tolerate such insolence. Let the match begin!" Rodolphus shouted, pointing his wand towards me.

"Do as my brother says, Lucius. Don't underestimate him. Think twice before speaking again," Rabastan warned, his tone laced with menace.

Lucius let out a weary sigh. "Fine, have it your way."

Finally, the moment I had been waiting for.

"My lords, I hope you both come at me together," I calmly stated, a smile playing upon my lips as I noticed their faces turning red with rage.

"HOW DARE YOU!! You arrogant little bug! CRUCI--" Rodolphus began to utter the Unforgivable Curse.

Swiftly, I retrieved my mother's wand and cast the spell "Bombarda" upon the Lestrange brothers, sending them soaring into the air.

The surge of darkness gripped me, an eerie sense of freedom washing over my being.

I couldn't help but find a strange satisfaction in the notion that their family might come after me, providing me with more playthings to play with.

This newfound madness momentarily overshadowed any lingering emotions as I suppressed them beneath a veneer of cold detachment.

Ignoring their words and insults would lead them to believe I was someone they could trample upon, a mistake they would soon regret.

With a resounding crash, the force of the spell sent the Lestrange brothers crashing into the tea table. Slowly, deliberately, I advanced towards them as they struggled to reach for their wands, but I denied them the opportunity.


They writhed in pain, yet I prolonged their suffering, casting "Sectumsempra" once more, allowing them to endure the excruciating wounds.



I derived a certain sick pleasure from witnessing their anguish.

Their pain seemed to alleviate my own, feeding my hunger for vengeance and retribution.

"Please," they whimpered amidst their cries.

"I can't hear you"

" We are sorry. Please... please end this!!!!" Both brothers pleaded.

Pressing my foot onto Rodolphus Lestrange's hand, I aimed my wand beneath his chin.

"Listen well, you filth. You are unworthy to utter a single word about my mother. Should you ever dare to besmirch her name again, I assure you, your disfigurement will be so severe that no one will recognize you. Is that clear?"

"Yes," they whispered through their tears.

"I can't hear you!"

"Yes!!! Please... please end this!!!!" Both brothers pleaded.

Lucius, still in shock from the unfolding events, finally regained his senses and raised his wand, pointing it at me.

"What are you doing, Severus? Remove your foot from his hand. They are my guests. This was merely a duel. I will not permit you to cripple my guests in my own manor!" Lucius exclaimed, his voice filled with both concern and indignation. But I paid him no mind.


Not now, you buzzkill. Things were just getting interesting. Their pain... yes, their pain soothed me. It sated my thirst for revenge.

Turing to Lucius, I said, "Lucius, my dear friend, I suggest you remain where you are and enjoy the spectacle. Otherwise, you might find yourself on the receiving end of my wand. I assure you, I will not hesitate to employ some of my newly created curses against you."

Knowing his pride as a pure-blood, I anticipated that Lucius wouldn't back down easily.

"Do you truly believe that your words can threaten me, Severus? Remove your foot this instant, or I will curse you," Lucius shouted, pointing his wand in my direction, ready to cast a spell.

Lazily, I turned my wand towards him and silently cast a nonverbal "Expelliarmus."

His wands flew out of his grasp, landing near me.

"I won't warn you again, Lucius. Consider this your final caution. The next time, it won't be a mere disarming charm. I assure you, you do not want to find yourself on the receiving end of my wand. I will forget our friendship, so heed my advice this time."

As our eyes met, I glimpsed what I desired. Fear, palpable fear reflected in his gaze. Ah, yes, show me more of it. That fear would restrain him from acting against me.

Lowering my gaze to the Lestrange brothers, who now looked at me with sheer terror, I reveled in the sight. Fear... this was precisely what I sought. Fear was a potent tool, indeed.

Pressing my foot onto Rodolphus's other wounded area, I ground it into his flesh.


"Please, let... let us go. Please," they begged, tears streaming down their faces.

"Listen carefully. From this moment forth, mind your tongues in my presence, or you shall find yourself unable to speak ever again. Do you understand?"

I delivered the words with a smile, which seemed to heighten their terror.

They nodded, tears welling in their eyes.

"Yes, sir," they both cried out.

"Vulnera Sanentur," I chanted, using the spell to heal their wounds.

Relinquishing the pressure on Rodolphus's hand, I withdrew my foot.

"Now, behave like gentlemen and refrain from speaking ill of others' mothers. Otherwise, I shall have to teach you both a more comprehensive lesson in manners through another duel. The next lesson will be far more instructive and thorough than this one."

I smiled at the fear so evident in their eyes.

"We won't utter a word about your mother. No, we shall never speak ill of anyone's mother. We have learned our lesson," Rabastan hurriedly assured.

"And I trust you won't concoct some foolish revenge plan, will you?"

"NO! We will never entertain such thoughts. We were in the wrong, Severus. Please, forgive us," Rodolphus pleaded.

"All is forgiven. Now, if you will excuse me, I have matters to discuss with Lucius. Why don't the two of you go and play tea party over there?"

"Thank you."

"Thank you."

In an instant, Rodolphus and Rabastan disappeared from my sight.

Turning to face Lucius, who still stood there, bewildered by the unfolding events, I placed his wand back into his hand and leaned closer, whispering in his ear.

"You may be my friend, Lucius, but I do not appreciate interruptions. I hope you do not make that mistake again. Next time, I will not hesitate."

The rage that had consumed me began to dissipate. Taking a step back, I spoke in a more composed tone, "I apologize for the outburst, Lucius. I came here seeking my inheritance. I presume you have already investigated my mother's family. Please arrange the documents I require."

Lucius nodded, an awkward expression crossing his features. I could discern a trace of fear in his eyes, though not as profound as in the Lestrange brothers.

"I will have a guest room prepared for you, Severus, and arrange suitable attire," Lucius replied, still trying to fathom my peculiar behavior.

Once again, I glanced at their faces. The Lestrange brothers still appeared shaken by the harrowing ordeal, while Lucius managed to compose himself better than them.

I was certain that his thoughts swirled with questions regarding my peculiar conduct.

Yet, my demeanor remained unchanged; it was simply that I no longer cared about his opinions or the consequences of my actions.

To be completely consumed by insanity, liberated from the shackles of consequence—there was a peculiar exhilaration in it.

Ever since witnessing my father's fearful countenance, I had come to realize the power fear held.

Despite my madness, the reason why I choose to torment the Lestrange Brothers — not fear the consequences of acting against me again, was Lucius.

Lucius would now contemplate more ways to coax me into joining the ranks of the Death Eaters, having witnessed firsthand my capabilities, and he would make me owe him if he managed to keep them at bay. Well, let Lucius handle it.

After all, it was they who had raised their wands against me first; I merely defended myself in a duel.


Give me my STONES.