
Marvel: The Dark Spider

Leo Vargas, a young man who experienced the tragic loss of his parents at a tender age, finds himself entangled in a series of unfortunate events. Fate has a unique plan for Leo, as he is chosen to be the successor to the legendary Spider-Man. However, a devastating tragedy strikes, altering the course of his life forever. Unable to cope with the weight of his grief, Leo adopts a new identity as a masked vigilante, taking justice into his own hands. Embracing the darkness within, he becomes known as the Dark Spider, a mysterious figure who strikes fear into the hearts of criminals. *Original Character

IRIS01 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
42 Chs

A Fistful of Dollars

Tension hung thick in the air as the robbers faced off against Leo inside the convenience store. The robbers, caught off guard by Leo's unexpected resistance, hesitated for a brief moment before regaining their composure.

"Keep your eyes on the cashier," the front robber ordered his partner, his voice filled with a mix of aggression and caution. "Make sure that lady fills the bag with cash while I handle this guy."

The partner, his gaze darting between Leo and the cashier, nodded nervously, his hand trembling as he held his gun steady. Meanwhile, Leo stood before them, his expression a mixture of weariness and determination.

Leo let out a heavy sigh, his voice tinged with a mixture of weariness and frustration. "You guys have no idea what kind of situation you're in," he said, his words dripping with a hint of regret. "You should be regretting your choices, consumed by fear, rather than continuing this reckless mission."

The front robber scoffed, his laughter filled with misplaced confidence. "And what exactly do you think you're going to do about it?" he taunted.

But before the robber could refocus his gaze, he realized that Leo had vanished from his line of sight. Panic set in as he scanned the store, searching for any sign of his adversary. Unbeknownst to him, Leo had swiftly circled around, positioning himself behind the unsuspecting partner.

With a bottle clutched tightly in his left hand, Leo struck the partner with a swift and precise blow, rendering him unconscious. The robber crumpled to the ground, the gun slipping from his grasp.

The front robber spun around, startled by the commotion behind him. But before he could react, Leo's hand shot out, grabbing his wrist tightly, preventing him from using his weapon.

With a determined expression, Leo unleashed a powerful kick to the robber's stomach, propelling him across the store. The sound of impact reverberated through the air as the robber collided with a display shelf, sending merchandise crashing to the ground.

The store fell silent, the only sound lingering being the heavy breathing of the subdued robbers and the faint hum of the refrigerators.

After rendering both criminals unconscious, Leo gently placed two beer bottles on the cashier counter. He looked at the cashier with a weary yet determined expression. "Can I have these for free?" he asked, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

The cashier hesitated for a moment, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. Finally, she nodded silently, understanding the weight of the situation. As Leo turned to leave the store, he paused and then turned back to face the young cashier once more.

"I need more," he said firmly, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. "I need cash as compensation for my heroic actions."

The cashier's eyes widened, her mouth slightly agape. "Heroes don't do it for the money," she replied, her voice filled with a hint of skepticism.

Leo smacked his lips and shook his head. "You see… I'm not a hero," he clarified, his voice tinged with bitterness. "But if it weren't for me, you would have been empty-handed, and your boss would be disheartened by the entire missing cash."

The cashier hesitated, torn between her principles and the reality of the situation. "If I pay you for this," she began, her voice wavering, "my boss will notice the missing money."

Leo leaned in closer, his voice low and intense. "Just say it was lost in the collateral," he suggested, his eyes locking onto hers. "It's the least you can do for someone who saved your store and your life."

The cashier, a young girl working part-time to make ends meet, could not resist the pressure. Reluctantly, she reached into the cash register and handed Leo a few hundred-dollar bills. Leo quickly grabbed the cash and nodded. "Thank you," he said before swiftly walking out of the store.

Once outside, Leo snatched off his mask, blending into the crowd as sirens wailed in the distance. He walked briskly, his mind consumed with conflicting thoughts. The weight of his actions settled on his shoulders, the reality of his choices sinking in.

As Leo stood amidst the bustling crowd, he discreetly counted the cash he had just received from the cashier. One hundred... two hundred... three hundred... He calculated the total amount, realizing there were at least five hundred dollars in his possession. A satisfied smile spread across his face as he reflected on his decision to redefine the notion of a hero.

"Why work for free when I can turn this into a business?" Leo thought to himself.

With the stolen cash securely in his hand, he made his way back to his apartment, clutching two bottles of beer. However, just as he was about to enter the building, he was intercepted by his landlord. The landlord's eyes fixated on the money in Leo's hand, and without any hesitation, he snatched it away.

Counting the cash in front of Leo, the landlord declared, "There's still a few hundred to go, Vargas."

Leo's face contorted in anger. He despised the way the landlord had forcefully taken the money from him without any discussion. With a frustrated grunt, he swiftly retreated to his apartment, his grip tightened around one of the beer bottles. Popping the cap open, he took a long swig, trying to drown his irritation.

As he settled onto his worn-out couch, Leo's attention was caught by a news broadcast on the television. The familiar face of the cashier he had encountered earlier appeared on the screen, being interviewed by J. Jonah Jameson. She described how a masked figure, resembling Spider-Man but entirely clad in black, had saved her and the store. She also mentioned the demand for money made by this mysterious hero after the crime had been thwarted.

Jonah Jameson seized the opportunity to berate Spider-Man for his apparent greed, taking jabs at the masked vigilante's actions. Leo watched the news with a mix of amusement and indifference. He knew the truth behind the story, but he had no interest in revealing his identity or engaging with the media.

Switching off the television, Leo decided to take a nap. He needed some respite from the chaotic events of the day. As he closed his eyes, the thoughts of his recent actions, the money in his pocket, and the growing recognition of his alter ego weighed upon his mind. However, sleep gradually embraced him, temporarily whisking him away from the complexities of his new life as a vigilante.