
Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

If someone were to travel to the Marvel Universe and gain Superman's physique, how should they survive? Would they become a superhero, flying through the skies and performing miraculous feats? Or should they hide their powers and live as an ordinary person? Link made his choice. In the Marvel Universe, superheroes not only have to work at their own expense, but they also endure constant surveillance and suppression. That's not the life Link wanted. He chose to blend in with the ordinary people, enjoying a peaceful and carefree existence. THIS IS A TRANSLATION !!!

Rookie99 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
77 Chs

Chapter 77: Dissatisfaction


People weren't fools. When Norman Osborn was reinstated as CEO, many of the shareholders who had sold their shares realized something was amiss. The incidents that led to the sharp decline in Osborn Group's stock, combined with internal scandals being leaked, clearly pointed to someone on the board.

However, it now seemed that Norman Osborn himself might have been behind it. He had appeared furious about the situation, and given that he had suffered the greatest losses, no one initially suspected him.

Still, even now, people couldn't understand why Osborn would put himself through such losses. Was it really all for a few untested miracle drugs? It didn't add up. That wasn't how capitalists typically behaved.

The shareholders who sold their stakes were perplexed, suspecting Osborn Group was being deliberately manipulated. Yet, they lacked the evidence to prove any foul play. Even if they pursued legal action, they would likely fail.

Some were unwilling to simply let things go. However, Norman Osborn was no pushover. Attacking him directly wasn't an option. So, they shifted their focus to Link, thinking that perhaps he, being relatively new and without much established power, might be easier to deal with. But a bit of investigation quickly revealed that Link was an even more formidable figure than they had anticipated.

Both Link and Norman Osborn remained unaware that they had narrowly escaped a crisis. The transition of control within Osborn Group had gone smoothly. The company was streamlined, reducing its diverse operations to just the biological, pharmaceutical, and weapons development sectors.

A full-scale biological testing program was underway for the miracle drugs, with the results proving highly promising. It wouldn't be long before they could apply to the regulatory authorities for human trials.

At this moment, Link arrived at Osborn Group's test facility, where a flying glider had been prepared for him. Norman Osborn explained its features.

The glider came equipped with dual machine guns, two missiles, and retractable spikes. However, Link found many of these features unnecessary. The glider, in his opinion, should focus on flight, its primary function. Small missiles were acceptable, but machine guns and spikes seemed overkill for his needs.

"Norman, Stark Industries is constructing three new buildings, powered by Stark's new energy technology. I think we should purchase one of them," Link suggested.

Norman Osborn raised an eyebrow. "Are you thinking of moving the company's headquarters?"

"Exactly. It's located in Hell's Kitchen. The project is progressing well and should be ready by May of next year. We could sell the current building and likely save a significant amount of money due to its prime location," Link explained.

"This isn't just about money, though," Osborn cautioned.

"I know that. But here's my plan: I want to build a supercomputer powered by artificial intelligence. The top floor will serve as my personal residence, and the research departments will be centralized there."

"I also plan to set up a small, automated factory for personal use. You'll still be in charge of management, of course," Link continued, lowering his voice as he added, "I developed those miracle drugs."

Norman Osborn was stunned. "Really?"

"Do you need to test me?" Link smiled. "From now on, whether it's drugs or weapons, I'll be doing the development. But for now, this has to stay a secret, understand?"

"My goal is to make Osborn Group stronger, and your role as CEO is to ensure smooth operations. With the help of AI overseeing the new building, we won't have any more incidents like the one with Richard Parker."

"Richard Parker was no ordinary man," Link said. "I suspect he had ties to the CIA. We should be cautious."

Norman Osborn nodded. "I had similar suspicions. Only the CIA would have the power to make someone disappear like that. And they're even stronger abroad—such greed."

"Exactly," Link agreed. "The current building is outdated. Renovating it would be expensive, and we wouldn't be able to incorporate all the latest technologies. Selling it and moving to a more modern facility just makes sense. But if you really want to keep the old building, we can."

"No need," Osborn shook his head. "A better building would be beneficial. If you truly are the genius you claim to be, I'm more than willing to invest in new infrastructure."

"We're a tech company, after all," Osborn added with a laugh. "I'll leave all future research and development to you. I'm reaching my limits in that department."

Link grinned. Osborn's decisiveness was impressive. "Don't worry. I promised I'd make your shares more valuable. Once the stock price rises, we'll carefully select new shareholders."

"Absolutely," Osborn agreed, still processing the revelation that Link had developed the miracle drugs. It was almost too shocking to believe. He had researched Link's background—he had a degree in psychology and a reputation in the underworld, but scientific genius? That was new.

Link, unaware of Osborn's inner turmoil, mounted the glider and took off. He flew around the test site, quickly mastering the controls. However, he was dissatisfied with the glider's lack of agility. The user had to maintain an awkward posture, almost like a flying crab.

Determined to modify the glider to suit his combat needs, Link knew he would have to make it more maneuverable. For now, his role was that of a sharpshooter, though his hand-to-hand combat skills could match someone like Black Widow. The addition of a flying glider would boost his mobility, and once he developed his own battle suit, he could pass the tech on to Osborn Group as a cover.

Osborn Group was, after all, a technology company. For Link, all these moves were part of a larger strategy to create more layers of protection for his and Jessica's secrets.

There was still no news from Asgard, but based on the timeline, it would be about two years before Thor returned and Loki led the Chitauri invasion. Time was tight. Link needed to complete his AI, battle suit, and glider within that period.

He wondered if the glider could also incorporate nanotechnology.

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(End of Chapter)