
Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

If someone were to travel to the Marvel Universe and gain Superman's physique, how should they survive? Would they become a superhero, flying through the skies and performing miraculous feats? Or should they hide their powers and live as an ordinary person? Link made his choice. In the Marvel Universe, superheroes not only have to work at their own expense, but they also endure constant surveillance and suppression. That's not the life Link wanted. He chose to blend in with the ordinary people, enjoying a peaceful and carefree existence. THIS IS A TRANSLATION !!!

Rookie99 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
130 Chs

Chapter 15: Transforming a Girlfriend

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The two sat outside a café, sipping coffee and nibbling on sandwiches, savoring a leisurely moment while watching the rush of people hurrying off to work. The contrast was stark, and their relaxed manner made them stand out.

Link was carrying a gun, something Jessica had curiously asked about. His response was simple: "Now that I'm a multimillionaire, it's essential to carry protection. I can't risk being kidnapped."

Thanks to Link's precise control over his strength, Jessica remained unaware of his secret. For now, he had no plans to reveal it. Both kept their secrets close to their chests.

Jessica and her sister, Tracy, had always envied each other in some ways. They found warmth and light in each other, despite both having faced difficult situations. Link, meanwhile, was mulling over how to track down Kilgrave and take him out. That guy's abilities were too overpowered—eliminating him sooner rather than later would bring peace of mind.

After finishing breakfast, Link drove Jessica to a large hair salon, the kind that boasted a renowned stylist. Speaking to the manager, Link said, "I'd like this lady to have a hairstyle makeover—long wavy hair, parted on the side."

The manager understood right away and called over a stylist to explain Link's request. However, the stylist suggested first assessing Jessica's face shape before making a decision. Link agreed, and after examining Jessica, the stylist nodded in approval of Link's idea.

The entire process took over an hour. They began with a hair treatment, as the stylist remarked that Jessica had been neglecting her hair for far too long. After some trimming, they moved on to curling her thick, luscious hair. Jessica also had thick eyebrows that required grooming, and the salon provided that service too.

Link, meanwhile, waited in the lounge, smoking a cigarette and watching Jessica undergo her transformation.

A new hairstyle can often lead to a complete metamorphosis. Link enjoyed watching his woman transform before his eyes. Jessica glanced in the mirror, surprised at how different she looked with her new hair. She was dressed casually, in jeans, a women's blazer, and boots, but the change in her hairstyle already made a difference.

Link didn't stop there. He purchased a membership card for Jessica and recharged it with enough funds for regular visits, handing her a business card for the salon. "Make sure to come in for regular treatments. Your hair is thick and beautiful, but it needs proper care," he said, with a caring tone.

Most women couldn't resist such attention, and Jessica was no exception. Despite her tough exterior, at heart, she was just like any other woman.

Link then drove her to a Chanel boutique. The moment they stepped inside, a sales associate warmly greeted them, "Welcome."

Pointing to Jessica, Link said, "I want her to try on the latest collection—clothes, shoes, and perfume."

"Of course!" The sales associate led Jessica to have her measurements taken.

What followed was a fashion show of sorts. Jessica tried on outfit after outfit, each time presenting herself to Link. The well-trained staff didn't randomly throw clothes at her but carefully selected pieces that complemented her physique and style.

As for perfume and makeup, they left that to Jessica's personal preference. Although she wasn't entirely unfamiliar with makeup—having watched her sister Tracy apply stage makeup during her singing days—Jessica still needed guidance.

They ended up buying a set of makeup products, several outfits, shoes, and perfume. This time, there was no need to sign up for a membership; spending over $200,000 earned them that privilege automatically.

Before leaving, Link asked if the boutique could offer makeup lessons for Jessica and left her contact information so they could notify her when next season's collection arrived.

Next stop: Cartier. This time, Jessica began to feel a little uncomfortable.

"Darling, isn't this a bit much?" she asked, feeling embarrassed.

"Not at all. You've seen my wardrobe, haven't you? It's only half full. But for women, clothing can't be bought all at once," Link explained. "It's all about seasonal purchases. You'll get the hang of it."

Shopping for women's fashion was always more complicated. Unlike men's suits, which could be bought in bulk and rotated throughout the year without anyone noticing, women's styles changed with every season. Buy everything at once, and by the next season, it would all be outdated.

At Cartier, Link had the staff match accessories and watches to Jessica's outfits, purchasing two sets of jewelry and two luxury watches. This alone cost over $600,000.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Jessica could hardly recognize the woman staring back at her. The transformation was undeniable.

Standing behind her, Link wrapped his arms around her waist and asked softly, "What do you think?"

"Are we done shopping now?" Jessica didn't answer his question, but her posture had changed. She now held her head high, exuding newfound confidence.

"Only sleepwear and lingerie are left, but you can pick those out with Tracy," Link whispered mischievously. "I trust you'll make good choices, right?"

Jessica blushed but retorted, "That depends on your performance."

"You mean tonight?" Link teased her, smiling.

With the car loaded full of shopping bags, they returned to Link's apartment. Jessica carefully arranged her new items in the walk-in closet, which had been half-empty but now began to fill with her belongings.

As for her old clothes, Link suggested Jessica pack them up later to donate. Not today, though—today, he had to keep an eye on the gallery nearby. He had already booked a reservation at a high-end restaurant for dinner that evening.

If Wilson Fisk decided to visit the gallery that night, Link planned to take Jessica along. After all, Jessica knew he was looking to buy art to decorate his home.

Jessica then suggested, "How about we invite Tracy to dinner tonight?"

Link's lips curled into a subtle smile. He knew Jessica's little plan—to show off a bit in front of her sister. He didn't mind. These sisters had supported each other through the toughest of times, even if they didn't always agree on everything. Tracy was desperate to become a superhero, willing to risk everything, while Jessica wanted no part of that life.

"Alright, I've already made the reservation. Just tell her the time and place," Link agreed.


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(End of Chapter)