
Marvel: Spider-Man? No, I'm Superman!

Traversing the Marvel universe, becoming Peter Parker. Originally thought that becoming the Hulk-like Spider-Man was also a very good choice. However, fate seemed to have played a huge joke on him. With the sudden appearance of Spider-Woman, she completely shattered his inner luck. He didn't want to be sacrificed to the Gods! Until... he discovered a different life script on the farm left by his parents! .... Many years later. The sky was torn open by a wormhole. Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, confidently leads his invincible fleet to Earth to collect the Infinity Stones. The next moment, a figure broke through the air and punched Thanos flying. "You shouldn't have come to invade 'my' Earth!" --- Tags - Evil MC, Villain, Marvel, DC, Transmigration, Spider-Man Caution: Don't Read If You are Looking for a Kind-Hearted MC! MC Don't Have Your Average Superhero Morals Like Caption! --- Daily Updates! --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. Author: 贼鬼 Original Name: 漫威:蜘蛛侠?不,我是超人! Translator & Editor: RedX43 Cover Pic: By AI --- Read Up to 30+ Chapters Ahead at P@treon.com/RedX43

iRedX43 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
200 Chs

Chapter 13: Flight Unlocked - The Real Superman!

Seeing the figure completely ignoring gravity, the muscular body seeming to not have the slightest weight, just floating there in midair.

At this moment, no matter if it was Gwen or the worldly-wise Chief George, both involuntarily froze in place.

Humans cannot fly without external equipment.

This was common sense that even a three year old child knew well.

Yet the scene before their eyes now completely shattered their worldview in this moment.

"You... Just what... Are you?"

After blanking out for a bit, Chief George finally reacted. His gun unhesitatingly pointed at the figure before him.

Perhaps only the gun in his hand could dispel the unknown fear in his heart, giving him a shred of comfort.

"I advise you to put that thing down, I'm not used to being pointed at with it. Besides, that thing of yours is no threat to me."

Peter, who was slowly descending towards the ground while lifting the nearly ten ton cockpit with one hand, spoke with a hint of ice-coldness embedded in his voice.

Perhaps feeling the icy coldness in the mysterious man's tone at this moment, Chief George this time even very obediently put down the gun in his hand, and said in a sincere tone, "Well, I apologize to you."

"Is this still that stubborn father who'd rather injure himself than have her mask torn off?"

Watching her father's actions at this moment, Gwen beside her felt extreme inequality.

If George knew Gwen's inner thoughts now, he could only tell her: "Although I'm stubborn, I'm not stupid. Think about it, can the existence before you really be threatened by a shabby gun?"


At this time Peter had already neared the ground. He casually placed the cockpit in his hand onto the ground.

But the next moment, all the officers who had been waiting below swiftly surrounded him.

Some had faces of utter disbelief.

Some looked at his features covered by the bio-aura with curiosity.

And another portion of officers had their guns nervously trained on him.

"All of you put down your guns!"

Stepping out from the cockpit, George decisively ordered the officers around to lower their guns.

"Mister..." Surveying the figure floating in the air with head tilted 45 degrees, George organized his words internally.

Then he slowly continued speaking: "Just what exactly are you... A mutant? Superhuman? Or an alien?"

"Or... A god?!"

Actually, George still had another speculation in his heart currently that he didn't directly ask out loud.

"What do you guys think?"

Peter looked down at everyone below, including a figure stealthily trying to slip away. His somewhat low yet majestic voice slowly resonated across the scene.


The next moment, before everyone's awed gazes, his figure instantly shot upwards. High up in the air hundreds of meters above an umbrella-shaped sonic boom cloud emerged around his body.


Two seconds later, the sonic boom sound entered everyone's ears, proving the scene before their eyes wasn't an illusion.

"I know now! He's Superman! That Superman from the comics..."

After the scene had fallen silent for a while, an exclamation suddenly broke the silence.

In the next moment, the crowd instantly roared.

Comics shining into reality, is there anything more incredible than this?


"Chief, Spider-Woman is gone!"

Just when everyone felt incredulous, the officer saved together with George by Gwen suddenly came over to report to George.

"I know."

Chief George's gaze was still fixed at the figure long vanished in the sky. He slowly replied without even turning his head.

"Chief, we gained almost nothing this operation, yet the losses were heavy. Especially with three helicopters completely destroyed."

"Luckily because of Spider-Woman, we had no casualties despite several injured officers. So, should we..."

After simply introducing the losses inflicted this operation, the officer then grew somewhat hesitant. Seeming to have something he wanted yet didn't dare say.

At the same time, the other officers who had personally witnessed Spider-Woman save all the survivors like a hero were also gazing at Chief George somewhat expectantly.

"In that case, revoke the pursuit order for Spider-Woman."

"Hooray, wise decision Chief!"  

In an instant, the officers on site couldn't help spontaneously applauding this decision. Especially those few just rescued by Spider-Woman.

"Alright, also issue a new wanted order. Mobilize all effort to search for that other guy wrecking havoc in the city."

George interrupted the excited crowd with a slow downward pressure of his hands, before issuing a new order once again.

"Also, what just happened must be kept strictly confidential by all those present here."

At this moment, Chief George's face was filled with seriousness.

"Alright, everyone hurry and tidy up the scene. Restore order here as soon as possible."

After this final order, Chief George strode off.

"Chief, Should we send a Helicopter to send you back to rest?"

Seeing the chief about to leave, an officer kindly said.

"...I'll just drive back myself."

Looking at the surrounding helicopter wreckage not yet cleaned up, George rejected the idea of continuing to take a helicopter without any hesitation.


At the same time, high up in the air thousands of meters away.


A figure swiftly streaked across the sky, leaving only an excited shout behind.

"The previous me doesn't deserve to be called Superman at all. The current me is The Real Superman!"

In the next moment, the figure that was flying rapidly in the high altitude, once again increased its speed.

He directly dived down towards the cloud layer below.

The intense impact from the extremely fast eruption of speed instantly dispersed the clouds like cotton candy.

A silvery white trail hung behind the figure nimbly streaking through the cloud layer.

Leaving behind a bizarre lingering pattern in the sky for a long time.

The figure suddenly rushed out of the clouds and swooped down again.

Above the vast and boundless ocean, a figure suddenly appeared flying at a high speed almost close to the surface.

The airflow driven by the rapid speed that exceeded the speed of sound was like a sharp sword, carving out a deep trench on the sea.

Amidst the dancing spray, Peter suddenly spotted what seemed to be a gigantic creature below the water surface.

He then unhesitatingly plunged into the sea with a smooth dive.


In the next moment, a huge wave exploded from the surface of the sea, a few hundred meters away in front of him.

A humongous whale leapt out of the water, directly shooting dozens of meters into the air.

Whale: I'm flying!

I'm down again!


After experiencing whale skipping, as another huge spray of water exploded over the sea, Peter's figure violently charged skyward again.

Instantly breaking the sound barrier, piercing through the clouds.

Seeing a passenger plane dozens of kilometers away ahead, Peter sped up again, directly catching up.

After using just seconds to catch up with the passenger plane, Peter reduced his speed to match it in level flight.

He then slowly approached the plane's windows and lightly knocked a few times on one with blinds drawn.

As the blinds opened up, a child looked out perplexedly.

"Dad, look quick! It's Superman!"

Before his dad could turn his head, Peter waved his hand at the kid in the airplane.

The next moment, he shot upwards again. Ascending straight towards the Sky.

- The Scene Shifted -

In the depths of distant outer space, a figure spread open his arms welcoming the sun gradually rising from the horizon.

Golden rays of light bathed him. Like a fantasy dream!

(End of Chapter)

To be continued...

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