
The Old King Arrived

Of course, Li Yue didn't intend to utterly beat the guards of Wakanda to the ground. There was no need to do that, and that would just make things complicated for their further business in Wakanda! Despite his power, Li Yue wasn't fond of making trouble!

Therefore, Li Yue simply used his lightning speed to arrive next to Tony, before blocking Okoye's Vibranium spear with his left hand!


The ringing sound of metal-on-metal impact echoed. Tony and Okoye, the two closest to the source, heard it most clearly!

Okoye was dumbfounded by what she just witnessed! After all, she knew that the Vibranium spear in her hands could easily pierce through steel!

Yet she had seen someone blocking her spear with bare hands! It was as if her spear had hit a shield made of Vibranium!

"Li Yue, you scared me. I almost became a shish-kebab!"

Tony secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but he was somehow still in the mood to joke around with Li Yue!

To tell the truth, Tony was really scared. Fortunately, Li Yue was there to stop him from getting hurt! He could've been stabbed! Moreover, it was by a woman! He wouldn't be able to live that experience down!

"Oh, please. I wouldn't let you get killed so easily! I just wanted to teach you a lesson. Don't look down on a woman!" Li Yue replied in a bad mood.

Sadly, this was Tony's personality. That was why there wasn't many people that could get along with him!

"What happened just now? How can you block my spear with just your palm?"

Okoye finally recovered from her shock, but she was still in disbelief. She tried stabbing her spear again, but it still can't pierce through!

She carefully observed the palm that stopped her spear. It wasn't made of metal or anything: it was an ordinary palm, and it didn't even have any callus. It was the palm of an untrained man!

It was hard to imagine that such an ordinary palm could actually stop her spear without even a scratch!

"General Okoye, we come here without ill intent. We simply wished to meet your king. Please report that the current Sorcerer Supreme of Kamar-Taj has come to visit!"

Li Yue had to hold himself from giving Okoye a massive smug grin when he said that last sentence!

Not even Li Yue could escape the temptation of power!

That's right, Li Yue was ready to take over the title of Sorcerer Supreme for the time being. After all, he still had to guide Doctor Strange into the world of magic. The title of Sorcerer Supreme also carries the responsibility of a teacher!

"Sorcerer Supreme? Kamar-Taj? What does that even mean? No, how do you know my name? What are you trying to do by coming to our Wakanda?" Okoye asked after pausing for a moment.

Okoye felt that she had to ask for the king's instruction, but then she realized that Li Yue had addressed her by name. Her expression grew severe.

Still, she was sure that she never saw any of these people. How did he know her name?

"Forget it, you don't have to call your king. He would be here soon!"

Li Yue was frustrated, but then his spiritual senses detected a rushing group of people. It must be the king of Wakanda, T'Chaka!


"Okoye, stop!"

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the group of people to arrive. Leading them was a black man wearing a gorgeous black dress with a necklace made of white bone teeth on his neck. His hair and beard were already graying, showing his advanced age.

"You did come and say stop, but you're late! If we're in a movie, we'd be in a full blown battle by now!"

Li Yue silently cursed in his heart when he heard T'Chaka's shout!

"Greetings, Your Royal Highness, you are here!"

When the guards heard the king's shout, they instantly put away their spears and bowed to the old king! Then they split into two lines to let the king pass!

"At ease! Dismissed!"

The old king ordered the guards before finally facing Li Yue and the others.

"Haha, looks like you are the king. You are finally here! Really, your subordinates don't know how to treat guests at all..."

Tony immediately complained in his classic fashion, but he restrained himself!

"Welcome, distinguished guests, to our Wakanda. Please forgive us for our lack of etiquette!"

The old king bowed to Li Yue and the others. Of course, it was just a gesture of friendship! His polite tone was also devoid of royal dignity!

"No, no, we have rudely came here to disturb you. Please excuse us, Your Royal Highness!"

Since the king had displayed such respectful etiquette, Li Yue naturally responded in kind. At the very least, he had to be as humble or more in his words!

"Haha, there was no such thing, Wakanda welcomes everyone! It's not a good to talk outside. Let's go in."

The old king let out a hearty laugh at Li Yue's polite words, before inviting Li Yue's group into the palace!

"Lowly guests as we are, mustly we shall follow the host's generous arrangement!"

Li Yue accepted the king's invitation and gestured to everyone to follow into the palace.


"Esteemed guests, how should I address all of you? And what business had brought you all to our Wakanda?"

The old king sat at his throne, with a young man and a woman stood besides him. The man should be in his twenties or thirties—it was difficult for Li Yue to determine the exact age of a black person!

However, the girl looked to be only about ten years old. Li Yue almost instantly understood that these two were the next king of Wakanda, T'Challa, and his genius sister, Shuri!

"My name is Li Yue, the current Sorcerer Supreme of Kamar-Taj! This is Tony Stark, the Iron Man that people speak of! And these two are Dr. Bruce Banner and Ms. Annie!"

Li Yue and the other sat down on the seats that had been provided for them below the throne. He didn't attempt to hide anything and honestly introduced the group to the old king one by one!

"Sorcerer Supreme? Mr. Li Yue, forgive me for being presumptuous, but isn't the current Sorcerer Supreme of Kamar-Taj called Master Ancient One? How did you…"

The old king stopped himself short, but everyone understood what he meant!

The old king noticed the necklace on Li Yue's neck. He felt somewhat familiar with it, and after some thinking, he finally recognized it as an item belonging to Master Ancient One from Kamar-Taj!

The old king obviously knew about Kamar-Taj. After all, he had communed many times with the previous Black Panthers, and even studied the teaching of the Goddess Bast!

Therefore, the old king had some understanding of the matter of the Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme of Kamar-Taj, who had lived for a few hundred years. When his subordinates informed him about someone who had appeared in Wakanda through the circle of light, he immediately expected it to be the work of a mage.

Li Yue had confirmed his suspicion, but he hadn't expected Li Yue to claim to be Sorcerer Supreme. He had no idea what was running inside this young man's head!

"It seems that the king was unaware of yesterday's events! Just yesterday, Master Ancient one had sacrificed her life to expel Dormammu, the lord of the Dark Dimension who had tried to invade Earth! Her sacrifice wasn't in vain, as she had succeeded in defeating Dormammu and prevented Dark Dimension from devouring Earth!

"We have her to thank for allowing us to talk in leisure right now! I had taken the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme after Master Ancient One passed away! This Eye of Agamotto, which she had personally gave to me, should prove my identity!"

Sensing distrust in the old king's tone, Li Yue picked up the Eye of Agamotto and showed it to the king while explaining the situation.

Li Yue didn't know where he should leave the Time Stone, so he simply wore it! After all, being on his body was the safest place on Earth!

"What did you say? Who is Dormammu? And what is the Dark Dimension? What the hell is going on?"

The old king had yet to respond to Li Yue's revelation, but the man beside him chimed in almost immediately. He barraged Li Yue with shocked and eager questions!

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