
Loki's Omen

The top floors of Stark Building, which had only been finished and operational not long ago, was dedicated as the headquarter of the Justice League by Tony! Right now, almost all of its members were present in the building!

They had rushed to the headquarter as fast as they could when Tony called them! Though, of course, neither Li Yue nor the Captain was present!

"Alright, almost all of our members are here! Li Yue said that we should settle this matter ourselves, so he won't be involved! And Nick Fury just had to summon the Captain, so he couldn't come either!

"Well, we're the ones left, so let's discuss our countermeasures!" Tony addressed the members of the Justice League in presence!

"Stark, what kind of emergency did you call us for?"

T'Challa asked in a mixture of confusion and surprise! This was the first year in two years of Justice League's existence that Stark had gathered them all for an emergency!

"According to the intelligence that Coulson brought, a person from Asgard had arrived on Earth and stole the Tesseract. He had also declared a war on Earth!

"He seems to be called 'Loki.' Thor, do you have anything to tell us?"

Tony didn't keep them in suspense and brought the matter forward immediately!

"Wait, what did you just say? Loki? He's still alive? That's impossible—my father and I clearly saw him fall into a blackhole with our own eyes! Could it be...Has he been lying to us all this time?"

Thor, who wasn't very interested in the meeting, suddenly stood up from the sofa and shouted in disbelief when he heard the name that Tony mentioned!

"Calm down, Thor!"

Tony patted Thor's back to calm him down and put him back to his seat, but Thor's face was still filled with disbelief!

"My parents would probably be so happy if I tell them this news! Though, they have Heimdallr by their side, so they probably heard it first!"

Thor felt a bit hurt from the deception, but he was happy from the bottom of his heart to discover that his brother was still alive!

"Cough, I don't want to be a downer, Thor, but the situation is dire. Your brother, who had just returned from death, had declared war against Earth! I need to know, which side would you stand on?"

Tony's tone became serious as he stared at Thor's elated expression!

"Of course, I am on Earth's side! Loki's actions do not represent Asgard's position. We have always been Midgard's ally!

"I think I can convince him against going to war with Earth! And I can bring him back to Asgard! Let me try it!"

Thor seemed to have thought about something as his face brightened. He stood up from the sofa and summoned the Stormbreaker in his hand. Without waiting for anyone's answer, he flew out with a flash of thunder from the Stark Building!


"Goddammit, why is he so impatient? I haven't finished talking!"

Tony cursed when Thor disappeared without waiting for his answer!

"Forget it, let's just forget about him and think about this problem while excluding him from the plan!

"Li Yue told me that the situation isn't as simple as Thor have thought! Loki wouldn't abandon his cause and cancel his war just because Thor told him to!

"It was up to us, the Justice League, to make our appearance into the world!"

Tony declared in high spirit to the remaining members!

The Justice League had been established for almost two years, yet nobody had ever heard of them! It was because they have never done large-scale operations yet.

Even the omniscient SHIELD hadn't gotten any definite intel about this incident yet, relying only on Nick Fury's speculation!

Tony felt that this incident would be pivotal moment for the Justice League and its position in public eyes!

"All members of Justice League, get ready to go!"


Tony and the others were riding a flying aircraft made by Tony, rushing towards SHIELD's helicarrier!

T'Challa cursed at Tony when he first saw the aircraft: it was almost identical as the flying devices from his home country, Wakanda!

"Stark, you rascal, could he have stolen all of Wakanda's technology?"

T'Challa was once again rendered speechless at Tony's shamelessness. He could just about forgive him for the shield technology, but this flying device technology was going too far! He didn't know what stolen technology he would see next!

This time, all the members of Justice League, except Li Yue, Thor and Captain America, were gathered here!

Even Danny Rand was here. He was freshly inducted to the Justice League a few months ago! In the end, he agreed to join the Justice League!

"You guys would have to gather on SHIELD's helicarrier. I'll go straight to Germany: SHIELD just gave me the latest intel, Loki was spotted there! The Captain was already dispatched, so I'm going to support him!"

Tony suddenly stood up from his seat and walked to the cabin door!

Tony tapped twice on his chest, summoning his nanoarmor to cover his entire body! He then jumped off the aircraft: his boot thrusters immediately ignited to send him flying straight to Germany!

"Jarvis, give me more juice!"

Tony had broken through the sonic barrier, but he still felt that it wasn't enough, so he told Jarvis to increase his output!

"Woohooo! Now THIS is flying!"

The nanomaterial armor responded to Tony's command and transformed a massive nozzle that instantly blasted intense flames.

Tony's speed more than doubled! He raced quickly to his destination!


Loki led Hawkeye and some of his subordinates to Germany. No one could stop Loki, so they quickly achieved the goal of acquiring the material that Dr. Selvig needed!

Loki wasn't in a hurry to finish his mission, however. He let Hawkeye leave to deliver the material to Dr. Selvig so they can open the portal!

Loki was prepared to even use himself as bait to distract the planet's primary combat force!

Sure enough, when he was ready to kill the old man that provoked him, a man in uniform threw a circular shield to stop him!

Captain America finally arrived!

"Mind your own business!"

Loki fiercely snarled. He raised his scepter, ready to fire at Captain America!


A flaming meteor suddenly rushed at him from the distance! It stopped in the sky above them!

"Natasha, long time no see. Did you miss me?"

Natasha suddenly found that all the audio system in her plane was hijacked by a loud music, with a playful voice speaking through it. She smiled helplessly!


A beam of light slammed on Loki, sending the God of Mischief flying! The pain in his face made him lay on the ground for quite a while!

Loki wasn't even pretending: he really was in pain! He didn't expect that this metal man would become so powerful just in two years!

Even with his divine physique, he didn't think that he could survive the fight!

Can I really go through with my plan? Through the pain, doubt grew in Loki's heart!


With a metallic impact, Tony landed in a heroic pose on the ground!

"Hey, reindeer, hurry up and surrender!

Four autonomous floating cannon suddenly appeared behind Tony. Just to be sure, he also raised his palm, slowly gathering light in all active cannons. The energy density made even Loki feel a chill in his spine!

He might not die from its full blast, but he would be severely wounded!

"What drug is this earthling on? How could he become so strong!"

Loki felt like an entire herd of alpacas were running around in his heart. He felt a bad premonition! He might have miscalculated something!

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