
Marvel: Omni-System

“So what can you do? What Kind of system are you?” -I can do anything, I don’t have limits “Then make me a god right now” -host is recommended to pay attention to his surroundings and where you are… “What do you mean?” Some time later… “I know what you meant now…” -I knew you would host…

Riley_Adam · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

3. Not So Sneaky



Kal was in shock. In a split second, he was mortally wounded. But from what?

Kal- "what… *Cough* happened…?!"

Kal tried to remember how he got into this situation.


Kal- "so system, can I see the shop?"

[yes host]










Kal- "why is the travel option locked?"

[hosts strength needs to reach a higher level. Host, please choose a power level indicator]

[power level]


Dragon ball(default)


Kal- "what's a power level indicator?"

[host, the "power level indicator" option lets you see the power level of yourself and everyone else. Default is Dragonball power scale. Meaning your "power level" at 100 is equal to a dab characters level at 100.]

Kal- "alright… I get that… let's go with the naruto power levels for now. I know I have a saiyan bloodline, but the numbers get too confusing."

[Affirmative host, power scaling changed]



Name: Kal Stein

Age: 3 years 1 month (MCU earth year 2004, September 11th)

Bloodline: Saiyan(mid)

Level: 5 (0.0%)

Power: low Genin


Kal- "how strong is iron man in the mark 3 suit?"

[Tong Stark while wearing the Iron man suit mk 3 is mid kage, while the hulk is a high kage. The sorcerer supreme at present is the most powerful being on earth, at the mid super kage level.]

Kal- "she's that powerful?!" He was surprised. "Hey system, can you open the random ability token that's in my inventory?"

[yes host]

Random ability


[Congratulations Host for receiving the *Divine* grade ability "bloodline assist"]

[Bloodline Assist]

Any bloodline that the host has, will slowly be passively upgraded and refined. It also has a small chance of mutation.

Kal- "wow that's actually great! Just how slow though? I mean, I shouldn't complain, just curious."

[There is no set time, for this abilty

Depends on your current strength. Check abilty tab to see assist speed]

Kal: "alright I will later, open status"



Name: Kal Stein

Age: 3 years 1 month (MCU earth year 2004, September 11th)

Bloodline: Saiyan(mid)

Abilities: 1

Level: 5 (0.35%)

Power: low Genin


since it's the 9/11 anniversary, Kals parents took him to a work dinner, they couldn't find a sitter. Kal was out with all the other children, though he ended up talking to the older kids. Being 12-14, the kids didn't like how the 3 year old was trying to be included with them.

Teen 1- "I think someone needs to learn how to use the potty before talking to us!"

Teen 2- "yea! How could this midget think it was okay ti come over here?!"

Kal was stunned for a second before realizing, this is how kids are. What did he expect?

Being so small and little, Kal was towered over by the teens, who looked at each other as if both were devils, working to kill the weak. He had power but didn't want to use it for fear of hurting people too much. He hasn't used his strength before. He has no idea how to control it.

Kal thought hard In the few moments he had and came to the decision to run. He realized he should be able to run, even without practicing his strength. So he ran, all the way home.

It took only a few minutes to travel tens of miles. He rushed into his room and waited until his mother came home, hoping she wouldn't stress too much when not being able to find him. He didn't want her to call the police. She just needed to coke home first.

What Kal didn't realize, was a few dozen of feet away from the teens at his parents work event, someone saw Kal disappear from his spot as if he had super speed. He brought his phone out immediately and dialed

?- "boss, yes it's me"

? Boss- "this better be important, last call was a bust and the one before that wasn't too special either!"

?- "boss I'm at an event, scouting as usual, when I hear kids yelling in the back. I normally don't care about kids but after glancing and seeing the kid who was getting bullied, disappear from his spot in an instant, I couldn't help but think. This wasn't simple vanishing. I think it might be a hyper running type"

? Boss- "send me your location. This sounds very sceptical agent. But if what you said was true… we might be looking at an 084"

?- "is it really that serious? What if the kid just trained a lot? Or is actually just a short man?"

? Boss- "are you telling me you saw wrong when seeing the teen disappear?

?- "n-no boss."

"? Boss" hung up

?- "goddamn Fury! Why do you make things so difficult? An 084?! Do you know how much paperwork I have to fill out now?!"

[flashback end]