
Marvel/MCU: Reverb

Cisco Ramon is the biggest wasteman in CW Flash. Getting rid of his abilities, just to design tech that mimics his former abilities to a far lesser degree and hardly works almost made me hate him as much as Iris...Almost. Anyway, this is a fanfic where the MC has the powers of a Viber plus more abilities centered around that powerset... He may or may not jump to DC and smack Cisco upside the head...maybe.

Otaku_Paradox · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Chapter 2

My home base was my haven, but also an information hub. Beneath the tranquil façade of an unassuming landscape lies the covert nerve center of a formidable crime-fighting organization. Once accessed via a concealed entrance camouflaged amidst the dense foliage of a remote forest, this hidden stronghold is a marvel of modern engineering, seamlessly blending into its natural surroundings to evade detection. Now only accessible via portal after it blocked the old entrance.

Stepping into the base, one is enveloped by the serenity of a sprawling atrium, adorned with verdant foliage and soothing water features. This lush oasis serves as the beating heart of the facility, its meticulously tended gardens providing sustenance and respite to those within. Utilizing advanced hydroponic systems and renewable energy sources such as solar panels and geothermal technology, the base operates self-sufficiently, independent of external resources.

Venturing further into the depths of the facility reveals a labyrinthine network of cutting-edge laboratories and command hubs, brimming with state-of-the-art equipment and technological marvels. Surveillance feeds from around the globe converge in a central monitoring station, where analysts meticulously sift through data in search of potential threats. Biometric scanners and encryption protocols safeguard sensitive areas, ensuring that only authorized personnel gain access to classified information. I mainly stick to my city but some crooks are going global.

At the core of the base lies the nerve center of my vigilante operations: a command hub equipped with holographic displays and interactive maps, facilitating precision coordination of missions and deployments. Here, I leverage advanced surveillance tools, from drones to satellites, to track and neutralize criminal activity in real time.

Yet amidst the rigors of breaking bones and crushing scum, I find respite in my recreational area, where cutting-edge gaming technology offers an escape from the demands of my... work. Immersive virtual reality simulations and state-of-the-art gaming consoles provide a welcome reprieve, allowing me to unwind and recharge before returning to the front lines of... justice.

As I'm seated in my command center... a dope name. I tried to recall how many events I have to deal with before the invasion.

I don't remember which comes next. Chronologically speaking the next series of events involve the heavy hitters of the future Avengers, the green berserker, and the thunder god. I currently tracking Bruce Banner who's in hiding in Rocinha, Brazil, where he works at a soft drink bottling factory and has learned breathing techniques and martial arts to ward off his transformations. He is trying to find a cure with the help of "Mr. Blue", whom he met online. Banner has not had an "incident" for 5 months. 

Mr. Blue whose real name is Doctor Samuel Sterns a cellular biologist and Grayburn College professor. In their last conversation, my systems picked up. Sterns suggested searching for a Corablanca flower, but when they failed to create a plausible antidote, Sterns asked Banner to send him a sample of his blood so he could engineer an antidote for him.

There has been no incident involving a resident of Milwaukee, Wisconsin getting gamma radion poisoning from a soft drink so I don't have to expect any trouble involving humanoid titans tearing each other apart all over the city. 

This brings me to the New Mexico desert, where I've had satellites in the area that I burrowed, scanning for aurora-borealis-type phenomena using a program I developed. I've also been keeping track of two physicists, Jane Foster and Erik Selvig, and Darcy Lewis, an intern who would be at the center of the events to come. 

As I was going through my meditation to further expand on my abilities as a Viber...the only Viber in the MCU and my contention to the energy of the multiverse. I get an alert from one of my drones in the Arctic Ocean. I created a dozen with one mission...FIND CAPTAIN AMERICA.

I opened my eyes and the violet-black energy around me subsided I got out of sayza, and approached the screen showing me an image of a shield with stars and stripes frozen in ice and data showing faint signs of life. I smile emerged on my face.

"There you are, Mr. Rogers. Raava please send the coordinates and images to S.H.I.E.L.D through a secure root then erase all traces. Then focus on finding the Twins"

"Understood Sir" responded a feminine voice from the monitor.

After that pulled up some plans I had on new armor and an incomplete map that only had a speck glowing. It was a map of the multiverse or it would be once completed for now it was a map of Earth. As for the suit. Based on the data it's collected or that Raava collected from the suit. I have designs for a new one. And hopefully, I can complete it before facing off against the DESTROYER or ABOMINATION. 

It's designed to better handle the vibrations my body lets off from the use of my powers as well as a much higher energy output from my gauntlets. I've only been able to use 5% on average which is enough to to send people and drones flying. The vibration also damages them internally. But against a stronger being, I need a suit that could handle more of my power. 

I was also tired of walking everywhere a man needs a ride. And I remembered this movie called Tron: Legacy that came out earlier this year was all the hype because of the concept. Personally, the movie was dope 8/10 but I want those bikes and I was making one of those bikes. I fell in love with the design for the second-generation light-cycle design that Flynn's father owned. The fight-gen was awesome and I will be making that eventually but the second-gen would be my first.

I'm already done designing it and adding the black and purple color scheme. I've finished creating most of the internal components, so hopefully, I'll be able to debut my baby soon. 

The next day my suit was 80% complete and my bike was 30% finished. I worked through the night since ideas just kept coming to me and I wanted to prioritize the best and implement them in my designs. 

I had Raava working on them currently while I practice a different aspect of my abilities, Vibrokinesis for Vibers is tailor-made for portal creation by breaching space-time, but it still retains the basic abilities to create, shape, move, control, interact, and manipulate vibrations.

Recently I've been training to channel vibration through the ground to cause mini-quakes. An easy concept, but controlling the output to minimize the damage to the area is the problem I'm having. 

Raava detected and foreign energy surge in New Mexico.

"Sir for energy surge detected, also a foreign object had landed in the area"

"Scan the energy, and copy the data"

"Yes Sir"

"Also divert all resources to the new suit and get it ready in 1 hour. I need to beat S.H.I.E.L.D to the crash site"

"Understood Sir"

Images of a beam of multicolored light showed up on the monitors and numbers with varied calculations, for powered output and equations for the replication of the process were dancing across the screen. An hour passed as I monitored the spot where Mjolnir crashed to see if S.H.I.E.L.D. would surprise me and get there first. 

"Sir the suit is finished"

"Good, focus on the light cycle. I'm heading out."

The new suit kept the same color scheme and of course my symbol. But the design went for a combination of speed flexibility and stealth. The suit was all black with the only other color being the purple accents, visor, and symbol. The model II was ready for its debut.


With the coordinates and live feed via satellite I memorized I made a breech to New Mexico near where Mjolnir landed. And there I was, my breech opened a few meters away from where it landed. Mjolnir, the legendary war hammer of Asgardian lore, stands as a testament to the craftsmanship of the Dwarves and the might of the Asgardian Royal Family. Enchanted with formidable powers, this awe-inspiring weapon was initially wielded by Odin, the Allfather, before it passed into the hands of his heirs.

I scanned the Norse runes that decorated the hammer and gave it many powerful and tricky enchantments to study later. I also scanned the hammer to get a read on the metal. Uru, the legendary metal hailing from the fiery depths of Nidavellir, stands as a testament to the craftsmanship and mystique of the Dwarven forges Its molecular structure is so tightly bound that conventional methods of melting and shaping prove futile; only the searing heat and cosmic energy of a star are capable of rendering it malleable.

I'd look into it more later and If I get my hands on some then I'd be able to make some awesome toys. With the readings collected, I prepared to head back to base, Raava had sent Images of S.H.I.E.L.D vehicles en route to this location.

But before I left I remember that every time the rainbow bridge is used it leaves markings. I didn't take long to find the area where Thor landed although the Asgardian was long gone. I took photos and scenes of the pattern-like markings burnt into the ground, before creating a breach and leaving.

Now back at the base, I pulled up the energy reading of the Bifrost Raava had collected. The Bifrost Bridge, often known simply as the Bifrost, stands as a marvel of dimensional energy, offering a conduit for instantaneous travel across the Nine Realms. Asgardians, masters of the mystical arts, harnessed its power through the Rainbow Bridge, enabling them to traverse the vast distances between realms and safeguard their domains.

Utilized primarily by the Asgardian royalty and their chosen guardians, the Bifrost served as a vital link between the realms, facilitating diplomacy, trade, and defense. With the command of the Rainbow Bridge, Asgardians could summon the Bifrost at will, opening portals to distant worlds and bridging the realms with a shimmering pathway of vibrant energy.

However, the Bifrost's power was not confined solely to the hands of the Asgardians. Through dark magic and ancient enchantments, others sought to wield its might for their own purposes, calling upon its energies to bend the fabric of reality to their will. This formidable force was also imbued within Stormbreaker, the mighty weapon forged to rival Mjølnir, granting its wielder the ability to access the bridge at any moment.

Yet, with its immense power came great risk. The dimensional energies coursing through the Bifrost were capable of catastrophic destruction if misused or unleashed without restraint. Legends spoke of its potential to obliterate entire planets with but a fraction of its boundless power, a testament to the unfathomable forces at play.

Despite its awe-inspiring capabilities, the use of the Bifrost was not without consequence. Each activation left behind a pattern-like marking, a visual echo of the immense energies channeled through its ethereal pathways. These markings served as a reminder of the bridge's transient nature, a fleeting bridge between realms in the vast tapestry of the cosmos.

On his journey to New Mexico, Coulson made a routine stop at a Roxxon service station, intending to refuel his car and grab a few snacks for the road ahead. Little did he know, this mundane pit stop would soon transform into a scene of unexpected heroism.

As Coulson entered the shop, he found himself in the midst of a harrowing situation. Two armed robbers had stormed in, brandishing shotguns and threatening the frightened clerk behind the counter. Quick to act, Coulson assessed the situation with a calm demeanor, his years of training and experience kicking into high gear.

Without hesitation, Coulson took decisive action. Feigning compliance, he passed his car keys to the robbers, all the while subtly revealing his own firearm. In a swift and calculated move, he disarmed the assailants, rendering them unconscious before they even had a chance to react.

With the threat neutralized, Coulson turned his attention back to the clerk, ensuring her safety and well-being. Despite the chaos that had unfolded mere moments ago, he maintained his composed demeanor, offering reassurance and support to the shaken employee.

As he proceeded to purchase his snacks and settle the bill, Coulson displayed an admirable sense of humility and selflessness. In a final act of kindness, he instructed the clerk to keep the change and to credit her with thwarting the would-be robbers, sparing her from any further distress or unwanted attention.

With the situation resolved and the perpetrators incapacitated, Coulson resumed his journey. Upon reaching the desolate expanse of the New Mexico desert, Coulson and his team stumbled upon a perplexing sight: a vast crater with an enigmatic hammer embedded at its epicenter. Recognizing the anomaly as a potential threat, they quickly designated it as a 0-8-4, a classification reserved for objects of unknown origin.

Despite the hammer's conspicuous presence and the curiosity it aroused among the locals, no one had succeeded in budging it from its resting place. Because they couldn't reach it. There was a blackish-purple barrier that surrounded the hammer. Whether that was to protect the hammer from them or to protect them from the hammer was unknown. Coulson and his team swiftly established a secure perimeter and a makeshift base of operations around the barrier that enclosed the crater, determined to unlock its secrets while ensuring the safety of all involved.

[Fury POV]

"Coulson status report," said Fury from the bride of the command center aboard the helicarrier. 

"The object is secured sir but we're unable to run any tests on it"

Fury raised a brow" And why is that?"

"Well sir see for yourself," said Phil as he named the camera at the forcefield-protected hammer."The barrier is just transparent enough for us to see what's inside, but nothing we try is allowing us to get through"

Fury narrowed his eyes at that.

"Tiger's been there," said a voice from behind him.

He turned towards the source and faced Widow"Tiger?"

"Reverb" she clarified"The energy he used has the same color and since I've seen him make barriers to block bullets, making one smaller to protect an object should be easy."

"And our mystery man still hasn't reached out to you yet"

"No bu-"

The display behind Fury changed and started ringing like a cell phone. Fury spun around eye narrowed before accepting the call. The display changed and a helmet with a half-an-inch wide visor appeared.

"Hey Red why do I have this feeling you're thinking about me," said Reverb 

Widow smirked playfully"Maybe I was, I've never been kept waiting before"

"Well a surprise now and then is good for you" he replied with a chuckle

"How cheeky Ti-"

"Sorry to break this up, but how do you have this number" asked Fury

Reverb leaned back and the image on the screen widened to show runes on screens dancing around the background getting decoded. He pressed his fingers together."How's the Captain doing?" 

Fury's eye widened." How the fuck do-, the info came from you" he finished with a tired exhale.

Reverb nearly shrugged.

"He fine should be waking up soon"


A few seconds of silence passed.

"You're a hard one to track down, you know that?"

"Well, I like to keep a low profile. Makes life more interesting."

Fury chuckled"Interesting is an understatement. Your dossier reads like a novel. Dismantle and capture of multiple gangs, murders, and robbers and now preventing the loss of life at the attack at Stark expo an event where minimal loss of life would be a godsend."

"I've had my fair share of adventures, that's for sure."

Fury's expression turned serious."But those adventures have led you here, to me. You see, I'm in the business of assembling a team. A team of extraordinary individuals who can handle the kind of threats that most people can't even comprehend."

"I have an idea, the Kree left a decent amount of evidence behind. His hammer landing here just cements the that we're not the biggest fish"

Fury was startled but didn't show it. How much did Reverb know? But he that could wait. He was more concerned about -."His hammer?"

"Hmm oh yeah, although I'm pretty sure your boy Phil has an idea or at least suspects its origins already"

Fury turned to the next screen showing Coulsin was still on call listening and probably trying to trace the call like his agents here were. And mostly likely also failing. 

"Coulson what do you think" asked Fury

"I think it's Norse in origins sir from what we could make out from some of the design of the hammer."

"Correct, well Agent Coulson as a reward." Reverb clicked his fingers and the barrier disappeared. Shocking the agents in the vicinity.

"Thanks, Tiger"

"Of course Red, It was mostly done to piss off a trickster anyway."

Fury cut in once again."Who's hammer is it and are they a threat?"

"You like interrupting don't you?" Reverb asked but Fury was not in the mood."Fine, It's Mjolnir the weapon of Thor the God of Thunder, and as for if he's a threat, Phil can ask him when he sees him. He's already in New Mexico."

Fury and Widow's eyes widened. So did Phil's.

"But in my opinion, he won't be the problem his brother will." Reverb took joy in dropping bombs. But he still had to prepare for the destroyer."I've research to do and toys to finish making, so I'll take my leave. Fury we'll talk about your initiative another time" Once again Fury's eyes widened.

"How the fuc-"

"As for you Red" 

Reverb helmet vanished from under the nose down and he blew her a kiss"Until next time"

"Well that was fun, now back to that Bifrost research"