
Marvel Live Fortune Telling

Lin Chen traveled to the world of Meiman and became a Taoist priest who fortune-telling live. A water friend: I just wanted to count marriage, but was sent to prison by the Taoist priest? ! “I just counted my career, but the Taoist priest gave me three green hats?!” it's a light novel and it's already complete

Amanda_Botelho_Fre · อื่นๆ
382 Chs

Chapter 204 I just finished Versailles, Batman is going to endure Superman's wake up gas?!

Steppenwolf splits for several times, and then rips off the emblem symbol on his body!

"Bastard Lin Chen, hate his wife, draw the sword and die! 99

Steppenwolf was full of anger and charged at Lin Chen with a giant axe.

Lin Chen pulled out the Heavenly Master Sword and shouted angrily, "Five Thunders!"

"Boom" The entire ventilation tower was covered with purple lightning, and many demons were struck by lightning, causing smoke to rise, and they died tragically.

Steppenwolf screamed and charged towards this side, obviously hating Lin Chen very deeply.

Lin Chen leaned on Diana, "Wife, someone wants to hit me! 99

Wonder Woman held up her shield and slammed a backhand shield, smashing the Steppenwolf and hitting the wall, causing countless dust.

"Oh, this girl is amazing!

"too strong"

"Heroic, so handsome"

The kidnapped researcher whispered.

Lin Chen smiled at several people, "Everyone, your wife is embarrassing!"

"Master, I thought we couldn't hear it, you are in Versailles!"

Some monsters surround Wonder Woman.

Steppenwolf was furious, "Amazons! Toasts don't eat or drink fines, she's mine, you all step back!"

Diana glared at him, "I don't belong to anyone!"


She heard Lin Chen's cold snort and said again, "Well, I'm a Taoist priest!

"I'll kill you two men and women!" 857 Steppenwolf was exiled for a few years, so he wanted to see his wife, and the couple who were always showing their affection, angered Mao Xiao!

"Sell!!" The two of you went back and forth with each other.

Lin Chen flew over, and the Ghost Valley sword technique slashed the Steppenwolf's face, blood flowing!

But Steppenwolf quickly recovered, and his Self-healing Ability was apparently strong too.

"It's useless for you to hurt me!" Steppenwolf laughed, killing Lin Chen.

"Really?" Lin Chen threw a talisman, and the flame dragon rushed out, biting the rushing wasteland wolf!

Yanlong temperature is very high!

The armor on the Steppenwolf was quickly burned red, he shouted loudly, grabbed a few demons and slammed into Yanlong.

He broke free a little, slashed at Yan Long with a few axe, and jumped abruptly, breaking away from the shackles of Yan Long.

"Roar Roar" Steppen Wolf gasped heavily, looking at Yan Long with lingering fears, almost being roasted into meat.

"This Taoist has a lot of perverted skills!"

Lin Chen turned his head and looked aside, Batman was pecking at a magic pot, and the two hit the corner from the railing!

"It's so hard to fight a soldier?! It's also pitiful." Lin Chen pointed, and the stones on the wall flew away, hitting the demon. (ahbi)

Batman got up from this crack, and he was also angry, "Let you see how powerful the banknote ability is!

"A'Fu, drive up the crab chariot for me."

Afu controlled the chariot remotely and started to climb along the wall.

Batman jumped into the car in one fell swoop, "It's my turn!

The "Dada Da" crab chariot was in full swing, and many demons were shot down!

"Beat you, how much will these bullets cost?" Lin Chen sighed.

Steppenwolf jumped, and the giant axe smashed into the crab's body, and the two fell towards the tunnel.

Lin Chen and Diana also flew down.

The Steppenwolf patted the dust on his body and came to kill again.

Diana slammed the wristbands with both hands, and the shock wave generated sent the Steppenwolf flying dozens of meters!

Steppenwolf got up very embarrassed, and Batman poured all kinds of small cannonballs at him again.

"Bang, bang!"

Steppenwolf caught the flying cannonball with his bare hands and was about to flinch.

"Roar!" Lin Chen summoned Yanlong to charge at him again.

"Damn it!" Steppenwolf threw the small cannonball, blasting the walls of the tunnel.

Immediately afterwards, a strong light fell from the sky, and the mother box summoned the Steppenwolf away!

Seawater rushed in from the cracked wall, and a huge amount of seawater was about to flood the tunnel.

"Get out of here quickly!"

Batman operated the crab chariot to climb up, Lin Chen vaguely saw a man with a pentadent, Aquaman came.

Aquaman roared, stuck the pentadent on the ground, and controlled the turbulent water!

Diana sighed, "Where is this guy from, he looks great"

Lin Chen shook his head, "You think too much!"

Three seconds later, the sea flooded the Aquaman and rushed towards it.

Diana..."Lin, take me away!

Lin Chen followed Diana and flew out!

They flew to the top of the tower and found a bright beam of light rising into the sky at Batman Manor.

"No, Steppenwolf is going there" Lin Chen hurriedly flew over!

When the two arrived at Wayne Manor, they found a big hole in the castle. Alfred and Miranda had nothing to do, but their faces were dull.

Miranda murmured, "I'm sorry, I was just curious and took the hook out of the box, and that's it..

She seemed very scared, and wanted to grab Lin Chen's hand, Diana took a step forward and blocked, "It's okay, maybe you don't get the rhyme from the box, it will also summon Steppenwolf.

Lin Chen said that it doesn't matter, even if Steppenwolf has three mother boxes, they can snatch them back and hide in the nuclear power plant thinking he doesn't know.

Not long after, Batman rushed back and was relieved to see that Miranda and Alfred were all right.

Miranda threw herself into Batman's arms again, expressing her fear.

Diana rolled her eyes.

Aquaman came in, "So, Steppenwolf already has a mother box? Where's the last mother box?"

"Bang!" Cyborg fell from the sky, holding a box that contained the last mother box.

Cyborg put the mother box on the table, "This mother box will not wake up, will not call Steppenwolf, as long as we keep moving it, it will not be found"

Lin Chen shook his head, "Two have already woken up, and the third won't stay asleep forever, it will be a matter of time to wake up.

"This tactic can only delay, not win."

The Flash asked, "Why can't we destroy it, for example, with the flame dragon of the Taoist priest?"

Cyborg shook his head, "The mother box is not afraid of fire, but instead absorbs the energy of fire, making it quicker to wake up."

Several people were a little helpless about the mother box.

Cyborg also introduced the role of the mother box to everyone. He was about to die, but his father used the mother box to save him.


Batman murmured, "Anyone can turn a house into ashes with a fire, but a mother box can turn ashes into a house?!"

He remembered a possibility and looked at Lin Chen, "Daoist? Is it possible..."

Lin Chen nodded, he could indeed resurrect Superman.

Batman's heart is cheered, he has always felt guilty about Superman's death, and felt that he was instigated by Luthor.

Everyone agreed to resurrect Superman.

Lin Chen felt compelled to remind him, "Bruce, Superman's getting up is a bit irritated, are you sure you can go next? To be thrown aside like a goose, that's light"

With tears in his eyes, Batman said firmly, "Even if he abused me a hundred times, I still treat him like... um, friend."

The people present, except for the women, were afraid to take a step back, this Batman was a bit scary,