
Marvel: Infinite Draws

Kyle finds himself in WWII looking at Captain America in front of him. He also sees a series of dense cards appearing in his face [Pistol Proficiency] [Boxing Proficiency] [True Vibranium Shield ] [Rare Super Soldier] Do you choose to draw? Wait, not only abilities but also any futuristic technology and superpower can be drawn? (This will slowly diverge from just a good Marvel translation. Over time interesting changes will occur.) Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

Liquid_Culture · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
65 Chs

Card Grouping



A couple of days after the mission's success, all soldiers were given a small three-day vacation for their efforts. The doctor was retrieved for questioning and Kyle was enjoying his time relaxing in a large Victorian-style bath.

It was late at night, in a personal base assigned only for the Colonel Officer who happens to be a Super Soldier.

After bathing, Kyle only wore a white towel, leaned his upper body back against the bed, and closed his eyes in a semi-sleeping position.

But, he is not thinking about things like counting sheep at a time like this, instead, he is entering the {Card Space} with his mind.

In the boundless white space, there was a big difference visibly compared to around two months ago.

All Cards were previously jumbled randomly together, the hurricane was endlessly rotating at the time without control.

After Kyle's finishing touches, the three types of Cards, namely Ability Cards, Item Cards, Domain Cards, and Bio Cards, are now divided into different sections which clumped into a spherical shape. It looked like three rainbow balls and one lone Domain Card.

However, behind Kyle was one more anomaly:

In addition to the four major Card categories, there are two other areas where Cards are gathering into rotating swirls.

The first category was the emergency Card swirl. That is to say, they are Cards that would need to be used directly in case of emergency, such as [Vicious Dog], [Space Energy Clip], [Dynamite Stick], [First Aid Medical Kit], [Great Hawk].

"There aren't Ability Cards in the emergency card area, because the Ability Cards are almost always passive, as long as it exists in the {Card Space}, I can always be using it. There is no need to manually draw them like Item Cards and Bio Cards." Kyle said while looking around with pride. He felt like a Pokémon trainer that was ready to take down a gym.

Domain is the only exception for Kyle, since it's like an item and ability for Kyle, and he only has one for now.

The second category was the material Card swirl. They were mostly some useless Item Cards that are being stored. It is the 'material' for his Sacrificial Extraction.

Kyle's mind projected himself closer to the material Card group.


After more than a month of plundering, most of the Cards were drawn from several fallen German bases and soldiers during missions. They were stored in the material section since most were almost useless for Kyle.

Looking at the swirling Cards, Kyle could see nearly a hundred Blue Item Cards and thousands of Green Item Cards densely packed while spiraling. This was a very rewarding sight.

'The material Cards that have been stored for so long are ready to be used. It's also time to cash in all my luck and good karma from saving people.' Kyle took a deep breath and thought back to his missions.

Many of Germany's energy factories have completely fallen, and without a way to obtain more, they were just timid soldiers that rarely used their strongest weapons. Since they refused to use too many resources, it just made the battle easier and the rewards sweeter.

Kyle knew the significance of saving, especially at this juncture, but using them was also just as important.

Kyle began to count the number of item cards in the material Card area using Unlimited Void and instantly came up with accurate figures.

Green Item Cards: 1020.

Blue Item Cards: 86.

'The number of consecutive draws for green is 102 times, and 8 for blue.' Kyle thought while scratching his chin.

"Let's start with the Green Item Cards." Kyle directly selected the 1020 Green Items Card, suspending them in the air and making them disappear with a wave of his hand.

'Start Sacrificial extraction!'

- 'You sacrificed [German-style helmet]× 26, [German combat uniforms]× 11, [Old-style sniper rifle]× 6 ... [Radar equipment]× 3, [Oil barrel]× 89, [High-explosion Grenade]× 22, [Anti-infantry missile]× 9...'

- 'The extraction is successful, congratulations on getting [Advanced Add Life]×11, [Flowing Waterfall Knife Technique], [Radio], [White Rabbit], [Tiger Shark], [Bronze Shield], [Advanced Languages], [Super Add Life]...'


It was disappointing for Kyle. All he saw was a smaller number of Green Cards, but the light of a single Blue Card made him not fall into depression.

'That was 102 consecutive draws! How dare they scam me! I got a blue card with a 1/6 chance last time! Are you telling me 0.98% is the same as 16%? Shit! These numbers are so unreliable alongside my luck!' Kyle thought with frustration while looking at the new Cards.

Moreover, most of the 100 new Cards were messy and useless for Kyle.

"Show me the [Advanced Add Life] and [Super Add Life]," Kyle said while looking at the incoming Card.

[Advanced Add Life]: Increase the user's natural lifespan by three years. Rare Green Ability Card.

- Data: Decelerates overall cellular aging by a marginal percentage to increase a natural lifespan.

[Super Add Life]: Increase the user's natural lifespan by one hundred years. Blue Ability Card.


Kyle saw the different Cards and thought to himself, 'The Green Card version is more effective than the white one, rising from three months to three years. The blue one is also greater than green.'

However, Kyle now had a Super Soldier and Mystical Devil's physique, the degree of aging and natural life has long been irrelevant to him. The additional lifespan would not affect his body.

"I'll put it away, maybe I can use it later on someone if it's necessary." Kyle retracted his thoughts and his eyes fell on the only Rare Rare Gard except the [Advanced Add Life].

[Flowing Waterfall Knife Technique]: Proficiency in the ancient Flowing Waterfall technique of the knife increases exponentially. Rare Green Ability Card.

"Although I doubt I'll need knives soon for something major, it's still nice to have." Kyle shrugged helplessly, after all, he did not pin his hopes on the Green Cards.

"The focus tonight is the eight draws using Blue Cards."

"Come on, I can't stand the anticipation." Kyle took a deep breath and suppressed his feelings. He slowly selected ten Blue Item Cards to test the waters.

Sacrifice, draw!

- 'You sacrificed [Leftover Tesseract Energy Storage]×10!'

- 'The extraction is successful, congratulations on getting the [Super Add Life]'


The moment of seeing the message, Kyle was tempted to go smash his head against a boulder.

[Super Add Life]: Increase the user's natural lifespan by one hundred years. Blue Ability Card.

"This rude bastard really wants me to live longer just to suffer more."

"One hundred years? So what? I don't age anyway!" Kyle was getting upset over his hard work giving useless results.

"I swear that if I get another additional life Card, I will give it to a cockroach!" In the cry of Kyle's voice, ten Blue Item Cards disappeared again.

- 'You sacrificed [Leftover Tesseract Energy Storage]×10!'

- 'The extraction is successful, congratulations on getting [Stark Submarine]'


Kyle looked a little happier since it was something that would save time and resources. Submarines were also useful.

Choosing not to stop, Kyle continues to draw cards.

- 'The extraction is successful, congratulations on getting [Mk 2 E.D.I.T.H. Glasses]'

Kyle was confused seeing this and decided to keep extracting.

- 'The extraction is successful, congratulations on getting [Infinite Helium Balloon]'

Speechlessness was the best word to describe Kyle. He chose to ignore it and move on.

- 'The extraction is successful, congratulations on getting [Leftover Tesseract Energy Storage]'

Kyle was speechless once more for a while. Before taking another shot, he prayed for luck.

"Jesus, Odin, Jade Emperor, Zeus, Buddha, Ebisu, Zarathustra, Nike, Gojo Satoru, All of Sealed Exodia, and Arceus..."

"...Help out this time I beg you! Lend me your strength!"

This time, he took the remaining thirty Cards to use all at once.

Kyle waved his hand and simply watched them disappear.

- 'You sacrificed [Leftover Tesseract Energy Storage]×30!'

"At least, give me a single good ability..."

Kyle's thoughts were chaotic, as the three new Cards gradually emerged into the {Card Space}.

One dark blue Card reflected a translucent light, another Card was a more sky blue color, and the final Card was a royal purple color. The glow of the Cards instantly caused Kyle to focus.

'- 'The extraction is successful, congratulations on getting [Radioactive Spider Box], [Ring of Lightning], [Super Add Life].'

"No way..."

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