
Marvel: I Have Homelanders Powers

Michael always thought that trolling Fortnite kids online would always be fine not like they can do anything about it. Unfortunately he crossed paths with the wrong being and now he has to pay for it… but is having Homelanders powers really that bad? Patreon Unknown_To_All Discord https://discord.gg/BhteYYud9s

Unknown_To_All · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs

Chapter 7 Settling In

Michael stepped into Margaret's School and lightly smiled at the familiar sound of noisy men with a light scent of gunpowder. Fisk Tower was nice and all but it was a little too fancy for his tastes so he very much preferred this.

Making his way through, heads turned, eyes widening at the sight of his new attire. Weasel, who was lounging behind the bar, immediately straightened up and broke into a grin.

"Wow, your meeting must have gone really well! Those are some nice clothes you got," Weasel said, pointing at Michael's new suit.

Michael chuckled, while acting like he was dusting his jacket. "These? They aren't from Kingpin. After the meeting, I went back to all the Italian hideouts and helped myself with a few things. Nice clothes, some money, the usual."

Weasel's eyes widened with interest. "Smart move. Never hurts to loot a bit. Next time you do something like that make sure to bring some guns back and I'll give you a pretty good deal."

Michael nodded but didn't really see that happening anytime soon. He already has a lot of cash and shouldn't need to do a job like that for a long while.

"So, how'd the meeting go? You get what you wanted?"

Michael nodded, taking a seat at the bar. "It went better than expected but I wanted to know if you could help me out with some stuff as well"

"Eh if it's something I can do I'll help, with a price of course"

"It's nothing too difficult, it's just that I have all this cash and need a place to put it. Finding a place to stay is also a must" Especially right now considering that he has all his cash in duffel bags on top of the roof along with a check from Kingpin in his pocket.

Usually when people asked for help from Weasel it almost always was something troublesome but this was actually pretty easy. 'Wade should learn to keep things simple like this guy' He thought before responding "Sure for the money I'd recommend an offshore account with either Swiss or Singapore banks. As for a place to stay, I happen to own some properties if you're interested"

Hearing that Weasel owned some properties was kind of a surprise but it made sense. He was literally the owner of this mercenary location and handles all the jobs that come through so he has to receive some sort of commission. Which also means that he needs a way to clean his money. Owning and renting houses is one of the ways to do so.

"I'm interested but don't offer me some run-down place"

"Who do you think I am? Here check these out and let me know what you think" Saying so Weasel rummaged in a file cabinet and showed him a couple of photos. All of them looked nice but some were clearly better than others. Especially one house that was four stories and had a relatively peaceful area which was rare for New York.

"I had a feeling you'd like that one. If you want it I'll even give you a good deal"

"How much of a good deal are we talking about?"

"Most houses in Harlem cost around 5-7 million but I'll pass you this one to you for 4.5 and a little favor"

Michael tensed lightly and focused on Weasel's next words. Favors were fickle things and could be troublesome in this universe.

"Haha hey, why the face it's nothing serious. Just be on the lookout for my friend Wade. If you see him or hear about him then let me know." Saying so he took out a small photo and passed over.

The image had a young good good-looking man with brown hair but something about him made you want to laugh and take him out to eat. While another part made you feel annoyed and gave you the urge to punch the guy.


"Alright consider it a deal"

Weasel instantly smiled hearing this, happy that he made some money on a property he'd been struggling to sell and also got another pair of eyes to look for his friend. Hopefully, Wade would turn up soon, or else he'd start selling some of Wade's things to cover some of the costs of his search. 'He wouldn't mind right it's for a good cause after all'




Several days passed, and in that time, Michael got his new ID from one of Kingpin's henchmen. Clearly, the giant criminal didn't want to see him so soon, and Michael didn't mind this, agreeing that their meetings should be kept to a bare minimum. His bank situation was also handled, giving him access to money. The only problem was cleaning it, but fortunately, Weasel offered to help with that as well.

This made Michael really wonder why Weasel had been so helpful, but in the end, he figured that it fit Weasel's character. Naturally, Weasel must've realized that Michael had some decent potential for the future and was trying to cash in on that. Not that Michael minded, help was always appreciated.

Walking into his new home Michael took in a deep breath enjoying his new start. "Now this is how a transmigration story should start. Not in some Hydra-infested base where you have to fight your way out" Michael said with a scoff hoping that the being who sent him here heard it.

Heading to his living room Michael jumped and landed perfectly on his couch before pulling out his new laptop. He'd been busy the last couple of days and had honestly put this off way longer than he should have but now was clearly the time to learn about this world.

"Time for the moment of truth… let's start off with the more pressing stuff first" With that said Michael began making searches and it wasn't long till his computer was filled with multiple tabs. Each one linking towards something he considers significant in this world.

"That bastard actually sent me somewhere really dangerous! Is this even the MCU?!" Michael shouted before tossing his laptop abruptly against the wall where it unfortunately broke. Luckily he's rich and has a couple of spares but still needlessly breaking stuff isn't a good habit.

X-men, Ghost Rider, Fantastic Four, and even rumors of immortals which were probably the eternals. They were all here meaning their villains were here as well and if that wasn't enough there were also some new countries he'd never heard of like some place called Madripoor. He didn't know if it was a good thing but if Marvel felt the need to add in a place that didn't exist then it obviously had some significance.

Sitting up Michael began rubbing his head roughly as if he were trying to rub away the future stress but all it did was cause friction and light a small fire that he quickly tapped away.

Michael had all of Homelander's powers and was strong, he knew this but against beings like Galactus, he was really nothing. However, things didn't need to stay this way…

Getting up Michael moved at super speed and gathered some papers and began jotting down some ideas. He may not have been the biggest Marvel fan but he wasn't exactly clueless. He still had some knowledge that could help him out but if he wanted to cash in on them he needed to be ready.

Michael's first big plan was to hire Ivan Vanco from the Iron Man Two movie for his arc reactor technology but with a quick search, he learned that well that guy was dead… "Sigh it's moments like these where I wished Marvel heroes spared their villains. At least with them alive I'd have a chance at exploiting them."

Leaning back Michael knew he was back to the drawing board and began thinking up some more plans. "I could get to Karma Taj but I don't even know where that is… Argh I wish I was a nerd that knew what random street the wizards lived on" Michael complained. Like literally how is it that every fanfiction protagonist immediately heads straight there as if they had the place ingrained in their memory?


"We'll finding Dr Strange isn't hard so if I try to kill him surely the ancient one will appear." However, he knew that this was a bad idea. That lady would surely protect him with her life and even if he pretended and wasn't serious it would still damage their relationship. Meaning if he wants magic he either has to find it or wait till the Dr goes in search of it on his own but this won't happen for a couple of years.

With another plan down the drain, Michael decided to retrace his steps and think about each movie one by one while listing their key points. It was during this that he realized he did miss one movie and from what he searched it had yet to happen.

Iron Man 3

In that movie, some guy named Killian had a weird obsession with Tony wanting to surpass and kill him. This seemed to be a common trope among his long list of enemies but that was beside the point. What really mattered here was the unique serum that was called Extremis.

It not only gave someone all the basic enhancements like most super soldier serums but it also added Pyrokenesis. If that wasn't impressive enough it even granted a pretty nice healing factor making growing limbs a piece of pie. The only problem it had was making the user a literal human bomb but it should be fixable.

"Besides, even if it isn't, who's to say that it needs to be fixed? Compound V has literally made me better in every way. So my cells might just be able to handle the heat without popping. Not that I'll actually risk that without proper research" This plan out of the ones he'd thought up actually seemed the most plausible and as such he set it up as his current goal.

The only thing was he didn't have the knowledge to research this nor did he have the proper tools. This was the same problem he had with researching Compound V. Meaning before anything he needed to get those things set up or at least get the funds for them.

"We'll work never killed anyone guess I'll go back and see if Weasel gots anything interesting tomorrow"




Deep within the confines of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury was currently reviewing some unique footage that had caught his attention. The images were grainy and vague, showing a young man with glowing red eyes. The quality wasn't the best, but it was enough to pique his interest. It all started a couple of days ago when one of his agents, while monitoring the Hand's activities, learned that an entire Mafia faction had been wiped out overnight.

Alarmed by this information, the agent took it upon himself to investigate further, thinking it might be linked to the Hand's movements. But as he started searching, he found almost nothing—no new bodies, no casings to track to guns. Everything was a dead end until he stumbled upon an old camera outside a liquor shop.

The footage was revealing, albeit not entirely clear. It showed someone dangerous operating in the area, and based on the glowing eyes, this person was potentially a mutant or something more. Fury leaned back in his chair, his one good eye narrowing as he contemplated the implications.

"Looks like we've got a new player in town," Fury muttered. "Get me everything we can find on this guy. I want to know who he is and what he wants. "

As the order was relayed, Fury's mind was already racing but this added obstacle only seemed to add more stress lines on his face. Things had been at a relative calm for a long time but when Tony decided to reveal his identity it felt like everything he'd worked for came crashing down.

Now there's a spike in Mutants appearing all over the world, random Aliens, Demons, Vampires, and even rumors of Gods. Not that he believes the last one.

Leaning back in his chair he released a sigh and wished things could go back to their simplicity but he had a feeling that his dream for a peaceful world wouldn't come. At least not in his lifetime.

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Unknown_To_Allcreators' thoughts