
Marvel: I can Steal Abilities

In the thrilling and epic tale of this story, we follow the extraordinary journey of Dante, an ordinary man who finds himself thrust into the marvelous world of Marvel. Set in a universe where technology has advanced beyond imagination, Dante's life takes an unprecedented turn when he becomes Spiderman along with the aid of a system which can steal and upgrade his abilities. Whether it is his Spiderman abilities or other skills such as coding and becoming a scientist, Dante has the power to slowly upgrade them all after gaining enough system points. [Ding! Congratulations on stealing a new ability, Please add stat points to increase its strength!] Miles is far older than he was in cannon Yes, this is harem (Best marvel girls only) Patreon.com/StarGate1 for +10 advanced chapters! Main character is portrayed as not being able to remember certain parts of the movies, so have some patience with certain events. it won't take long for him to leave this dimension and enter the real marvel dimension!

StarGate · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
26 Chs

17: Life Skills

"Oh shit, I need to go guys," Miles said as he held his phone with a sigh, before the others could react he had already begun running off.'

Shit, I need to ask for my web shooters while I'm here' Miles thought and stopped in his tracks.

"What's with the hurry, Gwen asked in confusion, Afterall they had to talk about a plan.

"It's just some family stuff" Miles sighed and walked towards Aunt May.

"Aunt May, I uhh, need your help, can we talk privately?" Miles said as he scratched his head.

"of course, come with me" Aunt May warmly smiled and led miles towards a few chairs in the underground area, away from the group of spider people.

"I was wondering, if you knew how to get those web shooter things, kind of like the ones Peter had to swing around the city and stuff," Miles asked as he pointed at Peter who was talking to the other Spider people.

"ahh, you want web shooters? that's easy, I have some right here" Aunt May laughed softly after seeing Miles's expression, but she soon pulled out a strange box from behind her and handed it to Miles.

"You are a smart kid, right? I'm sure you can figure out how to use it easily" Aunt May said as she stretched a hand to pat Miles's shoulder.

"Ah, thank you so much" Miles thanked her before bidding farewell to everyone else and then heading out of the underground chamber.

Before leaving he made sure to leave his contact information with the rest, in case anything came up that he needed to help with.


Seeing the sudden voice message from his dad, Miles sighed before playing the voice message.

"Hey Miles, your teacher told me you haven't been going to class lately. you better get back to class as fast as possible, I don't wanna hear any complaints" The voice message was short and simple.

"that's it?" Miles was expecting more than that, Afterall he had been absent from school for a while, which was strange, he was sure they would at least think he ran away or something.

"I just haven't been feeling good these past few days, but I'll start going to class soon" Miles replied calmly before turning off his phone.

Holding the strangely decorated wooden box, Miles immediately opened it and was greeted with what seemed to be two thick bracelets made of unfamiliar materials.

Miles held onto his web shooters with a large smile and immediately put them on both of his wrists.

but now came the hard part!

figuring out how to use them.

Miles didn't dare to attempt anything such as the "leap of faith" or anything reckless in that category.

Half an hour went by and Miles found himself standing atop a large company building in New York, looking at the vast city lights that illuminated the night sky, Miles' expression became serious as he released a cold breath of air.

With a raise of his hand in a flipped position, a white substance shot out of the web shooters tightened around his wrist.


it was a fast and subtle sound that came out.

Miles used his supernatural vision and immediately locked onto the area where his web had landed.

"This is pretty easy if I react fast enough," Miles said and raised his other hand, and just like before the spiderwebs shot out once more into the distance.

With a slight pull, Miles managed to launch himself in the distance as he swung past a large building.

"Wooo" Miles couldn't help but shout as the cold wind blew through his jacket and he continuously maneuvered around the city with his web slingers.

soon Miles became proficient in using his webs easily, coupled with his mastery over martial arts, he was able to easily and flexibly control his body and move into any position while flying in midair.

As Miles swung through the city, he got carried away and even managed to swing through to places like Hudson Valley.

"Are those Alchemax scientists?" Miles who sat calmly on the branch of a large tree in Hudson Valley stared into the distance at a group of three robed people as they made their way out of Alchemax and towards the parking lot.

"I wonder, how many points will I gain for defeating Alchemax workers" Although Miles was sure the points he gained would be almost Nil, as they weren't considered supervillains, it was worth the try.

"I'll have to beat them up fast for real" Miles thought as a sinister smile appeared on his face, he just felt like bullying these guys because they had chased him out of the building with high-tech laser guns.

it was understandable of course, After all, he was the one who infiltrated their territory.


Miles immediately shot out with his web slingers and swung past the large Alchemax building.

In mid-air, Miles stared coldly at the group of Alchemax scientists who had just left the building and raised his leg as he descended.

Holding back his strength slightly, Miles landed a kick toward one of the Scientists, sending them flying into the distance before crashing into a light post.

Miles didn't know if they were scientists or not, they could be coders or of any other profession, to be honest.

"What the fuck?" one of the Alchemax workers who had short blonde hair couldn't help but exclaim loudly as he saw a shadow creeping through the night before approaching him.

The scientist nearly shat himself right there.

In a couple of seconds, Miles had beaten all three of them into a pulp and left them unconscious due to the heavy attacks he landed on their bodies.

perhaps they would have to spend a few months or so in the hospital due to this.


Defeated a group of Alchemax workers.

+1 system point]

The familiar holographic screen of the system appeared immediately after Miles defeated them, but he couldn't help but become disappointed as he saw the amount of system points gained.

"Fuck, even donating clothes gives me more points" Miles shook his head helplessly and prepared to leave.

But before Miles could take more than 3 steps, another holographic screen appeared before him.


Multiple "Life-Skills" detected from the targets

- Hacker, Scientist, Engineer.

A random Life Skill Ability will be stolen from the targets (Chance of failure)]

Random Life Skill is chosen, Congratulations on gaining.....]


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