
Marvel: I am Sukuna

"If I want to eat, I eat. If I see an eyesore, I kill it. And if it entertains me, I throw it a bone." After a hopeless accident, Kai awakens his waited system alongside a revelation of his purpose in this new world. ===================== A/N: It has a gritty start alongside a mellow tuning of his character. Stick around to find out more! Join in my patreon for additional chapters! https://www.patreon.com/broskiii

Andrew_Basnet · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
42 Chs


But right before the debris could hit the ground, they all stopped in their tracks. Not just the debris but also the people within stopped in their rightful place, including Fisk and his goons. Kai noticed from the corner of his eyes the metallic cocoon Magneto had formed to shield himself and Rogue from falling to their death.

"Che..." Kai clicked his tongue in annoyance as he stared back at the X-Men jet that was flying overhead. Hovering just above the chaos, the iconic blackbird jet glinted in the light.

Descending from the jet, Professor Charles Xavier followed by Jean, with his powerful telekinesis, was the one holding everything in suspended animation. His eyes were closed in concentration, his mind reaching out to control the catastrophic scene below.

From the jet's ramp, Storm and Wolverine emerged. Storm's eyes crackled with electricity as she prepared to assist, while Wolverine flexed his claws, ready for a fight.

"Kai," Professor Xavier's voice echoed telepathically in Kai's mind. "This destruction must stop. You don't have to go down this path."

Kai sneered, unfazed by Xavier's words. "Stay out of this, wheelchair. This isn't your fight."

Before he could make another move, Storm summoned a powerful gust of wind, lifting the suspended debris and safely guiding it to the ground. Wolverine leaped from the jet, landing gracefully next to Kai alongside Cyclops.

"I don't know what you're up to, bub, but this ends now," Wolverine growled, his claws gleaming menacingly.

Kai chuckled darkly, "You think you can stop me? You're welcome to try."

As Wolverine lunged at him, Kai dodged with ease, his movements a blur. He countered with a series of rapid strikes, but Wolverine's adamantium skeleton absorbed the blows, and he retaliated with ferocity.

Meanwhile, Storm focused her powers on the remaining debris, ensuring it landed safely away from civilians. Magneto and Rogue emerged from their metallic cocoon, assessing the situation.

"Charles," Magneto's voice cut through the telepathic link. "This is not your battle. Leave now, and we can settle this ourselves."

Xavier's mental voice was firm. "I cannot let this continue. Too many lives are at stake."

Kai, still engaged with Wolverine, sensed the tension between the old friends turned adversaries. "Touching reunion," he taunted, "but I've got more pressing matters."

With a leap, Kai propelled himself away from Wolverine, as he threw heavy cleave attacks onto Wolverine, heavily pushing him back with enough force to knock him out and even deeply scratch his adamantium skeleton. With his attacks, he threw Wolverine with enough force to throw him out into the ocean

With his adamantium skeleton, Wolverine was already physically too heavy to swim, and now with the added factor of him being unconscious and injured he began sinking into the ocean. Kai smirked at the sight, turning his attention back to Magneto and Rogue.

"Shit..." Cyclops who couldn't participate in the fight between the two animals, decided to stay out for a minute keeping an eye but he didn't anticipate Kai to make such a move this quickly as he nodded at Jean next to him before heading towards the Jet to help Wolverine.

"Well, that was easier than expected," he sneered, his eyes glinting with malice.

Magneto's expression darkened. "You think this is a game? You're toying with forces you can't comprehend."

"Maybe," Kai shrugged, "but it's fun, isn't it?"

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck Kai, forcing him to jump back. Storm descended gracefully, her eyes glowing white with power.

"I won't let you harm anyone else," she declared, her voice carrying the weight of thunder.

Kai rolled his eyes. "Another one? Fine, let's dance."

Storm unleashed a barrage of lightning bolts, each one striking with pinpoint accuracy. Kai dodged and deflected the attacks with swift movements. The ground crackled and smoked where the lightning struck, creating a chaotic battlefield.

From the corner of his eye, Kai saw Magneto raising his hands, and suddenly, the metal debris around them started to levitate, forming a swirling vortex of sharp objects.

"End of the line," Magneto intoned, launching the metal storm toward Kai.

Kai's eyes narrowed as he focused his energy, preparing for the onslaught. The metal shards clashed against his barrier, some piercing through and grazing his skin. He gritted his teeth, pushing back with a powerful wave of cleave energy that scattered the metal debris.

"You'll have to do better than that!" Kai shouted, launching himself at Magneto with blinding speed.

Before he could reach him, Xavier interrupted his onslaught getting into his head and having his movement halt. 

"It's time for you to stop, Kai!" Xavier echoed firmly in Kai's mind, his psychic presence overwhelming. Kai's momentum faltered as he struggled against Xavier's mental hold.

"Get out of my head, you hypocritical piece of shit!" Kai snarled, but his movements were sluggish, the telepathic restraint weighing him down.

Seizing the opportunity, Storm intensified her assault, unleashing a torrent of wind and lightning heavily wounding him.

Magneto, seeing Kai's momentary vulnerability, raised his hands once more, the surrounding metal debris forming into massive, jagged spears. With a swift motion, he sent them hurtling toward Kai.

"Stop!" Xavier ordered as without his Helmet, even Magneto had no choice but to succumb to his control and let go of his attack. Magneto snorted at his powerlessness, knowing his endeavor had once again failed.

"Kai, you've gone far enough... taking this any further would be pointless." Xavier declared, his telepathic voice a stern command. Kai's body trembled under the weight of Xavier's mental control, but his eyes burned with defiance.

"Fuck... teaming up with a terrorist against someone stopping trying to stop him. I wish you could see the irony in this." Kai spat, straining against the psychic hold.

"Professor..." Jean voiced out her concern but Xavier shook his head,

"Get everything under control and prepare the jet," Xavier said out loud as the chaotic situation had finally come under control.

But just when everyone had finally begun letting their guard down, out of nowhere, the meek Rogue grabbed Xavier in a hold from behind draining his powers as Xavier collapsed, his psychic hold on Kai dissipating instantly.

"Ah!" Rogue screamed as her body was thrown away from the professor with Strom's power who rushed towards him.

The battlefield erupted into chaos once more. Kai, free from Xavier's control, took advantage of the momentary distraction. His eyes glinted with renewed malice as he focused his energy, preparing for another assault.

With a series of hand signs, he gleefully launched his attack, "Cleave!"

The deadly blade spread towards the mutants threatening to cut them down before they could move.

Jean immediately reacted, her powers surging as she attempted to create a barrier around Xavier, Magneto, and Storm to protect them from further harm barely enough to hold out on the wave of his attacks, shattering the barrier from a single attack.