
Marvel: Freelancer (A MCU/Dragon Ball Story)

Kai, a Saiyan raised on Earth and well known assassin going by the name, Freelancer. while going around his normal Nomad like life, he encounters Nick Fury with a proposal to join a group of remarkable people called, the Avengers.

KingRenetti · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs

The Freelancer

The whistling of wind and sounds of swaying clothing fills an empty void of silence. Floating in the middle of the sky is Kai with his arms crossed and eyes closed. His clothes were swaying in the wind that was flowing around him. The cold sensation of the wind covers him like a blanket. The faint whistling of the wind around him gives a sense of serenity.

On the side of his head was a Scouter. He's had the device ever since he was little. He's used it and upgraded it so that it may serve better purposes for his time here on the planet. Even though he was raised in this world, he knows what he is but not where he came from. All he remembers is waking up in a Saiyan Pod that was breaking through earth's atmosphere with the Scouter he's using and a pair of Saiyan Armor. Armor that he doesn't wear.

He'd stick out like sore thumb if he did. Even though he was curious to know more about what the Saiyan's were. He couldn't find out more than that's what he is. The Pod had a small audio recording, but it was staticky so he could barely make it out. It was cut off as his pod had crashed landed onto Earth. All he learned from it is that he was a Saiyan. He was 4 at the time.

How he got his name Kai was from a Human family who took him in. The humans who raised him came up with the name Kai, something about "Protecting him" and what not. He didn't care to be honest. He hasn't seen them in 5 years. He did wonder why he didn't just adopt his caretakers' surname. Something about the family not adopting him fully.

The humans who raised him never legally adopted him. That, and Kai would refuse any other Earth names given. But Kai. He liked it. He also didn't want to be associated with the humans he had just met. He had been with the family for years, so he did warm up to them a little bit. He's a bit more open around the family and it gives him a sense of humanity.

Now, he remembers that he was 13 when he left to become the well-known Assassin known as, Freelancer.

He was currently doing a Job for an anonymous client. Not that he minds, they're paying him a fuck tone of cash. 5.7 million dollars to just kill one person. That's a steal in his eyes, and an easy ass job for some hard cash. Although, he traditionally went for jobs under 100,000 since he is always on the move. He's never bothered to buy a house or stuff like that. He's a Nomad and nothing has stopped him so far.

Although, he can't waver a hint of suspicion on the client. It was anonymous but he recognized the voice of the person. Although he isn't too sure. He hasn't really been around people he's known in years. He needs to see their face or have talked to them on a regular basis to remember them. That or hear something familiar that only that person would know.

Regardless, he has a job to do. He hears beeping coming from his Scouter, so he opens his eyes and unfolds his arms from over his chest, bringing his left hand up to the side of his Scouter. He tracks something and looks in its direction. On the small screen of the Scouter, it shows a 3D image of a Private Jet.

"Right on time." He said with a neutral tone.

He moved his left hand from the Scouter and aimed his hand in the jet's direction. He then charged up a Ki Blast in his hand. He fires the Ki Blast and in no short amount of time, the blast collides with the jet causing it to explode into a flaming wreckage. What's left of the broken jet falls to the ground. Kai continued to watch it plumet to the ground below. Once he sees it hit the ground, he looks away before blasting off, leaving the area very quickly.

Just a few minutes later, Kai's Scouter goes off. His eyes shift to the screen. He's being called. He pushes a button on the side of his Scouter while flying. The caller is anonymous. His client.

"Is it done?" asks the Client.

"Target has been neutralized. Private Jet he was using has been scuttled and destroyed. No one will be able to tell how it happened." Kai said in a neutral tone.

"Good. Now, if you want your payment. Meet me at these coordinates." the new location pings on the screen. "Wish I could do this more officially, but this requires immense secrecy." they said.

"Roger that. Be there soon." says the Saiyan, ending the call.

He picked up speed and sped off. However, he failed to notice the drone watching him from afar.


A in the middle of a barren desert, three cars colored all black are parked. Leaning on the hood of one car was a man in a black suit and tie. He looked at his watch as other men, Armed, guard the area. He hears something and looks up to see something approaching. that something abruptly stopped just above them causing a huge gust of wind to blow out onto the ground and the gust of wind blows past the men like a shockwave. The Man covered his eyes.

He looks up and sees Kai hovering. Kai descends fully and lands on the ground in front of him.

"I take it you're the Client?" he asks with a neutral tone.

"I am. That was.... an entrance." the Client comments.

"The payment?" Kai asks, keeping a neutral tone.

Client scoffs humorously.

"Straight to the point. My boss told me that's how you usually work." he said, a humored smile on his face.

Kai narrows his eyes and flares up his aura. The men around aimed weapons at the Saiyan who looks around. He can take them all on without trouble. Not the first time he's had to kill a client. Sometimes out of annoyance, or the Client's own idiocy. He hears a car door slam shut.

"Hold your fire! Hold your fire! He's not the enemy." a familiar voice said.

Kai turned around and saw a familiar man with an eye patch.


"Freelancer. Been a while." Nick said.

This is Nick Fury, Director of Shield. While Kai remained with the Human family who raised him, he had met Nick a couple of times prior to becoming Freelancer. A group called SHIELD had detected his pod entering the atmosphere with satellites and feared invasion. They tracked the pod to Wakanda. Since then, Nick has kept tabs on Kai. Even when he became an Assassin.

"What do you want?" Kai asks, dropping the aura and assuming a neutral tone.

He figures it's about a job or something. After all, he was hired to dig some WW2 era plane out of the ice in the Arctic.

"Somethings have come up. You remember the Avengers Initiative, right?" Director Fury asks with his hands on his hips.

Kai looked at him unimpressed.

"I'm not joining your team." he said, sternly.

"At least give it consideration. The world needs Heroes." Fury said.

"I'm no hero."

"You can become one." Nick retorts casually.

"I could, but how long till I become the Villain?" asks the Saiyan.

Nick just stares at him. He knows that Kai hates the Governments of the world for their need for Control. Kai refuses to be controlled by the world. But Nick knows that Kai will do what he needs to do, if the world calls for it. He knows that the Saiyan secretly has a sense of Justice that he rarely shows. Being Freelancer, he also tends to do stuff without a job or money involved and acts as a vigilante.

The Freelancer is a name feared by a lot of people.

"Kai …... you may be young, but you know more about what's going on than anyone else on the planet." Nick said, a hint of worry in his voice.

"Well, I said to keep the Tesseract on a tight leash. And you are. So, keep following my advice." Kai said.

"Your advice isn't enough Kai. Ever since the Asgardians came, things have gotten more and more confusing, and this world just got a whole lot harder to protect. We need you... I need you." he said, desperation lacing his tone ever so faintly.

"Like I said, you don't need me. I already know you have a whole catalog on people to join the team. So, find them, and put em together." Kai said.

Nick sighs through his nose and looks down at his feet. Kai turns around and was about to Flee, but he saw a certain someone sitting on the hood of the car that was in front of him. Natasha. She had an unimpressed expression, and Kai didn't like it.



Kai looked over his shoulder at Nick.

"If you brought her to convince me then you really suck at persuasion when it comes to me." he said, unimpressed.

"Will you at least think about it?" Fury asks.

Kai looks at him neutrally. The Saiyan knows that Nick is sincere about this offer and usually doesn't go to Kai for the fuck of it. He only goes to the Saiyan if he's exhausted of all other resources. It's why they've barely spoken a lot over the years. He's Nick's fall back or trump card. Kai has a hint of consideration in his eyes before blasting off into the sky. Nick watched him off as did Natasha. Natasha looks at Nick.

"So, what now?" she inquires.

"We wait." he said, still looking up in the direction Kai left in.

"Why?" she asks, unknowledgeable of his plan.

"I made a call." he claims, looking at her.

He then turns and walks to one of the cars.


Kai was sitting on a cliff edge with his legs and arms crossed. His eyes were closed as he just listened to the world around him. A large valley sat in front of him, flourishing with life. The large, majestic forest around him gave an aura of serenity. He's been here multiple times. He comes here to either clear his mind or just be alone.

He then senses someone landing behind him. He opened his eyes and looked over his shoulder to see a familiar Namekian.

"Piccolo." he said neutrally.

"Figured I'd find you here." Piccolo said with a slight smile.

"What do you want? Here to mediate as well?" The Saiyan asks.

Piccolo chuckles softly as he walked over. He sits down next to Kai, crossing his legs and arms.

"You could say that." he said, closing his eyes.

Kai huffs in amusement. Kai looks forward before closing his eyes. The two have known each other for many years. When Kai left the care of his Human caretakers, he ran into Piccolo who sought him out under the orders of Kami. Piccolo had trained Kai over the years as had Kami. Piccolo is his master, the one who trained him and practically took care of him for the years he's been gone from his last home under the human's watch. The two of them have a strong bond as Master and Student. Kami was also like a mentor to the Saiyan while growing up. He learned about the Dragon Balls as Kami keeps them on the Lookout.

"how's Kami?" Kai asks.

"How do you think? Old bastard stays in the Lookout keeping his eye on the Dragon Balls so no one can get their hands on them." replies Piccolo.

"Still amazes me how no one knew about them." he said.

"Heh, guess humanity tends to be oblivious to things. Especially the Dragon Balls." jokes the Namekian.

Kai smiled a little at Piccolo's statement. Piccolo opens his eyes and looked at Kai.

"Thinking about going back?" he asks.

"Hm?" Kai opened his eyes and looked at him.

"To Wakanda? Thinking about going back there?" Piccolo asks.

Kai just silently gazed at him. He shifts his gaze to the large valley in front of him.

"Not like they'll want me."

"What makes you say that?" he asks.

"Wakanda wants nothing to do with the nations of the world. Let me remind you, I'm not even Human. I'm a Saiyan. I don't belong on this planet." Kai explains.

"So, you assume they won't accept you back? You've been with them for what? 11 years? If they didn't want you, I'm pretty sure they would have kicked you out before then." he said.

Kai rolls his eyes a little.

"Besides, didn't T'Chaka find you in that pod? I'm pretty sure you told me that." he said.

Kai was quiet for a bit.

".... when my pod crashed in the outskirts of Wakanda. It didn't take the Wakandans long to find the pod. When they did, the guards opened it to see me inside." he said as he unwraps his tail from his waist. Letting it sway around. "King T'Chaka was with them and saw me. I still remember that a lot of the Wakandans didn't appreciate me being there. But T'Chaka was persistent and kept me around. Over the years, I did warm up to the man. He became the only thing I had that was close to a Father. It's thanks to him that I'm even out here."

"So why did you leave?" Piccolo beckons.

"I left.... because I knew I didn't belong. I left and went into the world. Made a name for myself. I became, Freelancer to find my place in this world. But yet, I still don't know where I belong." he said, conflicted.

Piccolo kept a gentle gaze on the Saiyan. He soon places his hand on the Saiyan's shoulder in a comforting gesture.

"Me and Kami suffered the same fate. Not knowing where we belong. Me and him are far from our home. Yet, we managed to find ourselves in this world. We became its guardians and protectors. Kami created the Dragon Ball's, and I became his Bodyguard in a sense. You just need to keep searching and you'll one day find out where you belong. But know that you have a place at the Lookout kid." Piccolo said, patting Kai's back.

Kai smiles a little.

"Thanks Piccolo."

Piccolo smiled a bit.

"No problem kid." he said. "Oh, before I forget. Kami told me about your talk with Fury."

"He watched the whole thing, didn't he?" Kai asks stoically.

"it's Kami. Of course, he did."

Kai motions his head in a "knew it" kind of way.

"You sure you don't want to join this Avengers Initiative?" Asks the Namekian.

"Why should I?" he asks.

"Well, you could figure out where you belong in the world. You could figure out more about yourself like how me and Kami did." Piccolo said.

Kai just looked at him. He then looked down with a thoughtful expression.

if you do end up joining. At least go back to Wakanda. I'm sure T'Chaka is worried sick." Piccolo said, standing up.

Kai looked up at him. Piccolo turned around.

"Well, see you later." he said before blasting off into the sky.

Now Kai was left to his thoughts. He looks out to the valley he visits all the time. His gaze is kept for a good few hours. He then stands up before he blasts off into the sky.


Nick walks into his office and shuts the door behind him. He was about to walk to his desk but stopped when he saw Kai leaning on the wall near his desk with his eyes closed. He opened his eyes and looked right at Nick.

"I'm in."

Nick smiles a little.

"Good to hear." he said before walking over to the Saiyan.

He holds his hand out.

Welcome aboard." he said.

Kai got off the wall and grabbed his hand and shook it. This was just the beginning.