

Chapter 21: The Good Insurance Company

"Goodbye, Dad."

"...Come back early."

After Gwen arrived and George and Kate confirmed the timeline, they walked towards the door just as George and Gwen stepped out of the elevator and ran into each other.

George cleared his throat and, in a fatherly tone, asked Gwen, "Young lady, do you know what time curfew is at our house?"

Gwen smiled, relieved to avoid the topic, and the elevator doors closed behind them.

Once they were alone, Gwen turned to Locke at the door, curious. "Why did my dad come here? Did he get demoted, and now he's not in charge of stolen vehicles?"

Locke chuckled. "Maybe Mr. Stacy saw the car I lost and came to take a look."

Gwen nodded in agreement. "That makes sense."

For an ordinary car theft case in New York City, where countless cars were reported stolen daily, the odds of recovery were slim. However, when a sheriff personally intervened, it significantly increased the chances of recovery.

As Gwen thought about this, she felt grateful to her father for his assistance.

Locke invited Gwen inside, then checked the fridge. "I only have drinks here, do you want anything?"

Gwen waved her hand. "I just came to check on things. What about your car? Will the insurance company cover it?"

Locke shook his head. "I don't know. I called my insurance agent last night, but it seems he doesn't want to talk to me."

True enough, the insurer who sold Locke the policy was likely facing a stressful situation. Less than ten hours after Locke purchased the car, it was wrecked in a dramatic incident captured live during the sensational Fast and Furious event in New York. Despite the insurance company quickly processing the claim due to involvement with a sheriff, they were undoubtedly feeling the financial strain.

Listening to Locke's account, Gwen couldn't help imagining the insurer sobbing uncontrollably in a bathroom somewhere. She quickly apologized for her amusement.

"It's okay," Locke reassured her with a grin. "I couldn't help but find it amusing."

Gwen chuckled, her expression a mix of humor and sympathy for the unfortunate insurer.

However, their amusement was interrupted when they heard the doorbell ring.

Locke and Gwen headed downstairs together, where they were surprised to find a brand new silver Audi R8 parked at the curb.

Locke raised an eyebrow. "What's going on?"

Gwen was equally puzzled. "Um...?"

Locke frowned slightly, then glanced at Gwen. "I think I have an idea."

Gwen nodded, piecing together the situation. "So, you're in the clear?"

Locke nodded back. "Seems like it."

Clearly, while Locke saw the situation as a personal financial loss, the insurance company saw it as an opportunity. The insurer had swiftly replaced the destroyed Audi R8, seizing the chance to capitalize on the publicity generated by the dramatic events of the previous day.

Locke shook his head with a smirk. "It's not a total loss. Besides, I'm not adverse to a bit of fame. If they want to slap my name on it and use it for publicity, why not let them? It could bring in some extra cash."

Gwen nodded in agreement. "Makes sense."

Later that afternoon, Locke and Gwen were back inside discussing their weekend plans when the doorbell rang again.

Locke answered it and found two officers standing there, looking serious.

"What's going on?" Locke asked cautiously.

The officers exchanged glances before one of them spoke up. "Mr. Broughton, we're here to inform you that your stolen car has been recovered. It's currently in the police impound lot."

Locke raised an eyebrow. "Already?"

The officers nodded. "Yes, and there's also been a development regarding the incident. We need you to come down to the station with us to discuss it."

Locke glanced at Gwen, who looked equally puzzled.

"I'll come with you," Gwen offered immediately.

Locke nodded gratefully. "Thanks, Gwen."

Together, they followed the officers downstairs and headed to the police station.


At the station, Locke and Gwen sat across from Captain George Stacy and Detective Kate Beckett. George cleared his throat and began, "Mr. Broughton, Miss Stacy, we've recovered your car, but we've also identified the individuals involved in the incident. It turns out they were using your stolen vehicle as part of a larger criminal operation."

Gwen looked at Locke, who listened intently.

George continued, "This isn't just a car theft case anymore. It's connected to organized crime. We need your cooperation to provide any additional information you might have."

Locke nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Of course, Sheriff. I'll help in any way I can."

Gwen squeezed Locke's hand reassuringly. She knew that despite the initial shock of the events, her friend would handle it with the same resilience he had shown in every challenge they'd faced together.

As they left the station that evening, Locke felt a sense of relief that his car had been recovered. Yet, he also knew that this was just the beginning of a much larger story unfolding in the shadows of New York City.