
Chapter 46

Chapter 46 Never Forgive, Burn Life

Chapter 35

In the laboratory,

Max has already left to occupy the power grid.

After being forced to inject the serum, Harry felt a burning sensation deep in his veins, as if the blood all over his body was boiling, and green poison was spreading under his skin in a network-like pattern.

But he couldn't care about that much anymore. He looked aside and shouted:

"Felicia! Felicia!"

Felicia was also forced by Max to inject the black cat serum, but she seemed Not so lucky.

The black cat serum was far from ready for human experimentation. After the injection, Felicia quickly fell into a coma, and her breathing became increasingly shallow.

This wasn't good news, but Harry couldn't save himself now.

He endured the pain, took out his mobile phone and made a call, but the phone rang and the person on the other end did not answer.

"Damn it!"

Harry had no choice but to turn off the phone. After searching for a while, he finally found another phone number.

Didi, didi, didi, didi, didi…

This time he was connected quickly. Harry shouted quickly: "Gwen! Peter, where is Peter!"

"What Peter? Harry, you don't sound well…"

"Never mind this, listen!" Harry interrupted:

"Electric Man has been staying with me since he escaped, but…I have been under surveillance and cannot deliver the message." "

Peter…he wants to kill Peter! Tell Peter quickly and hide! Don't let him find him!"

That's right ! , he never turned to Max.

Perhaps when he heard that Max was preparing to deal with Superman, Harry was a little shaken and moved.

But he had never agreed with Max's idea of wreaking havoc.

No matter how crazy he is, he has never thought of killing innocent people wantonly. Rather than hating Black Superman, he hates Green Goblin even more.

It's just that at that time, the man was a knife and a servant, and I was the fish and meat, so he had to compromise.

Now, Max is finally gone. Although it's too late, he has to do something after all,

especially remind Peter to leave quickly!

"What!?" Gwen's surprised voice came from the other end of the phone.

Harry continued: "Electric Man knew about the relationship between Spider-Woman and Peter, and he went crazy!

He has now gone to Osborn's power grid system, and he is preparing to occupy it and cut off the power to all New York… Wait, Gwen , are you listening? Damn it!"

The phone on the other side seemed to hit something, and there was no response. Harry had no choice but to put down the phone.

His physical condition was not good, and the spider poison had spread to his neck. If this continued, he would definitely die.

In desperation, he turned his attention to the biological armor on the other side…

"Green Goblin…"

On the other side,

after hearing Harry's words, Gwen was so shocked that she even dropped her phone to the ground.

She was extremely panicked.

The most feared thing happened. Because of her, Peter was still implicated and suffered dangers far beyond his capabilities.

These days, she has been hesitating and struggling, and now that something happened, she blamed herself even more.

It must be stopped!

Gwen rushed out quickly, ran to the opposite door, and slapped the door of Peter's house with her hand.

"What's wrong, Gwen?" Aunt May opened the door and saw Gwen's anxious face, and asked quickly: "What happened?"

"Peter! Aunt May, is Peter at home?"

"No. He just went out. …"

(Go to read the novel on the site: Novels Knights)

"Oh no."

"What's wrong? Gwen…" Before Aunt Mei could finish her words, Gwen had disappeared.

At this moment, Gwen, who had put on the vibranium spider suit, ran out in a hurry before even having time to experience the functions of the new suit.

She walked through the streets and alleys, searching the area, but she could not find Peter alone, and she became more and more anxious.

At this moment, all the lights on the streets and in the tall buildings suddenly disappeared, and the whole city fell into darkness.

Of course, a sudden power outage brings more than just darkness.

Without power, the transportation system became a mess. In just ten seconds, countless car accidents occurred.

In addition, hospitals, factories, remote communications, everything requires electricity. The prosperity of the entire modern city is based on electricity.

Now, they have all collapsed.

The whole of New York was in chaos.

"The infrared function has been turned on." A voice suddenly came from inside the suit.

Gwen stopped, and the infrared scan of the suit's belt allowed her to see everything below clearly.

There were fires everywhere, cars honking, people shouting curses, quarreling, and wailing, it was like purgatory on earth.

This time, the scale of destruction caused by the Green Goblin and the Lizardmen was much greater.

"All of this…" She looked towards the distance, where the Osborn power grid was,

"Max… will never forgive."

Stark's mansion.

"Sir, my surveillance found that it seems to be a monster who had a conflict with the military. He suddenly appeared in Harlem." Jarvis reported.

Tony sat in front of the sofa with a sullen face, "No… wait a minute."

Sure enough, not long after, the entire New York fell into a blackout. To cause this effect, the power grid could only cut off New York's power supply system. arrive.

But the arrival of the blackout made Tony relieved.

"Sir, as you expected, do you want to start the plan now?" Jarvis asked.

"Start it," Tony said.

"I have to remind you again, this will directly cost you tens of billions of dollars."

"So what? If I were still the tens of billions of people I used to be, I might feel distressed, but… I am now a billionaire. Rich! Jarvis."

"…I thought you would say you were Iron Man." Even Jarvis couldn't help complaining. He said:

"The power supply network we have laid out in advance will be very Quickly take over New York's power supply system."

"Okay, now it's time for Iron Man to appear." Tony stood up and walked to a brand new model of steel armor.

After the last inspiration, he fully upgraded the armor.

He now has stronger firepower, stronger resistance to electricity, and a higher charge limit. At the same time… the palladium pollution is also more serious.

Of course, the most epoch-making thing is that he finally doesn't need the help of mechanical arms to put on and take off the armor.

As soon as Tony raised his hands, the suit automatically opened and enveloped him.

"Sir, you are burning your life." Jarvis said inside the steel armor.

"But, I am Iron Man!"

The steel armor soared into the sky, streaking across the dark night sky like a shooting star.


With the abomination wreaking havoc, Banner finally couldn't sit still. He jumped from the captured helicopter and awakened the Hulk with death and pain.

The two big green guys started fighting in the streets of New York, and it gradually reached a climax.

The basic attributes of hatred born from the super soldier serum and the blood of the Hulk are undoubtedly superior to the Hulk, and the Hulk was beaten back and forth.

Betty, Banner's girlfriend, watched with worry, praying hard for Hulk,

"God, save him…"

In the air, a dark figure was floating slowly, and

the black Superman looked down at the two monsters fighting from above. , the cloak behind him was blown by the strong wind.