
Marvel's Shinobi

Jason, a hot blooded young man who was fortunate enough to stumble upon a second chance at life. Living as someone he dreamed of, a Shinobi! "Haha, Fire ability? Take my Majestic Flame Destroyer! " "Oh please, Psychic? Taste my Tsukuyomi!! " "Heh, Big muscles you got there. Try my Taijutsu, Inner Gates!!"

DreAm_b0At · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
42 Chs

7. Shadow Clone!

Devils Lair.

This place was now completely sealed off by the police. Tapes with police written on it were plastered at the entrance.

Three men now stood infront of it. All three of them wore casual clothes and looked like any other normal New Yorker.

One among them stepped forward and tore off the police tapes and opened the doors. All three of them entered.

Though the bodies were removed two days ago the place still had a bloody stench to it. But this didn't bother the three visitors.

They looked around the place and finally stopped at several spots near the wall. All three of them traced their fingers across the wall like they trying to find something.

One of them seemed to have found what they were looking for.


Sound of gears turning rung through the quiet bar. A second after the sound was heard four spots within the wall opened up revealing small cameras.

One of them walked upto the cameras and took the memory cards. He then plugged it to a small notebook.

"Anything? "

One of the other men asked.

"Nothing. It's like he was able to see through all the cameras, all we got is a shadow."

"Who operates like this?"

"Nobody we know. Every Assassin would strike when their opponent is alone or use a long range attack, unless they want to die along with the target."

"This guy however... he didn't even bother to disable the monitoring equipments. He swaggered in, avoided every single camera and killed off more than thirty men."

Those last words were said heavily. In their line of business the most dangerous type of enemy was an invisible one.

What Adam did looked incredible in their eyes but those were the basic skills of a Ninja. If Adam was a Genin or above he could have easily killed them off with a few shurikens.

"Who hired him?"

The two of them were pondering this issue. If someone hired him, then it's troublesome. Though the Devil Gang was on the lower rungs of their organisation, a lot of their business was tied to these dead idiots.

"Try to find a clue about who he is and who hired him."


The two of them stopped talking. The one who asked the questions turned around and focused on the last man among them.

"Any clues? "

"No. All I pick up is grease, liquor, drugs, fruit flavours and bunch of other useless stuff."

The man who asked the question gritted his teeth.

"Those f*ckers! They were supposed to deliver the goods in two days! The boss is unhappy and if we can't atleast find the one responsible, all of our heads will roll!"

The other two men stayed silent. They had no choice but to try and find a solution to this. They gathered what remained and immediately left.


Adam was going through the basic hand signs.

Monkey... Dragon... Rat... Bird... Snake... Ox... Dog... Horse... Tiger... Boar... Ram... Hare.

His hands flipped through all these hand signs with blinding speed. The past few days Adam did nothing but train in these hand signs, and amazingly enough he was able to perform them with ease.

With a couple of days of training Adam felt like he had done this for dozens of years. These hand signs felt so familiar and yet so strange to him.

Finally finishing a round of training Adam took a break and calmed his nerves. He sat down in a meditative position and gathered chakra.

Slowly and but steadily the amount of chakra within him was increasing every day, the progress was miniscule but nevertheless it was progress.

Adam opened his eyes and stood up. He did a Ram, Snake and Tiger hand sign, whatever amount of Chakra he had churned. Half of it disappeared in the blink of an eye.


A cloud of smoke emerged near Adam. The smoke cleared revealing a kid about ten years old who looked exactly the same as Adam.


This was a Jutsu that was famous in Naruto, in fact it was the most popular jutsu within the series.

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Adam knew the perks of this jutsu, but he didn't need to buy it. The seals for this one was clear as day to someone like him.

With a shadow clone my training speed will increase, if I can create more...

Adam shook his head. One Shadow clone was his limit, his chakra control and quantity wasn't enough for him to create another clone. But Adam was satisfied.

Like the saying goes, a journey to a thousand miles starts with a single step! My journey is just starting, I have time but not much. Gotta get strong but I shouldn't forget my base.

Adam wasn't a rash kid, his body maybe that of a kid but inside, he was a matured young man.

Time to get started.


"So you are saying you have no idea who did this? No recording, no pictures, no witnesses, nothing?"

"Ye-yes boss."

The three men who investigated the Devil Gang murder were now kneeling before a man who was tall and muscular with a bald head.

The bald man was silent for several minutes before saying.

"Get me the merchandise! I don't f*cing care whether you lost it or not, you have one week before the next circulation begins. Find me the products or I will feed you to the dogs! Now get lost!"

The bald man roared at his subordinates. Truthfully speaking this was the first time they ever made such mistake so he didn't do what he usually did and kill them, instead he gave them an opportunity to amend their blunder.

The three men immediately jumped up and guaranteed the delivery. After they went out a person walked out of the shadows and stood beside the Bald Man.

"Go. Find who did this."

The bald man ordered.

The shadow silently retreated and disappeared.

Adam wasn't aware of any of this and was busy with training.