
Martian Warlord

A soul reincarnated in the planet of Barsoom with an overpowered cheat. ...... This is my first writing so please find mistakes and comment on them. Disclaimer: I do own a princess of mars and John carter movie both belong to their respective owner and I do not own any crossover worlds they belong to their copyright owner, I only own my Main character and the ocs.

Marvel_Fan8502 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Beginning of the warlord dreams

As my consciousness awakens I feel that I am confined in something with something gooey covering my body.

After the realization, I quickly try to thrash against whatever is confining me which breaks whatever is confining my body which is also feeling strange like I have something extra that is just like my hands but I ignore those for now as something unexpected appears in my eyes.

[System detects the user has awakened, performing analysis for parameters of the user body, assigning the default skills and the user natural soul talent]

[Soul talent found: Logic storage/logic control/Logic Research/Logic adaptation]

[researchable items found: The user soul has data about logic, does the user want to research the data stored if not researched the data would be automatically used to erase the user's memories and give traits to make the soul adapt to the body]


As the blue screen with words written on it in my mother tongue, I felt like I am frozen in ice as I couldn't move after which I tried thrashing against whatever is freezing me but couldn't move.

But I still resisted like a stubborn person but as I couldn't move I focused back on the screen which I could see even with the gooey liquid blinding my eyes.

I realized after reading the messages once again that I may be reincarnated like those fanfics but I couldn't remember my cause of death but I didn't ponder on it much when I read the last message where it said my memories would be erased if I do not say yes so in a hurry I mentally said as I couldn't move my mouth along with my body.

[the data is taken from the soul, the research is done and logic is found: prime earth logic]

[Prime Earth logic: you have the base logic as your making so you can't be deleted/erased by any entity of this universe and any other universe with exceptions being the gods of the prime earth and your fate can't be written or manipulated]

[Extra effect:

You can make a field of the earth's gravity and other fundamental forces up to that level neither higher than the earth nor lower than Barsoom's forces.

You can follow the natural biological laws of the prime earth or follow the Barsoom planet law if it has any or follow both.

You are not affected by the entity's cosmic powers and you can make other characters also be free from their powers by making a field of your power on them or by giving a shockwave to their soul with your power.

..... Would be created when the research level is higher]

As the screen stopped at the fourth effect I felt different I felt like I have a lever that I could pull up and down with which I could control gravity and an electric feeling in the body which if I excited it I could control the electromagnetic field to some distance and then I could I can control something strong but don't know what and I can control it even in this state.

[which law does the user want to follow: the prime earth's natural biological laws/Barsoom law (doesn't have any)]

[what the earth's natural biological law will provide: access to traits given to species according to their categories, advantages and disadvantages and dangers, exclusive access to traits that can't be normally gained by normal methods because of the gamer system, and access to thousands of classes.

Barsoons natural biological laws had been destroyed centuries ago and won't be restored for thousands of years if natural restoration is to be concerned so there is nothing the laws can provide more to the evolution process and the system]

It seems like to me either this system is messing with me or I am really in deep shit however I could be in a treasure house because if I manage to become powerful I can become the king or as some people call it the messiah of the dark ages.

I continued thinking about that but then suddenly like a dream, I woke up from my daydreaming because if I am in an age where there is no technology and people live like animals like how people lived in European countries then I may have to probably give a test of survival of the fittest.

Coming out of my daydreaming I chose the first one the earth's laws more or less as I didn't allow the disadvantaged traits given to species by the natural laws like humans having all-rounder physiques neither being the weakest nor being the strongest and having the benefit of having consciousness and intelligence but if survival is concerned then there are thousands of species stronger than them and if even one of them had the intelligence or right circumstances like body structure then it should have been over for humans as a species.

[The system congratulates the user for choosing in time, the traits can be chosen from the traits page created and the categories assigned can be checked from the status page all of these pages can be checked from the main menu and the user should check all of these in 30 minutes time limit after which time will be unpaused]

[The user can adapt his appearance to another species appearance to a certain degree in the inventory and the species appearance to which the user is Adapting his own appearance on should not have a high level of difference from the other members of your species]

As the new message appeared I didn't worry about it much but rather was now concerned with my body shape structure and what type of species I would be in but strangely 5 seconds later I automatically calmed down but then I remembered the gamer mind that could probably be assigned to me.


Name: None


Title: the only host who became a user, the only host who didn't get his memories erased.

Species: Green Martian/Animal category by the situation of the species so currently the user has access to Earth animal flora traits

Class: not chosen

Level: 1 (EXP:0/100)



STR:0.2 (10 peak human/8 peak green martian)

VIT:1 (10 peak human/8 peak green martian)

DEF:0.1(10 peak human/8 peak green martian)

DEX:0.3 (but the control isn't fully mastered) (10 peak human/12 peak green Martian)

PER:0.5 (10 peak human)

INT:8 (10 peak human)

CHA:3 (10 peak human)

WIS:7 (10 peak human)

SOUL:10 (10 peak human)

LUK: 8 (10 peak human)

Assignable attributes: 5

Page: 1

As the status ended I also got a realization that I may be on Mars and could be a green Martian from the DC universe after which I started imagining having the superpowers of a Martian manhunter but just as I imagined the pros I imagined the cons which are the Darkseid and the old virgin monks sitting on OAA who couldn't bear the Martians enjoy their youth and procreate so they made them infertile or more like made them lose interest and gain interest in fighting among themselves.

Anyway that's for later as if I was the burning Martian then it's something to be worried about but as I am a green Martian then I should not be too much in danger at the start, getting back to the track I opened the skill page as that would tell if I am really the martian from dc or from other fiction.


(Default) Gamer mind-passive- (lev-max): recognizes reality as a game and keeps calm and logically thinks, gives immunity to mental disorder.

(Default) Gamers body-passive- (lev-max): Grants the user a body that allows the user to live the real world as a game.

(Default) Observe-active-(lev-1): observes the information of the target.

Universal Motor skill-passive-(lev-50): how well the user can control his body and control other species bodies with the same level of control as one had with his previous body.

High Radiation resistance-passive-(lev-1):You can resist all types of radiation by 20℅.]

As I read the skill page my hopes went down as there should be a skill that enlists green Martian powers however I remember my appearance once again and what type of species I am as I thought if I have Martian power I can just take the form of a human.


The inventory appears with my appearance on the left side with a plus sign below the appearance and 28 empty boxes on the right side.

As I saw my appearance I felt confused about what fictional movie made this species or am I in an original world however the confusion was for later as I checked the species to which I could adapt my appearance as I thought there could be other species that have an appearance more closer to humans.

However, the results I got crushed my hopes as the first appearance which appeared was of the outrider from the MCU and the system is saying that outrider is the closest species to Martians after which appeared worse and worse appearances and the best appearance I got was of four arms or as the system names it tetramand.

As the tetramand appeared I immediately chose it as I do not want to have skinny skin or have arms far apart that can also be used as legs. I would rather have four arms rather than extra limbs that can be user arms or legs however I can't remove the tusks or the antennas.

[the process of the body adapt is immediate at the start for some parts and slow for the growth of new parts in the body]

WAIT now that I remember it there wasn't a penis in the appearance-

[some traits have been lost as a result of some changes]

[ traits have been gained as a result of some changes]

As the message about traits appeared I immediately opened the page

[ Traits

Current traits:

Body talent category [+] :

(newly gained) born to be a warrior: your body is made for a warrior/you would become something some people call as a hulk/heman of a warrior.

(newly gained) Four-arms: the choice is given to members of your species whether they want to use the extra limb as a leg or a hand but you aren't given you are born without a choice because of which your limbs which have become arms without any choice and the extra organ grown would be stronger as a compensation.

Useless data: you have data in your body from the time of your first ancestor which can't be used because of the natural order and laws being broken(an artificial genetic disease that stops adaptation and evolution).

Innate bodily control: you have an innate talent for controlling limbs and bodies.

Self-generation of water: your body is capable of producing edible water that can be drunk.

BTP(Body Trait Points):4

Soul talent category (+) :

Instinctive information and control: you have a spiritual instinct and have an instinctive control over spiritual control.

Overqualified soul: your soul is overqualified for this body because of which the body's potential will be boosted by your soul by the overqualified times.

Limit breaker soul: your soul broke the soul stat limit naturally in both races because of which no parameter has a limit to its growth (exception being luk) until the user changes body with a race that has a higher requirement of soul stat to control the body.

STP(Soul Trait Point):2]

As I read the traits which I have that are too little I pressed the plus sign in the body section after which appeared thousands of traits like lizard regeneration trait which is enhanced according to the species tier, hydra's regeneration, ant's capability to lift more weight than their body weight and many more but what the thing most common is that they are overpriced or more like the points required are double the points I have.

But that is not to be worried because I have set my eyes on some traits with most of them not being overpriced.

[Biological functions of creatures originating from the prime earth (without weaknesses) (price:2):


You get the DNA trait inheritance/evolution that most creatures have on most earths.

You get the evolution and adaptation ability of medium level on prime earth level.

You have the right to change your gender from three options: Male/Female/Nothing(you do not have anything neither the male organs nor the female organs).

(exclusive to the gamer)You get the power to control what you want to transmit to the next generation.

(exclusive to the user) the user can manipulate a target's gender when the user's blood is dropped on them.

Conditions:the target should be in his egg or womb.]

The main benefit of this trait is that it would allow me to use the useless data whatever it has and second of all it would give me evolution and adaptation as a skill and as a trait with the trait not being able to be evolved naturally and the skill can be evolved.

[The changes brought by this trait and other decisions will happen after the time limits and the change will be quick but painful]

As the message informed me about the changes I had thought the change would happen immediately and without any pain but I didn't worry much as there is gamers mind to protect.

[the user has gained all speak as a result of the DNA trait inheritance trait]

[the user has gained iron stomach as a result of the DNA trait inheritance trait]

[the user has gained enhanced growth as a result of the DNA trait inheritance trait]

[the user has gained minor regeneration as a result of the DNA trait inheritance trait]

[the user has gained Super high Radiation resistance and minor Radiation control as a result of the DNA trait inheritance and evolution trait]

[the user has gained minor talent for fighting skills as a result of the DNA trait inheritance trait]


[all the skills have combined into superhuman body, Super talent for fighting, superhuman growth, Radiation self-sustenance]

[You have gained 1.8 stat points in STR, 5 in VIT, 1.7 in dex, 0.9 in def, 2.5 in PER]

The messages of gaining something because of DNA trait inheritance didn't stop for some time until they all combined to form one skill and I also couldn't stop salivating as the more the skills at the start the higher the chances of survival.

Now I have to just get the other trait as the time is passing by as now there are only 10 minutes left.

[instinctual sense of danger (can be upgraded if the user buys or develops more senses) (price:2): the user has a instinct that uses several senses to detect danger and give the body an automatic response to dodge or attack back]

The reason to buy this one is because if this civilization is a might makes right civilization or survival of the fittest then I may be attacked anytime and anywhere.

And plus as far as I remember if the gamer repeats an action for some time then he would develop a skill for that action.

Now it is time for the soul traits which I immediately found the right one.

[automatic accelerated healing factor (price:2): your overqualified soul has an automatic function to speed up healing speed through mana when in grave injury.

Note:the consumption of mana when healing will decrease as the user's control over his mana increases]

I wanted this trait because it would do what it says it would heal me with an energy that I don't even know how to use so it would probably use the energy very quickly but it would heal me too.

Now there are only 5 minutes left which is also confusing me as to how the system calculates the time when time is stopped but that is for later because I remembered something that most protagonists forget at the start in fanfics which is to see the options page.


as the option screen appeared there were several unnecessary options like BGM and music and turned on some useful ones like smart notification which detects when it is appropriate to give notification and only sends emergency notifications in any situation and saw some interesting things which is that the the ding sound that comes in most fiction is turner off.

As I read through the options I saw one option that made me confused but realized immediately what It means for me and my future however I could use them for now and didn't want to use them now as I need to first survive.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

[the changes are going to happen in 5 seconds please prepare, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

Suddenly the time limit ended and the screen appeared telling me the last 5 seconds and then gave me five seconds more after which suddenly I felt a weird experience for a second which felt more like a minute has passed and I felt like I had no body in that time period but then suddenly I felt my body once again which I strangely felt bloated but that didn't last as my body returned to normal but with it came an unexpected pain which went away just as it came.

As the pain went away my motor skills went into overdrive trying to take control of the body once again and slowly I felt like I could move once again but I still couldn't see anything as I still have the gooey substance which I removed and got to see something other than the screen and the gooey substance.

What I saw surprised me as I saw people or more like children with the same appearance I had before I changed it with no visible penis that I could see with my eyes but it seems I was overreacting as they do seem to have it and some were different because some have the limbs looking closer to arms and most of them happened to have female organs but I quickly shifted my eyes to the surroundings which look like a desert cave.


Suddenly crunching sounds came from all over my surroundings and I saw all the other members of the species eating their eggs after which I remembered that some species or animals eat their eggshells to supply the newborn with food.


Suddenly my stomach churned for food so left with no choice I started eating the shell and almost halfway through someone tried attacking me but I instinctively defended by using my extra arms.

After the first attack, more attacks started coming, and saw that all were fighting after eating their own and now wanted to eat others egg shells.

As the fighting grew the fight also reached me after which I joined them thinking of this as a grind and didn't kill any of them as they could be my future soldier or canon fodder.

30 minutes later

Hah! Hah!

As I lay on the ground exhausted suddenly I sensed someone watching me or in simple words us so curious I saw all over the place and saw a name floating in the air which let me know the person is there and saw a green Martian double my height wait what height do I even have the human child height or am I quantum sized or giant sides well that would be for later if I can get any measurement.

Suddenly the person looking at us signals someone in the darkness after which all of us are contained in a pod made up of soil and taken somewhere.

In the meantime, I check the notifications.

[You have 4 stat points in CHA because of the changes to body]

[You have learned dodge]

[You have learned street fighting]

[You have leveled up street fighting by 30×]

[You have learned rough sumo wrestling]

[You have leveled up sumo wrestling by 50×]

[You have learned karate chop]

[You have leveled karate chop by 80×]

[You have killed 12 green Martians and gained 600 EXP]

[You have won a title by killing its previous owner]

[You have achieved the title newbie Martian dominator by dominating 10 martians]

[You have achieved the title beginner martian dominator by dominating 50 martians]

[You have achieved the title newbie martian hunter by killing 10 martians]

[You have leveled up by 3×]

[You have learned acting]

[You have leveled up acting by 10×]

[You have leveled up iron stomach by 5×]

[You have learned sixth sense]

As I see the last skill I get curious as I don't know what this skill does as with other skills I can understand their general usage by their name but not with Iron Stomach as it doesn't tell anything other telling that I have a stomach of i-wait I killed 12 martians which were children but when because I do not have blood anywhere on my skin.

Wait, did I kill them when I was flexing with the karate chop move famous for making people asleep Now I feel guilty because I was celebrating in my mind for trying out this move as it did what it said it did. It made people sleep but I didn't know it would make people sleep forever.

However, I concluded that I couldn't feel guilty for every single being killed by me or by other people but it still didn't stop the guilt as I could now vividly remember how I killed them and how I celebrated for using the move and killing them.

As I am going over the guilt suddenly the vibrations stopped from us moving.

[You have learned Vibration sense]

Wait it can give me skills about something like that then if I try to sense wind wouldn't I get air sense which would help in the danger sense trait it is something to try late-.

Suddenly the soil structure tore open and all others and I fell to the ground and I saw several clothed green Martian females looking at us after which suddenly they started running at us and quickly picked up the children of their choosing and I forgot to tell the dead martian children were thrown away.

As I thought about it I again got a pang of guilt but I ignored it for the situation as I saw someone walking towards me who seems to be feared by all others and seems like the strongest of the bunch.

Suddenly the person walking towards me picks me up and walks behind the place they were standing at where I get some markings which I can't see as I do not have 360° view eyes anyway. After that, I am taken by the person who had the paint and made me sit in a corner.

As I sit at the corner I see that the person who picked me up is taller and stronger than the other females and doesn't even look like a female and looks serious and has no expression, just a dead eye face.

[You have learned expression analysis]

Wait I can even learn this type of skill I can't imagine what I would learn if I keep observing so I quickly try to infer anything from my surroundings and see myself in a giant colosseum-like place with some male Martians sitting on them and I am sitting at the small gate which generally allows gladiator to enter the battle anyway it could be for some other purposes as I haven't been to a gladiator fight only saw them in movies.

Wait the green Martians and the egg shells and the name Barsoom and the cave All of this connects to that movie. I don't remember the name but it was something like John, Johnny Johnny what the name was brain work work work.

I start to repeat the name John in my mind to remember the next word as I never try to learn the names of characters in movies which I now regret, John, John, John, John, John Carter I remember it now it was the movie based on that novel with the name 'princess of mars' or was it 'a princess of mars' which made me question were there other princess which the protagonist was supposed to win them like trophies with the second trilogy having the name two princess of mars.

[You have learned detective skills]

[You have leveled up detective skills by 16×]

It seems like this confirms my guess I think so but I don't know which guess, does it confirm both of the guesses or just one guess is true and the two princess guess is false and is just me overthinking and making fun of the novel name.

Anyway, now I am tension-free because the movie didn't have many world-destroying enemies except for that guy I don't remember the name of who was part of some ancient species and wanted to make more of his brothers by marrying the red Martian princess but the protagonist had a mission which was to prepare the mars planet for capitalization or something similar I don't remember the full plot however I knew one great detail which is that the villain had a teleportation device to let him travel to any planet which would be of great use to me.

Now that I think about it with the power of the system I can become the strongest and also make the green Martians stronger with my fundamental power which I still can't extend outside of my body which I had already tried and anyway currently I have increased the gravity by 20 percent because if I remember mars gravity was 40 to 50 percent lower than earth.

Anyway on the way I had tried using electromagnetic forces but it just blasted my finger's skin by a small amount.

As I thought about that I looked at the finger which has already healed halfway.

"prepare the infants for food and the language insect" Suddenly someone started talking and I see whatever is going on was completed and as the person said we are going to eat food and get the language parasite.

Wait parasite I already can understand their language and probably speak their language but they do not know it so I have to tell them but then I remembered something crucial which was a character who could shape shift so they may mistake me for that guy but what do I do now do I just eat it and see what happens but I can I do anyway I am not super strong like superman.

As I kept thinking suddenly the same person talks again "This time the infant's mortality is lower previously there was a casualty of 50 infants but this year there is only 15 mortality if we do not consider the imperfect eggs which were left behind, any way any news about helium"

"nothing they have been fighting with Zodanga and there has been an increase of activity of helium soldiers near our base" At that the first person gnashes his teeth "We should attack them immediately".

"that is not our job to decide whom we attack anyway we need to prepare their food now" In the last words the person points at me or more like at us.

After which all of us were led into another chamber with a roof this time and then given a white liquid which as I vividly remember was something that came out of a bugs mouth which I ate as there can't be farming here so what do I eat to grow as my hunger problem has been solved by the self-sustenance skill with which I can survive without eating for 1 month and I am guessing after leveling it the time will increase and I could survive longer if I keep absorbing radiation but the evolution skill will get used to it and probably make a body of radiation.

[You have leveled up iron stomach by 10×]

Wait I forgot about this skill because of the guilt trip.

[Iron stomach (level:15): you can eat anything and digest it to get nutrients even if the nutrients are very minor, you can't get negative side effects of most food, everything that is eaten is sweetened by 15% if it tastes bad or the taste is enhanced by 15% if it tasted good from the start]

That answers why the liquid did not taste bad and why the other infants were fighting because they couldn't get as much benefit from eating the shell as much as I got so they were still hungry.

Because of the information given by Iron Stomach, I ate more and more so much that the people leading us were looking at me strangely but didn't look at me that way for long because they started having happy expressions.

[You have leveled up expression analysis by 6×]

Ignoring the notification I saw that the people giving food now have bowls filled with worms after which they are making the infants kill the bugs by their teeth and make them swallow and when it came to me I killed them by myself without needing assistance and swallowed the bug which gave a bitter taste even with the taste enhancement.

[You have developed the skill speech hypnosis because of mutation of the skill all speak]

[You have leveled up iron stomach by 10×]

After notification the taste turned sweet from bitter and I got confused because of the speech hypnosis skill I wondered would eating this bug again give me another skill but I couldn't voice my opinion for suspicion of having imperfection as I remember spartan civilization does not like imperfection and imperfect means death.

After that, I was taken to sleep on the floor and I noticed that the other infants now listen more to the people leading us.

As I lay on the ground I remember the 15 stat points I got from leveling up which if I count the previous stat point makes it 20 and the class that still needs to be chosen.

So first of all I allocated 2 points in INT and 3 in Wis because as I remember the 50 points was the milestone but if the system by itself is telling the 10 point is the limit shouldn't it give something as a reward for reaching the limit.

[The system congratulates the user for reaching the Intelligence limit and as such has attained Minor talent for magic]

[The system congratulates the user for reaching the Wisdom limit and as such has attained innate minor control of Mana]

As the first message appeared I could feel a huge amount of energy that felt more like lava from a volcano that could erupt any moment at any interference with it.

However, the feeling changed when the second message appeared after which it felt more like I could direct the direction of the lava's waves, and if I tried to direct the whole mana in one direction it wouldn't move but if I tried moving it in I'm no direction I could move and spread it by a small amount.

Now this gave me thousands of ideas but one idea stood which is spreading the mana all over my body to buff it up like the power up technique from dragon ball or demon back from yujiro hanma.

Now It is time for other stats first of all is VIT in which I allocated 4 points, 3 in PER, 4 in STR, 3 in CHA, 1 in DEF.

[The system congratulates the user for reaching the Vitality limit and as such has attained Peak human regeneration skill and minor body of Vitality]

[The system congratulates the user for reaching the Charisma limit and as such has attained love at first skill and minor body of perfection]

As the first message appeared I felt like I am filled with energy to the brim and felt like I could probably run over the whole planet of Mars in a straight line and would be ready to run once again after a rest of 10 minutes.

But that was just the start as I could feel my perception change and felt I could sense someone observing me intently but couldn't tell from which direction but I couldn't ponder on that person as I felt pain a pain that I never felt before but I knew the pain is of muscles getting stronger and along with the muscles my organs also became stronger with my heart getting the most benefit probably and my third leg getting the second most benefit for unknown reason as I could feel blood circulation speed increasing and the blood is mostly sent to the third limb which I think would increase its growth as the system told it would grow slowly.

After those huge changes, the next change was underpowered as it didn't do anything visible or anything but just that I could feel a force around the body but I didn't panic because I could innately feel that it is there to perfect my appearance but I still feel like I want to question the system or whoever made the mechanics of the skills as I felt funny in my third leg and bumpy on it and I was just about to see what the matter was but I stopped myself when I felt danger from the person observing me.

so I stopped and pretended to sleep at the start but later I actually slept very good because I slowly felt the increase in defense which let me ignore the uncomfortable feeling of the floor.


This story is released to see if it is good and to see if this story can run well and if my writing is good and find mistakes and find ways to improve it so please point out mistakes.

And I know my logic power idea is not so good and is not fully organized but I just couldn't get an example to base the powers onto just like how the soul trait is based of Wolverines self-healing factor but with the mc having mana drawback but then he has huge amounts of mana from the start and a question which john carter should I use the John carter which is a veteran soldier or the John carter who is a American soldier from the squad which invaded Afghanistan but both have different routes like if I use John carter from Afghanistan then it's going to be after 2000 but in both mc would side with the natives of Afghanistan or American continents natives to break a piece of the American continent and the mc would interfere from time to time to dig up characters from the crossover worlds story.