
Martial Universe: Sword Ancestral Symbol

[I have a sword that can separate mountains and seas.] [I have a sword that can decide life and death.] If there is no path I want to take in the world, then I will use the sword in my hand to open a path! This is a story about a sword practitioner walking in the heavens.

Martial_Isekaiyist · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Chapter 21: One Sword!

Before they knew it, it was already noon. Perhaps it was because of the scorching sun or because the ancient tomb was about to be unveiled, but the atmosphere in the entire camp became increasingly heated, not affected by the scorching sun at all.

Lin Yunhao quietly opened his eyes, looked up at the formation on the top of the mountain, then turned around and spoke to Lin Ke'er, Lin Dong and others beside him.

"I will break the formation later, and you can enter it one by one. Remember, you are all members of my Lin clan, so everything you gain also belongs to the Lin clan!"

Lin Dong, Lin Ke'er and the others all nodded in agreement upon hearing this. Even Lin Chen, who had always disliked Lin Dong, looked at Lin Dong and said nothing.

They all understood what Lin Yunhao meant. Whether they disliked each other or fought with each other, it was all an internal matter of the clan. The family was even happy to see it because only in this way could they be better motivated to practice. However, no matter how they fought, they must not let outsiders get the upper hand!

"But, Brother Lin Yunhao, those strong men in Tiandu County..."


Lin Yunhao nodded, then stood up, turned around and looked at the group of younger generations of the Lin clan.

"There are no strong people in the world, only weak people and weak people who want to become strong. It is understandable to retreat when facing an opponent that you cannot resist. But if you dare not face opponents of the same generation or even the same level..."

"The Lin family never cultivates useless people!"

"After the ancient tomb is opened, you can form a team and explore it. It's your own business whether you steal people's treasures or have your treasures stolen. I won't care. I only guarantee your safety!"

"Just remember that our Lin clan doesn't like trouble, but we are not afraid of trouble either. If anyone thinks that our Lin clan is easy to bully and touches our people, then this ancient tomb of the Nirvana master will be the eternal resting place for everyone!"

As soon as he uttered this sentence, Lin Yunhao's aura burst out without reservation. It was far more powerful than that of Lin Langtian and others. The pressure was like an abyss or a prison, making the local strong men of Tiandu County in the camp feel a huge force pressing on them, and they felt like they were almost suffocating.

When the last sentence was clearly heard by everyone present with the support of Yuanli, countless people's faces changed.

The young man's terrifying strength is something that even the top masters are extremely afraid of. Even the Lin clan is not someone to be trifled with.

But, isn't the Lin clan too overbearing?

After Lin Yunhao finished speaking, without even glancing at Lin Langtian and Wang Yan, who both had grim expressions on their faces, he drew out his pitch-black sword and walked towards the top of the mountain alone, taking several feet at a time.

However, what surprised everyone was that Lin Yunhao was actually slowly sheathing his sword, and as Lin Yunhao got closer and closer to the top of the mountain, the sharp sword force on Lin Yunhao's body became weaker and weaker.

By the time Lin Yunhao reached the top of the mountain and the huge formation, he had become like an ordinary person with no power at all, and the long sword in his hand had been completely sheathed.

Quietly looking at the formation above his head, Lin Yunhao felt the extremely strong Yang energy in the formation. The corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing an arc of excitement.

"It's a very powerful formation. My sword is very much to my liking!"

The next moment, when the Yang energy in the formation began to weaken, the nameless black sword in Lin Yunhao's hand was instantly unsheathed!

Suddenly, a dazzling sword light lit up, like a comet hitting the sun, and crashed into the strong yang energy and extremely hot formation above his head.

Under that sword, the sun and the moon lost their light, and the sky and the earth became dim!

"Use the sword to break!"

When the sword light was about to attack the formation, the formation seemed to be controlled by someone, and it actually took the initiative to condense an incomparably powerful yang energy like the scorching sun, and attacked the incoming sword light!


After the sword light collided with the scorching sun, there was only a moment of stalemate before both of them exploded. The huge energy fluctuations instantly dispersed the clouds above the entire Tianyan Mountains!

At this moment, the entire Tianyan Mountains were silent, and all things were listening attentively!

Everyone was shocked by the dazzling sword light and the power of the yang energy that was as hot as the sun!

Among them, Ling Qingzhu and Lin Dong were the most shocked!

Although the patriarchs of the Wang clan and the Qin clan were both Nirvana Realm masters, how could the patriarchs of the four major clans, as the existence that suppressed the clan's fortune, take action at will? Therefore, Wang Yan and Qin Shi had never seen a Nirvana Realm master, let alone a master at the peak of the Creation Realm.

As for Lin Langtian's words, for some reason, the soul in his body did not tell him about Lin Yunhao's strength. Perhaps the soul had a hidden agenda.

Ling Qingzhu, who had always been proud of the heroes, felt a sense of inferiority in her heart after seeing Lin Yunhao's sword. The peerless style of that sword was unmatched in the entire Dongxuan domain!

And another person who couldn't believe it, Lin Dong, the son of Tianxuan, was...

"Little Diao, Little Diao, is the young patriarch really as strong as you said?"

"Boy, why would Master Diao lie to you?"


Lin Dong still couldn't believe it. Can people really be so strong? However, with the strength of half a step into the realm of creation, he was able to head-on defeat an attack that was comparable to that of a Nirvana Realm expert.

Yes, defeated, because Xiao Diao told Lin Dong that the sword not only blocked the full force of the formation, but also broke the formation!

This made Lin Dong doubt his life even more!

Xiao Diao told Lin Dong before that the Nirvana Realm was another realm, and its strength was completely incomparable to that of a strong man in the realm of creation. Anyone who could face a Nirvana Realm expert with the peak strength of the realm of creation was an unparalleled genius!

But now, Lin Yunhao had crossed the entire realm of the realm of creation and defeated it across the border!

 "Boy, this is a good thing for you, a great thing. Master Diao still says the same thing. If you can really let Master Diao join your Lin clan, Master Diao will recognize you as his eldest brother, how about it?"


Hearing Xiao Diao's ridicule, Lin Dong also smiled embarrassedly. At the beginning, he was just teasing Xiao Diao, but he didn't expect that Xiao Diao would use it to tease him all the time.

"Boy, Master Diao is serious. You should be happy to have such a protective young patriarch! Do you know who was the last person as cruel and ruthless as him?"

Xiao Diao, who was always smiling, showed a serious look which was extremely rare.


 "That man is unprecedented and unparalleled in the history of the entire monster clan! In ancient times, the eight hegemonic clans and the thirty-two royal clans could only crawl under his throne!"

For that man, even Xiao Diao admired and respected him very much. In other words, in the monster domain, basically all the monster clans admired him as a strong man!


"He unified the entire demon realm with his own strength. His name is Six! Fingered! Holy! Dragon! Emperor!"