
Martial Universe: Sword Ancestral Symbol

[I have a sword that can separate mountains and seas.] [I have a sword that can decide life and death.] If there is no path I want to take in the world, then I will use the sword in my hand to open a path! This is a story about a sword practitioner walking in the heavens.

Martial_Isekaiyist · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Chapter 19: Ling Qingzhu

The next morning, Lin Yunhao had just walked out of his tent when he heard some noise coming from the tent next door. Turning around, he saw Xuan Su and Xia Zhilan walking out.

Lin Yunhao calmly withdrew his gaze, came to a bluestone and sat cross-legged, waiting for them to pack up their things before setting off again.

"Miss Xuansu and Miss Xia, are you awake? Did you rest well last night? If I have been negligent, I hope Miss Xuansu will forgive me!"

At this time, Wu Tao, who appeared out of nowhere, greeted the two girls.

Wu Tao still showed enough respect to Xuan Su and Xia Zhilan who followed Lin Yunhao back last night, and was quite humble.

Wu Tao didn't know Xia Zhilan, but he knew Xuan Su very well. Wu Tao personally went to receive Xuan Su when she came to the Lin family several times. Wu Tao knew Xuan Su's feelings for Lin Yunhao, but he didn't know what Lin Yunhao thought. However, this did not affect Wu Tao's kindness to Xuan Su.

Last night, after Lin Yunhao dealt with those people with one sword, he returned to the Lin clan's base. For some reason, Xuan Su also followed him, and Xia Zhilan, who was worried about Xuan Su, also followed him.

Because Lin Dong was in the Lin clan's team and had a good status, Xia Wanjin was relieved about the two girls and returned to Yancheng with the surviving fighters, intending to cut the Gordian knot and swallow up the Blood Wolf Gang together with other forces.

"Thank you for your concern, sir. Everything is fine!"

"Haha, in that case, I'll get busy. If nothing unexpected happens, we should be able to reach the campsite by noon."

After a while, when everyone had packed up their tents, they set out again towards the ancient tomb.

As Lin Yunhao and his companions went deeper into the forest, the forest became increasingly quiet, but this quietness made everyone's faces more solemn.

This is already deep in the Tianyan Mountains. The monsters that can survive here are at least at the Yuandan level, and there is even the possibility of monsters at the third level of Creation appearing.

Although Lin Dong and Lin Ke'er were using their spiritual power to lead the way along the way, the group still encountered several Yuandan realm great perfection monsters.

After all, there are many kinds of monsters, and there are naturally some powerful monsters that are good at hiding their breath, such as the monsters in the Yuandan realm. Fortunately, there are many strong people in the team, so they passed through the dense forest without any danger and came to the outside of a huge mountain.

This mountain has no peak, which may have been cut off by the Nirvana Realm expert. Lush green spreads on the mountainside. but vaguely, you can still see some ancient buildings built of huge stones on the top of the mountain covered by lush green.

"You can enter the camp on your own. I'll go up and take a look."

Lin Yunhao said something to Wu Tao and the others, then headed straight for the top of the mountain. To be more precise, he headed straight for the formation on the top of the mountain. The formation set up by a powerful Nirvana Realm expert was one of the purposes of Lin Yunhao's trip.

Wu Tao behind him was about to say something but was stopped by Xuan Su. Seeing the figure disappear in the blink of an eye, Wu Tao looked at Xuan Su in confusion.

 "Miss Xuan Su, why did you stop me from stopping the young clan leader? You should know that it was a formation set up by a Nirvana Realm expert!"

 "You can't stop him from making the decision!"

Looking at the figure going away, Xuan Su also showed a bright smile on her face.

"Besides, didn't he know? But he chose to go anyway!"

Xuan Su's words left Wu Tao speechless. He sighed softly and then gave the order.

"Let's go in!"

Only after arriving at the base of the formation could Lin Yunhao carefully observe the formation.

This formation is not like the formation set up by ordinary Nirvana realm masters, which is operated by the energy of Nirvana, but it uses the very rare yin and yang energies.

It was noon now, and the Yang energy in the formation was at its peak, and the attack power was at its strongest. Lin Yunhao guessed that when the Yin energy was at its peak, the formation would be the most difficult to deal with, and its weakness might be when the Yin and Yang interacted.

"It seems that this person is indeed a strong man who practices the way of Yin and Yang. I just don't know how much my swordsmanship is inferior to him. But we will know tomorrow!"

"As the first opponent that made me so excited, you deserve to be remembered by me!"

Lin Yunhao sat cross-legged below the formation and began to comprehend the Yin-Yang formation with all his heart and soul, hoping to get a glimpse of the Yin-Yang of the powerful Nirvana master.

Time passed quietly, and it was the next day in a blink of an eye!

As the morning light broke through the clouds and fell on the top of the mountain, Lin Yunhao quietly opened his eyes, and the next moment his figure disappeared on the top of the mountain.

In the camp, at the Lin clan's residence, Lin Dong was sitting on Xiao Yan's back, chatting with Xuan Su, Xia Zhilan, and Lin Ke'er. Suddenly, he felt something in his heart and turned around, only to find that Lin Yunhao had already sat on Xiao Yan's huge tiger head without him noticing.

"Young Patriarch!"

Lin Dong and Lin Ke'er called out softly, but Xia Zhilan pretended not to see it. Xuan Su looked at him tenderly with a smile on her face.

"She's coming!"

Suddenly, Lin Yunhao seemed to sense something.

He raised his head and looked into the distance, then said something without any context.


"A woman who makes my sword excited. I have been waiting for her for a long time!"

Except for Lin Yunhao, no one knew the meaning of the last sentence. Even Xuan Su, who understood him best, could only vaguely guess it.

Suddenly, Lin Dong and the others heard a rumbling sound, and looked towards the northern sky. There, a red light was coming from the sky like a meteor that broke through the morning light.

When the giant eagle slowed down and finally stopped in mid-air, everyone saw the figure on the giant eagle at the first time. The man was wearing a green shirt, standing with his hands behind his back. The breeze blew, and his long hair fluttered. He looked extremely free and easy. Such temperament impressed many people.

"Haha, Lin Langtian, you've taken the lead again!"

Just as everyone was amazed at Lin Langtian's temperament, suddenly a thunder-like laugh sounded from the sky, and then everyone saw a golden light breaking through the air, and a powerful momentum also spread between heaven and earth.

The golden light broke through the air, and the energy of heaven and earth also rippled. Finally, the golden light floated in the sky and turned into a huge golden spear that was dozens of feet long. On the spear, a figure in a golden robe with long hair spread out, and an arrogant aura rose into the sky!

Wang clan, Wang Yan!

As soon as Wang Yan's laughter fell, a chuckle slowly came from the horizon. Then, a green light filled the sky, and a rainbow light flew from the edge of the horizon. In an instant, it appeared in the sky.

"Haha, it seems that I am late!"

The green light dissipated, and only a huge wind phoenix, dozens of feet in size, was seen flapping its wings and hovering in the sky. An extremely strong aura swept out from the body of the wind phoenix.

On top of the Feng Luan, a man in a blue shirt stood with a smile. The man had a handsome face that was almost enchanting. In terms of appearance, even Lin Langtian was slightly inferior to him. He held a dark blue feather fan in his hand, waving it slowly, revealing an aristocratic elegance.

Qin clan, Qin era!

"If Brother Qin is late, then doesn't that mean Qingzhu is also late?"

Just as Qin Shi's voice fell, a light voice suddenly sounded between heaven and earth. That voice was extremely beautiful, as if it contained a special kind of magic. At that moment, many people's eyes showed a look of dazed intoxication.

The moment the light voice sounded, Lin Yunhao stood up without knowing when, looking at the woman, muttering to himself.

"Ling Qingzhu, you are finally here!"