
Pill King Lon Ging Gen

Du Chan saw the great hall in front of him 

"So this is Pill King's house?" Du Chan said to himself 

"I think so" Xie Mengyu said 

Du Chan saw the board which was hanging on the entrance 

*Lon Ging Gen Residence*

"Let's enter the house" Du Chan said and opened the rusty and old brown door

As he opened the door white smoke came out from the inside of the house, people were shocked and tried to not touch the smoke! They heard that if the smoke is white then it's poison!

Du Chan and Xie Mengyu were not affected by it but all tried to avoid the smoke.

Du Chan smiled; it was good to have a poison free body. He waited for the smoke to leave the house and he and Xie Mengyu entered the house slowly, but still, the smoke was filled inside the house

"Little Xie" Du Chan called out Xie Mengyu who was stopped from entering anymore

"Du Chan I saw a man" Xie Mengyu said

Du Chan raised his eyebrows and said