
Yang kai becomes disciple,and letter from the omnipotent being?

Su Chan walked towards the boy who was cleaning the sect, his eyes fixed on the young figure. Yang Kai, the protagonist, was scrubbing the floors with a diligent expression, oblivious to Su Chan's approach.

"Kid, your training session is over," Su Chan said, his voice gentle but firm. "And to be honest, you're not quite talented. The sect has made you a trial disciple, but I still want to take you as my disciple. Would you like to be my disciple, Yang Kai?"

Yang Kai's eyes widened in surprise, and he looked up at Su Chan with a mix of disbelief and hope. "Senior, are you still willing to take me as your disciple?" he asked, his voice filled with gratitude.

Su Chan nodded, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Yes, I am. I see something in you that others don't."

Yang Kai's face lit up with a radiant smile, and he bowed deeply. "Disciple greets master!" he said, his voice filled with sincerity.after all he want to cultivate to do he need to stay in the sect and need support.

Su Chan smiled, a pleasant sound resonating in his ears. "Ding! Mission completed: Make Yang Kai your disciple. Rewards:essence of faith of goddess Heaven's Destiny (Revised)(trait), Xing Tian(title), Finger of Nirvana, Panacea's Embrace, Eternal Lifespanless(talent), Unyielding Golden Skeleton."

Su chan's eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at the list of rewards,worthy of the title protagonist i like it yang kai .su chan said,

"Welcome to the team, Yang Kai," Su Chan said, his eyes shining with warmth. "Together, we'll achieve greatness."

You're my disciple now, and I want to help you reach your full potential."

Yang Kai's face lit up with joy. "Thank you, Master! Thank you so much!"

Su Chan smiled and clapped Yang Kai on the back. "Come on, let's head to my mansion. From now on, you'll be living there with me."

Yang Kai's eyes sparkled as he followed Su Chan to the mansion. He had never imagined that he would be living in such a grand place.

As they entered the mansion, Su Chan led Yang Kai to a room in the mansion. "This is where you live," Su Chan said. "I have a special physique and cultivation technique for you. With it, you'll be able to cultivate easily."

Yang Kai's eyes widened in shock. "Really, Master? I can cultivate and upgrade my potential?"

Su Chan nodded. "Yes, but it will hurt a little. Just bear with it."

Yang Kai nodded eagerly, and Su Chan handed him the Unyielding Golden Skeleton and the Proud Golden Body Tempered Body Record.

As soon as Yang Kai received the items, he felt a surge of energy coursing through his body. He screamed in pain as his body began to merge with the unyielding golden skeleton body

After what seemed like an eternity, Yang Kai finally spat out all the impurities from his birth and felt a refreshing sensation wash over him. He looked at his hands in wonder and saw that they were glowing with a golden light.

"Master, I've reached Tempered Body Fourth Stage!" Yang Kai exclaimed, his face beaming with joy.

Su Chan smiled and nodded. "Good job, Yang Kai. Now go wash yourself."

Yang Kai smelled himself and smiled awkwardly. "Yes, Master."ill go.

As Yang Kai left the room, Su Chan claimed the rewards and felt a surge of energy coursing through his body. The fusion process gave him a considerable amount of pain, but he gritted his teeth and bore it.

Suddenly, a "ding" sound resonated through the air. "Ding! Your destiny is now connected to the system. You will become an individual due to the trait essence of faith Heaven's Destiny (Revised)."

A Smoothing Like Current Run Through My

Body And White Light Begin Forming

Denser And Denser Due To It Around Me

Begin Feeling Like Fate Has Been Making

Changes Around Me.

I Didn't Feel Any Other Changes Around Me

But I Know That World Itself Is Changing

And Only Due To Changes In Fate Of Su chan Time Begin Moving Slowly In Tong

Xuan Realm While In Star Field And Star

Boundary All Time Begin Moving Fast To

Make Up For The Changes.

After Thinking For A While Trying To Sense

What Change He Didn't Understand

Anything So He Gave Up But He Does Find

Changes In Time Has Time Become

Chaotic At One Time As Like It Itself Being

Stop By Some opposite Force Resulting In

Disturbances It Had Gone Unnoticed By

Most Except Few Powerful People In The


Far Away In Star


~On Beast Island~~~

A Man Is Signing Various Documents Of

The Island. (Guess Who)

Suddenly He Felt Some Disturbances In

Space With Time Becoming Chaotic His

Eyebrow Furrowed Just Has He About To

Sense Something It Becamne Stable Like It

Was Never Been There He Began His Work

Staying Vigilant Of Any Changes While

Thinking What Can Be The Case.


~~~~~~Far Away In 3000


World Tree Open His Eyes And Trying To

Sense The Disturbance In The World

Sensing It In A Far Far Away In A Small

Universe Just Has He Was About To Notice

The Source It Begin Disappeared As It Was

Never Been There He Tried To Sense But

Sigh In Defeat Saying Under His Breath.

"Someone Is Changing Fate But Who Can

Be Even I Don't Have That Power..... But he sense something more he was scared someone has made a big change in the 3000 worlds he can't sense what it is, Hope It Isn't Anything But Good."

-No Return


-Phoenix Tree~-

Phoenix Emperor Open Her Eyes With

Astonished Face Then Said "I Hope It Isn't

Anything Dangerous" Then Begin

Cultivating Again.


-Dragon land--

Fu Guang In The Dragon Land Is Currently

Trying To Break Through To The Holy

Dragon As He Sense The Disturbance And

Became Vigilant Only To Be Astonished By

This Much Disturbance In Time.


Meanwhile, in Su Chan's mind, the system girl Yang Yan spoke up. "Su Chan, the skills Finger of Nirvana and Panacea's Embrace can be merged. Do you want to merge them?"

Su Chan's eyes lit up. "Of course! Merge them!"

The skills merged, becoming Finger of Nirvana: Panacea's Restoration. Su Chan felt a rush of excitement and checked his status:

*Su Chan's Status*

*Name: Su Chan

*Mission: none

*Realm: Dao source 2nd order (level 116)

*Experience needed: 52300(level up)

*Combat Power: Great emperor 2rd Order

- *Trait:*Essence of faith of goddess Heaven's Destiny (Revised) - Level: Legendary

- *Title:* Xing Tian - "Heaven's Salvation"

- *Talents:*

- Eternal Lifespanless - (Level: Legendary)


- Supreme All-Bloodline 0.15%unlocked(Rulers Bloodline of Multiverse)

- Divine Dragon Bloodline

-Shinju Ketsueki (Divine Tree Bloodline)


-space dao 9th rank

-time dao 9th rank

*Special Physique:

- Divine Succubus Dragon Body

- Chaos Body

-Unyielding Golden Skeleton


- Divine Dragon Source

-supreme source (gained from supreme all bloodline.)

*Cultivation Techniques:

- Chaos Cultivation (100% mastery)

- Dragon Transformation Technique (100% mastery)

-wood release technique (100%mastery)

-Proud Golden Body: Tempered Body Record

- True Yang Secret Art

-inner world creation technique (supreme rank)

-Finger of Nirvana: Panacea's Restoration(legendary rank)


- Teleportation (Unlocked)

- Elemental Control (All elements)

- Dragon Transformation

- Dragon Breath

- Dragon Roar

- Dragon Claw

- Clone Technique


- Divine Tree Awakening:

-Finger of Nirvana: Panacea's Restoration - (Level: Legendary)

*world :

-inner world


- Divine Chaos Golden Eyes

-Eternal mangekyu sharingan (kamui,amatirasu &Kotoamatsukami)

-Demon Eye of Annihilation

*System Spirit Girl: Yang Yan

*Multiverse Travel Function: 100,000 points need

*Universal World Map: Available

*Lottery: 10,000 points (draw)

*Store: Available (open)

*Current Experience Points: 558,700 points

*Inventory: Antique Incense Burner


1. *Xing Tian* (Title): "Heaven's Salvation"

- Activation: When critically injured and near death

- Effects: Maintains current life level, immunity to knockdown/defeat, doubled attack power, unlimited energy/stamina, consumes 1 Experience Point per second

2. *Finger of Nirvana: Panacea's Restoration* (Technique)

- Level: Legendary

- Description: Divine healing technique that channels the power of nirvana

- Effects: Cures all injuries/diseases, restores full health/vitality, removes negative status effects, revives from death (consumes 1000 Experience Points or 1 year of lifespan if depleted)

3. *Eternal Lifespanless* (Talent)

- Description: Transcends mortal lifespan, granting infinite vitality and immunity to death from vitality/lifespan depletion

- Effects: Infinite vitality, infinite lifespan, immunity to death, passive regeneration, enhanced effectiveness of Finger of Nirvana: Panacea's Restoration

Su Chan's eyes widened as he scanned his status. He had become incredibly powerful, and his destiny was now connected to the system. He felt a sense of excitement and wonder, knowing that his journey was just beginning.suddenly

Su Chan sensed a mysterious fluctuation in space, and suddenly, he tear the void and appeared in an place and found himself in a place not too far from the High Heaven Pavilion, near the Black Wind Village.

As he looked around, he saw people teleporting in from nowhere, behaving strangely, and exploring their surroundings like they had never seen anything like it before. Some tried to climb trees, while others attempted to open their pants, clearly confused.

Su Chan realized that these people were from Earth and had entered this world as players in a game name Martial Peak. He accessed his system's hidden function and saw windows in their heads, displaying their player information.

Yang Yan appeared beside him, holding a letter. "Su Chan, I have received a letter from the omnipotent being who sent you here. Would you like to see it?"

Su Chan nodded, and Yang Yan handed him the letter. As he read, his eyes widened in shock and excitement.

The letter explained that an omnipotent being even stronger than him had merged the universe and tongxuan realm with Earth, allowing people from Earth to enter this world as players like a game in Martial Peak,they can enter the world by closing their eyes for 10 second and the optuon will open for them to enter they can exit through their system and take the power and abilites with them to earth and it will completely merge with earth in about 100 years ,through various portal under this period the player enters the world will remain their system but after it anyone from earth people will not get the system but can enter this world through space portals,the players will revive after death but cost their half lifespan ,until it depleted , also i am very happy to see your progress i wanted to make you my successer as a gift and apologize to disturbing your world i have given you the infinite wealth function as a gift,with it you can get infinite money and resources from the system for free,and also i talked to the omnipotent being higher than me who merged the world about you and he surprisingly give you access to those player system, allowing you to access the players' world chat and adjust their favorability towards them at will and give them missions at will.

Su Chan ,was dumfounded,shocked a higher omnipotent being even the omnipotent being who send me here has merged the two worlds from different universe,he was exited at this it will be fun to play with these players.

The players, still confused, began to discuss their situation. "Dude, where are we? How do we get back?

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