
A new journey

Su Chan was happy his experience points are sky rocketing,he now has around 1 billion experience points due to his influence ,and his souring reputation and the emotions of amagement and admiration or negative emotions from the people, give him a billion experience points in total now he decided to improve his strength,after a week .

Su Chan sat in his meditation chamber, feeling pleased with his recent progress. He had been working hard to improve his strength and abilities, and it was paying off. He thought to himself, "Everything is going well, I should improve my strength more and get some new abilities."

He called out to the System Girl, Yang Yan, who appeared before him in a flash of light. "Yang Yan, I want to travel to another universe. Open the multiverse travel option."

Yang Yan nodded, her virtual avatar flickering with energy. "You can travel to the multiverse by giving 100,000 experience points. There are two modes of travel: Soul Travel and Physical Travel."

Su Chan leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Explain the details."

Yang Yan's avatar gestured, and a holographic display appeared before Su Chan. "In Soul Travel, your soul will travel to a random universe, and you won't be able to use your powers of the main world, but you can use your bloodline and soul powers. You'll be able to explore the world, communicate with its inhabitants, and even learn new skills and abilities."

Su Chan nodded, considering the options. "What about Physical Travel?"

Yang Yan's avatar gestured again, and the holographic display shifted. "In Physical Travel, your body will travel to a random universe, and you can use all your powers, and abilities. However, there are risks involved.in soul travel if you die we you will be back to your main body but in physical travel your body will go to another universe so of you die you die The environment and inhabitants of the other universe may be hostile, and you'll need to be prepared to face challenges and dangers."

Su Chan thought for a moment, weighing the pros and cons. Finally, he made his decision. "I choose Soul Travel."

Yang Yan nodded, her avatar flickering with energy. "100,000 experience points deducted. Remember, time in the main world will be stopped, and when you return, time will resume from where it left off. You don't need to worry about anything."

Su Chan nodded, and Yang Yan started the function. Su Chan's soul was pulled out of his body, and he felt himself being drawn into a vortex. The world around him became a blur, and he felt a strange sensation, like he was being pulled apart and put back together again.

When the vortex dissipated, Su Chan found himself in a completely new and unfamiliar world. He was in the body of a young boy, with white hair and piercing golden eyes. He looked around, taking in the sights and sounds of this new world.

A voice in his head spoke, "Welcome, Su Chan. You are now in a Soul Universe the Soul Land, in the body of Su chan in this universe world.

"Su Chan recall the memory of the original body he see he is an orfan his father is su wu tong and mother is tang xie ,a member of tang clan but his father is a commoner because of this his mother have to cut all ties of tang clan, when he reached 8 his parents died and he become a orfan now he is 9 year old ."

Su Chan was amazed, and happy not because of the memory because he is in the soul land universehe recalled the plot of soul land and was happy because he know this world is perfect for his soul cultivation,he opened the system mall and buy a physical cultivation technique the immortal dominating punches he know that if he want to get strong soul rings he have to increase his body physical powers, he sense that his soul power is already level 10 and the soul warming lotus is slowly merging his original emperor level soul power sloly to the body.

"Note,his soul power is very high at emperor realm which is equal to demi god realm in this world but his body power is only at level 10 which is soul level like cultivation realm his immortal dominating punches will help to improve his body strength quickly ."

su Chan, practice the immortal dominating punches daily for a year to adjust his soul power to his bodys physical power his body soul power is still at level 10 ,he is now 10 year old and he need to awaken his martial soul and quickly accuire the soul rings ,which is not a problem because he can even buy martial souls and soul rings in system store.

Su Chan,said to Yang Yan, "Awaken my martial soul!"

Yang Yan nodded, her virtual avatar flickering with energy. "1000 points deducted. Your martial soul is starting to awaken."

Su Chan felt a surge of energy surrounding him, entering his body, circulating, and gathering at his hands. He watched in awe as a martial soul appeared on each hand. On his left hand, the Clear Sky Hammer materialized, its hammerhead gleaming with a golden light. On his right hand, the Blue Silver Grass emerged, its petels shimmering with a silver glow.

A ding sound resonated, and Yang Yan spoke, "Do you want to upgrade your Blue Silver Grass?"

Su Chan nodded eagerly, and his Blue Silver Grass began to mutate. Its petels grew longer and stronger, transforming into The Blue Silver Grass Emperor martial soul.

But the energy circulation didn't stop. It continued to flow, entering Su Chan's eyes and spreading throughout his body. He felt an intense power surge, and his vision blurred. When his sight cleared, he saw that his eyes had changed. They now gleamed with a piercing light, a sign of the Spirit Eyes martial soul awakening.

Moreover, Su Chan sensed an extraordinary energy within him, a power that seemed to defy the laws of the martial souls. He pondered its origin, and suddenly, a notification appeared:

"Ding! Congratulations on awakening the dual martial spirit, Blue Silver Grass Emperor and Clear Sky Hammer, awakened from the Tang Bloodline!"

"Ding! Congratulations on awakening the martial soul of Abyssal Emperor and Spirit Eyes, obtained from the Supreme All Bloodline!"

Su Chan's mind raced as he gazed at his martial souls in disbelief. The Clear Sky Hammer and Blue Silver Grass Emperor represented his Tang Bloodline heritage, while the Abyssal Emperor and Spirit Eyes signified his connection to the Supreme All Bloodline. He felt an overwhelming sense of pride and gratitude, knowing that his bloodlines had bestowed him with such incredible abilities.

With a deep breath, Su Chan embraced his newfound powers, ready to face the challenges ahead. His eyes shone with determination, and his martial souls pulsed with energy, eager to be unleashed.

Su chan's status

_Name:_ Su Chan

_Level:_ 10

_Soul Realm:_ Emperor Realm (Demi-God)

_Title:_ Xing Tian - "Heaven's Salvation"

_Trait:_ Essence of Faith of Goddess Heaven's Destiny (Revised) - Level: Legendary


- Eternal Lifespanless (Level: Legendary)

_Martial Souls:_

1. _Spirit Eyes_ (Body Spirit) - Type: Support - Description: Allows Su Chan to see through illusions and deceptions, and grants him enhanced senses. - Soul Rings: None

2. _Abyssal Emperor_ (Six-Wing Abyss Demon) - Type: Mutated, Demon, Supreme - Description: A powerful martial soul with abilities including space-time manipulation, voidborn immunity, and dark energy manipulation. - Soul Rings: None

3. _Clear Sky Hammer_ (Weapon) - Type: Ancient, Weapon - Description: A powerful hammer that enhances Su Chan's physical strength and grants him abilities like destruction and defense. - Soul Rings: None

4. _Blue Silver Grass_ (Plant) - Type: Mutated, Plant, Beast - Description: A plant martial soul that allows Su Chan to heal, bind, and camouflage himself. - Soul Rings: None

5._Divine Dragon Emperor_

(beast) - type

Appearance: A majestic dragon with scales shimmering in gold and blue, its eyes burning with a fierce inner light.


- Type: Divine Dragon

- Rank: Supreme

- Abilities:

- Dragon's Roar: Unleashes a powerful roar that can stun enemies and boost allies.

- Dragon's Claw: Strikes with sharp claws that can tear through any defense.

- Dragon's Breath: Unleashes a stream of dragon breath that can deal massive damage.

- Dragon's Shield: Summons a protective shield that can deflect any attack.

Martial Soul Abilities:

- Dragon's Fury: Enters a state of fury in battle, increasing strength and speed.

- Dragon's Wisdom: Grants wisdom and insight in battle, allowing for precise strikes.

- Dragon's Endurance: Increases endurance and stamina, allowing for prolonged battles.

Special Ability:

- Dragon's Rebirth: Can revive once in battle, restoring all health and abilities.

Weapon: Dragon's Blade, a sword forged from the dragon's own teeth.

Armor: Dragon's Scale, armor forged from the dragon's own scales.

This Divine Dragon Martial Soul is a powerful and majestic entity that embodies the strength and wisdom of a dragon. Its abilities and attributes make it a formidable ally in battle, and its special ability to revive once in battle makes it a valuable asset to any cultivator.

Note:he don't awaken this in process because he already have it because he is also a dragon because of his bloodline the dragon source is transformed into the martial soul in this world


- _Supreme All-Bloodline_ (0.27% unlocked) - Rulers Bloodline of Multiverse

- _Divine Dragon Bloodline_

- _Shinju Ketsueki (Divine Tree Bloodline)_

- _Tang Sect Bloodline_: Su Chan has the same bloodline as Tang San, granting him access to the same abilities and strengths.

- _Clear Sky Clan Bloodline_: Su Chan has the bloodline of the Clear Sky Clan, granting him enhanced physical strength and martial soul abilities.

- _Blue Silver Empress Bloodline_: Su Chan has the bloodline of the Blue Silver Empress, granting him enhanced healing and support abilities.

Martial Soul description:

Name: Abyssal Emperor

Type: Six-Wing Abyss Demon (Mutation)

Appearance: The Abyssal Emperor martial soul manifest as six ethereal wings with a dark, iridescent sheen, resembling an abyssal void. The wings are adorned with glowing, crimson veins that pulse with an otherworldly energy.


- Space-Time Manipulation: Warps reality, creating localized distortions in space-time.

- Voidborn Immunity: Grants resistance to physical and spiritual attacks.

- Dark Energy Manipulation: Controls and projects dark energy for offensive and defensive purposes.

- Abyssal Summoning: Calls forth lesser abyssal creatures to aid in battle.

- Cosmic Awareness: Provides enhanced senses and intuition.

- Mutation Ability: Adaptively evolves the user's body to counter opponents' attacks.

- Soul Mimicry: Copies abilities from target martial souls weaker than the user's level.

- Mental Fortress: Possesses a strong mental attribute, granting resistance to mental attacks and illusions.


- Abyssal Requiem: Unleashes a devastating, soul-shaking scream.

- Voidborn Strike: Conjures a blade of dark energy to cleave opponents.

- Space-Time Rift: Creates a localized singularity, drawing in and damaging enemies.

-soul mimicary:Copies abilities from target martial souls weaker than the user's level.

- Mental Fortress: Possesses a strong mental attribute, granting resistance to mental attacks and illusions.

The Abyssal Emperor's Soul Mimicry ability allows it to adapt and learn from its opponents, while its Mental Fortress attribute makes it resilient to psychological attacks. This Supreme Martial Soul has become even more formidable, making its wielder a force to be reckoned with.

now the new arc will be begin in another universe and don't worry it will end quickly beacuse i will add timlapses in another universe so that he will not stuck in the another universe for long because he have to go to his universe and continue his journey it is just to increase his strength .,and verry sorry for the late update i was sick and cant write so now it will go smoothly sorry for the trouble, i know its short but i will quikly uplode the next chapter

HeavenlyDemonGodzcreators' thoughts