

"WHAT?" everyone who present went silent.

A SKY meddling stage elder was heavily by a crippled 12 year old brat! It is said that cripple is a waste who will forever remain a mortal!. but Isn't this too heaven defying?

"Gulp!" those who were mocking ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' earlier were sucking cold breath. Just what the hell is happening?

"ha! Ha!" but ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' was also heavily panting. "I am almost exhausted. Let's finish this quickly" he silently muttered to himself.

"just who is this kid?" even elder 'Teng Mun' and 'Meng Sha' were shocked. They have never seen anyone like this before.

*kacha* ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' broke the tree stem into 2 pieces. His eyes were shining with glimmer.

"3rd move"

"Pressure Point Technique"

*woosh*woosh* he threw the 2 broken tree stem on 2 different body parts of the elder 'Gui Yan'. The attack was too fast.

"this kid is too abnormal. If this attack reaches me…"


Space around elder 'Gui Yan; started to tremble.


Wild energy started to gush out from elder 'Gui Yan'. Area around him was wildly shaking. It is said that a sky meddling stage can affect the sky's to some affect.

"this…" elder 'Teng Mun' and 'Meng Sha' were no longer much shocked. They were shocked to the extent that they are not further .

When a cultivator solely relies on his energy without any techniques in a fight that means that that is their last resort. It clear show how strong ' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' is.

*sssszzzz* the wild energy had formed a inpenetrable wall around elder 'Gui Yan'.


Suddenly something hit at his 2 accupoints strongly.

*wish* his energy flow in his body got disrupted and it got vanished in a instant.

"whats happening?" elder 'Gui Yan' felt the change but he was feeling dizzy.

*bam* he fainted.

On the other side

"phew since it was he taking my attack and not attacking I was able to withstand."" Otherwise…. 'Sky Meddling Stage' is too far away for me now"

*bam* he also fainted.

A human body has 100 accu points and only cultivators can activate and control them. It is said that those who can unlock and control those all 100 of them they can become a 'God'. What 'Xiao Tian' did was took advantage of this point. His opponent was way stronger than him. So he attacked the accu points and disrupted his enrgy flow and made him faint.

"he won"

"he really won"

Every one of the new 119 recruits were shocked. Some where happy, some angry and some feared.

"it looks like we got a freaking talent this year" both elder 'Teng Mun' and 'Meng Sha' where smiling.


"hahha"" good. It will be lively" that laughing beautiful girl vanished.


'' Shen Duan Yu Han Fang' slept for a whole 2 days and he woke up.

When he woke up there was a wide smell of medicine.

"hmm?" a old man was brewing medicine.

To be continued