
Martial Arts Immortal

As the once-proud dynasty crumbles, a tumult of immortals and gods vies for supremacy, while demons surge unchecked and bizarre phenomena unfurl. Amidst this chaos, humanity, shackled by its mortal frailty, endures in anguish. In the midst of it all, Lin Zheyu awakens, thrust into this enigmatic realm. Surrounded by celestial beings and demons , can he navigate the perilous path of martial arts and emerge victorious? The unfolding saga awaits our discovery!

Noobyass · ตะวันออก
22 Chs



Jia Yanyong let out a loud shout.

With a face full of muscles, he exuded an intimidating aura.

With a sudden kick, he charged towards Lin Zheyu, swinging his sandbag-sized fists towards Lin Zheyu's face.

As he sprinted, Jia Yanyong envisioned Lin Zheyu being knocked to the ground by his punch, begging for mercy.

Lin Zheyu seemed genuinely frightened as he stood motionless in place.

Jia Yanyong's speed was astonishing, and in moments he was in front of Lin Zheyu.

His fists swung violently, whooshing through the air, aiming towards Lin Zheyu's head, with the image of Lin Zheyu being knocked down flashing in his mind.


Feeling no impact from his fist, Jia Yanyong's punch missed.

 Lin Zheyu had evaded to the left while twisting his waist.

With a forceful swing, he scattered a red powder he had prepared for a long time towards Jia Yanyong's eyes.

The powder dispersed, and Lin Zheyu quickly backed away, but still coughed a few times from the irritation of the chili powder.

He had prepared this chili powder for half a month, never expecting to use it, let alone on Jia Yanyong, who had unexpectedly come looking for trouble today.


Cough... Ah...

Jia Yanyong felt his vision blur as the spicy red powder smeared his face, and his eyes were instantly struck with intense pain.

His cries of agony echoed through the street along with his coughing.

"I'll kill you, I'll kill you!"

Jia Yanyong roared loudly.

With his eyes tightly shut, tears streaming down, blurring his vision.

The fiery sensation, accompanied by intense pain, engulfed his eyes, making Jia Yanyong feel as though he was going blind, a mix of anger and fear surging through his heart.

He dared not imagine how his life would be if he were to go blind.

With closed eyes, he swung his fists wildly in the air.

Lin Zheyu charged forward with a fierce bull rush, slamming into Jia Yanyong's chest, causing him to stagger back several steps.

It had to be said, chili powder was truly effective.

Jia Yanyong was indeed formidable, and in a real fight, he might not be an opponent.

With one successful strike, Lin Zheyu advanced once again.

Under a series of bull punches, Jia Yanyong, blinded, couldn't even land a hit on Lin Zheyu and was easily knocked to the ground.

"For the sake of your brother, I'll spare your life this time. Next time, you won't be so lucky."

"Go wash your eyes quickly, you might still be able to save them."

Lin Zheyu said to the tearful Jia Yanyong.

More and more onlookers gathered around, and he chose not to continue the fight.

If this weren't in the inner city, with many passersby, Lin Zheyu would have dealt with this guy on the spot.

He walked around Jia Yanyong and headed home as if nothing had happened.

The moonlight cascaded down into the courtyard.

Having changed into his combat attire, Lin Zheyu arrived at Liang Song's courtyard.

The two stood still in the center of the courtyard.

Lin Zheyu assumed an attacking stance, while Liang Song stood with his hands behind his back, wearing a faint smile on his face, resembling a legendary master.

"Use your full force to attack me."

"Master, please excuse me."

Lin Zheyu said.

With the muscles of his calves bursting, he shot towards Liang Song like an arrow.

The Bull Punch emphasized brute force. When executed, it exuded an unstoppable momentum.

At this moment, the force from his thighs, coordinated by his waist, gathered the strength of his entire body into his fists.

First form of the Bull Punch: Bull Charge!

This form unleashed both fists simultaneously, one punch straight, the other perpendicular.

The straight punch had an unmatched momentum, aimed directly at the opponent's face, forcing them to focus their energy on defense.

The other punch struck the opponent's waist and abdomen directly, catching them off guard.

The two punches could instantly switch between straight and perpendicular. If the opponent concentrated on defending against the punch aimed at their abdomen, then the straight punch would immediately become lethal.


Liang Song reached out with both hands, grabbing Lin Zheyu's wrists, one above and the other below.

He slightly turned his body, then suddenly exerted force with both arms, leveraging Lin Zheyu's momentum, pulling him off balance in an instant.

Lin Zheyu staggered forward a few steps, feeling uneasy, but it was too late.


Intense pain erupted from his abdomen as Lin Zheyu was sent flying.

Under the moonlight, Liang Song patted his lame leg and stood firm again.

"Master, do you have to be so ruthless?"

Lin Zheyu stood up, rubbing his abdomen, feeling a fiery sensation.

It really hurts.

Despite his old age, Master's strength remains formidable.

"It's only when it's painful that you remember deeply."

"In real combat, we need to turn our weakness into strength, and strike while we are at it."

"Your attack just now was strong, and my force was less than half of yours, relatively weak."

"Yet by using some techniques, I can leverage your force, causing you to lose balance."

"Your formidable force instantly becomes your weakness, allowing me to strike with strength against your weakness."

"When encountering such a situation, you need to..."

Liang Song explained carefully, teaching Lin Zheyu some tactics and countermeasures for real combat.

After the explanation, Liang Song personally demonstrated it to Lin Zheyu in slow motion.

"Again, launch an attack like before, then counterattack using the method I taught you."

After the demonstration, Liang Song signaled for Lin Zheyu to continue the attack.

Recalling what he had just learned, Lin Zheyu understood Liang Song's teachings even more.

His eyes became determined, and his figure shot towards Liang Song.

Bang bang bang—

This time, Lin Zheyu and Liang Song fought several rounds in a row.


Without any surprise, Lin Zheyu was kicked flying again.

"Master, you're playing dirty. You didn't mention the flaw in that move earlier." Lin Zheyu rubbed his stomach as he stood up.

The countermove that Liang Song had just taught him was easily broken by Liang Song using another method.

"Your mind must be agile."

"The moves are dead, but people are alive."

"In battle, no one will rigidly use martial arts moves. You must respond flexibly to different situations."

Liang Song lectured, once again pointing out Lin Zheyu's shortcomings.







The entire night, Lin Zheyu was either being kicked or on the path of being kicked.

Liang Song seemed to have a liking for kicking people with his feet. If it wasn't kicking Lin Zheyu's stomach, it was kicking his buttocks or chest.

"I am done, I am done!"

Lin Zheyu gritted his teeth, feeling the fiery pain on his face.

Just now, Liang Song kicked him in the face!

Too humiliating, hitting someone in the face!


"Master, you've gone too far. It's one thing to kick with your feet, but you kicked my face."

Lin Zheyu took a deep breath, expressing his indignation.

He hated being hit on the face the most in his life, but this person in front of him was beyond his match...

"Hmm, what's wrong with hitting your face? Am I not your master?"

Liang Song said lightly, feeling a bit embarrassed in his heart.

He indeed didn't hold back just now.

Lin Zheyu's learning comprehension was very strong. In a moment of carelessness, he almost got hit in the abdomen by Lin Zheyu.

In desperation, Liang Song kicked out with his right foot, hitting Lin Zheyu's face, sending him flying.

"Take this medicine, apply it tonight, and you won't feel pain tomorrow morning."

Liang Song took out a small bottle and threw it to Lin Zheyu.

Lin Zheyu unscrewed the bottle cap and sniffed it, the strong herbal scent entering his nostrils.

"Thank you, Master."

"Remember to come early tomorrow morning, I'll teach you something else."

"Okay, I'll definitely come early."

Lin Zheyu replied, feeling a sense of anticipation rising in his heart.