
Martial Arts Immortal

As the once-proud dynasty crumbles, a tumult of immortals and gods vies for supremacy, while demons surge unchecked and bizarre phenomena unfurl. Amidst this chaos, humanity, shackled by its mortal frailty, endures in anguish. In the midst of it all, Lin Zheyu awakens, thrust into this enigmatic realm. Surrounded by celestial beings and demons , can he navigate the perilous path of martial arts and emerge victorious? The unfolding saga awaits our discovery!

Noobyass · ตะวันออก
22 Chs

Resonance of muscles and bones

Night time.The bright moonlight cascaded down.

In the courtyard, there were muffled sounds.

Lin Zheyu was exercising strenuously.

With the increase in income, his daily meals had improved. Nourished by plenty of fish and meat, his body became stronger and more robust.

Lin Zheyu was shirtless, practicing boxing. His muscles were sleek and well-defined, and every punch he threw stirred up a gust of wind.

After exercising for two full hours, Lin Zheyu finally stopped.

[Heaven Rewards Diligence]

Name: Lin Zheyu

Source Power: 5

Skill: Barbarian Bull Fist (Entry Level 47%)

"My Source Power has accumulated to five units. It's time to enhance my strength," Lin Zheyu said to himself.

During this period, he had broken through his limits twice, gaining two units of Source Power.

After breaking through the physical limits each time, it took about five days of recuperation to restore his energy to its peak.

During these dozen or so days, after repaying Wu Steward's five taels of silver, Lin Zheyu had saved up another eight taels of silver, all of which he used to purchase medicinal materials.

The fragrance of medicinal herbs wafted through the courtyard.

Because he didn't know how much energy this upgrade would require, he put all eight sets of medicinal herbs into the mix.

After simmering until late at night, the medicinal power from the herbs was completely extracted.

He poured it out and let it cool.


As he drank the medicinal soup, Lin Zheyu let out a satisfied burp.

"Use 1 unit of Source Power to enhance Barbarian Bull Fist," Lin Zheyu transmitted his thoughts.

As his thoughts went out, one unit of Source Power disappeared.

Then the progress of the Barbarian Bull Fist began to jump rapidly: 80%... 90%... 100%.

Barbarian Bull Fist was officially promoted to the mastery level, finally stopping at 2% progress.

A familiar sensation came over him. Mysterious energy surged from deep within his cells, beginning to transform his muscles and fascia.

Lin Zheyu's mind entered a strange state.

He found himself in an inexplicable space, where he had only one thought: to practice the Barbarian Bull Fist!

Lin Zheyu trained the Barbarian Bull Fist like a madman in this special space, punch after punch, never stopping, tireless, in a frenzy.

In this mysterious state, he didn't know how long had passed. His comprehension of the Barbarian Bull Fist became even deeper.

The medicinal soup he drank, under the influence of the mysterious power, was drawn out and strengthened his physique.

Lin Zheyu's body underwent tremendous changes, his muscles becoming even more solid, his fascia stronger and more powerful.

After a moment, there was a crackling sound coming from his body, indicating the transition from muscle training to bone forging.

After reaching the mastery level of the Barbarian Bull Fist, he entered the Bone Forging Realm.

After a few breaths, Lin Zheyu slowly opened his eyes, returning from his trance.

He shook his head slightly, feeling mentally exhausted.

Training and comprehending the Barbarian Bull Fist tirelessly in that special state was a great drain on his spirit.

"Very good, I didn't suffer from qi and blood deficiency like last time," Lin Zheyu felt his body condition. His muscles felt full, his internal organs strong, and his bones had become a bit stronger.

The medicinal soup he drank had almost all been absorbed, with very little left.

[Heaven Rewards Diligence]

Name: Lin Zheyu

Source Power: 4

Skill: Barbarian Bull Fist (Mastery 3%)

He lightly clenched his fist, and there was a slight crackling sound coming from his fist.

After completing muscle training and entering the Bone Forging Realm, he had reached a new level of control over his muscles and fascia.

At this point, he could control the fascia and use the resonance of muscles and bones to temper his bones.

"I am in the Bone Forging Realm now. Tomorrow, I'll go find Master Liang and learn about the cultivation methods of the Bone Forging Realm and the Organ Refinement Realm from him," Lin Zheyu thought to himself.

The Bone Forging Realm and the Organ Refinement Realm both have special training methods, which Liang Song did not teach; he only taught Lin Zheyu the content of muscle training.

Since the last time he went to Liang Song's house to study for a whole morning, Lin Zheyu hadn't went back.

Occasionally, when he passed by, he would check if sifu was around, but there was no one there.


Early the next morning.

In order to see Liang Song, Lin Zheyu arrived at 33 Golden East Street early.

Knock, knock, knock.

He lightly tapped on the door, which creaked open.

"Why are you here?" Liang Song saw Lin Zheyu and asked.

Lin Zheyu secretly cursed in his heart; he had come early for three consecutive days, and only today did he see someone.

He didn't know where the master had gone, so secretive; he could only see his figure during the storytelling session in the afternoon.

"I encountered some problems in martial arts training and wanted to ask for your advice," Lin Zheyu said.

He walked in and closed the door behind him.

"What kind of problems?" Liang Song watered the flowers and gestured for Lin Zheyu to find a place to sit down.

"It's when I'm exercising, I always feel that the fascia and bones around my elbows..."

Lin Zheyu explained the issues he encountered during bone forging, and the more Liang Song listened, the more surprised he became.

He put down the watering can and looked at Lin Zheyu.

This kid's understanding of the Barbarian Bull Fist has reached such a level?

"Show me your fist techniques," Liang Song couldn't help but say.


Lin Zheyu nodded and went to the center of the courtyard.

He took off his jacket and assumed the stance of the Barbarian Bull Fist.


Bang, bang, bang.

In the courtyard, there was the sound of fists hitting the wooden stakes.

Mixed in with the sound were a few crackling noises coming from Lin Zheyu's body.

"Bone Forging!"

"You have reached the Bone Forging Realm!"

Liang Song widened his eyes, unable to help but stand up.

Less than a month had passed since he last taught him boxing.

A complete novice who had never practiced martial arts before had mastered the Barbarian Bull Fist to the mastery level in just one month. This is incredible!

"What a talent!I am jealous"

"If he had started martial arts training from a young age, he might have had the opportunity to reach the Grandmaster Realm, what a pity."

Watching Lin Zheyu practice boxing, Liang Song's face showed a hint of regret.

This kind of terrifying talent was rare in his lifetime.

"Rest for a while, and I will tell you about the contents of bone forging," Liang Song stopped Lin Zheyu.

"Yes, Master."

Lin Zheyu relaxed his fists and sat opposite Liang Song at the table.

"Not bad, you've mastered the Barbarian Bull Fist to the mastery level so quickly."

"After entering the mastery level,and training the body to fullness, you can now try bone forging."

"Bone forging requires both external stimulation and the resonance of muscles and bones..."

Liang Song shared the methods of bone forging.

Lin Zheyu listened attentively, learning a lot about the body's bones.

"Your understanding is good. I'll also teach you the breathing method for internal training of the Barbarian Bull Fist, and you can contemplate it when you go back."

"Only with a breathing method that complements the Barbarian Bull Fist can its true power be unleashed."

Liang Song pondered for a moment before saying.

With Lin Zheyu's talent and understanding, he should be able to grasp the breathing method as well.

The special breathing method required a high level of control over the body and a strong comprehension ability.

"Yes, Master!"

Lin Zheyu was overjoyed.

Internal training breathing method sounded very powerful.

"In the way of martial arts, external training strengthens muscles and skin, while internal training strengthens breath."

"Different martial arts have different burdens on the internal organs. Only by exercising in accordance with the corresponding martial arts can the internal organs be strengthened to exert greater power."

"The breathing method corresponding to the Barbarian Bull Fist mainly emphasizes abdominal breathing, using force in the Dantian, and requires mastering a specific breathing rhythm and cadence."

"Come, watch my chest and abdomen."

"Carefully feel..."

Liang Song's voice rang out as he let Lin Zheyu feel the rhythm of his breathing.

Lin Zheyu placed his hand on Master Liang's muscular chest. Liang Song's muscles were extremely hard, like lumps of iron nodules.

He silently felt the strange rhythm of Master Liang's breathing, observing the rise and fall of his chest.

This rhythm and cadence were extremely difficult to grasp, and Lin Zheyu felt a bit puzzled even after feeling it for a long time.