
Martial Arts Immortal

As the once-proud dynasty crumbles, a tumult of immortals and gods vies for supremacy, while demons surge unchecked and bizarre phenomena unfurl. Amidst this chaos, humanity, shackled by its mortal frailty, endures in anguish. In the midst of it all, Lin Zheyu awakens, thrust into this enigmatic realm. Surrounded by celestial beings and demons , can he navigate the perilous path of martial arts and emerge victorious? The unfolding saga awaits our discovery!

Noobyass · ตะวันออก
22 Chs

Physical strengthening from the spirit

On the way home, familiar figures emerged from the shadows.

"Mr. Lin, have you considered yesterday's proposition?" The newcomer was named Jia Yanming, the steward of Overflowing Fragrance Tea House.

Unlike manager Wu, Jia Yanming had a standard physique, a stern countenance, and eyes as sharp as blades, reminiscent of a successful businessman from a past life.

"I apologize, but Overflowing Fragrance Tea House holds my gratitude."

"I once visited your establishment, but was turned away by the server before I could enter, and I was disappointed ," Lin Zheyu lamented.

At that time, Jia Yanming had been present, casting him a cold, indifferent glance, as though regarding a beggar at the door. He even impatiently waved his hand at the server to dismiss Lin Zheyu.

"Please reconsider. We can discuss the terms further."

"We can offer you a base wage of three hundred wen, with additional increments based on the number of patrons. For every ten guests beyond the Base quota, you'll receive an extra ten wen, and so forth."

" Bi Dan Tea House is smaller in scale, the prospects for advancement there pale in comparison to Overflowing Fragrance Tea House."

"As long as you join us, we..."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not considering it at the moment." Lin Zheyu cut off Jia Yanming, and left.

"After all, he's still young and inexperienced to the harsh realities of business."

"He has a sense of gratitude and understands how to repay kindness, but... well..."

Jia Yanming watched Lin's departing figure, his expression inscrutable as he murmured softly, lost in thought.


Back in the courtyard, Lin Zheyu shed his robes.

They were uncomfortable to wear; he much preferred the attire suited for martial training.

He retrieved the Qi-boosting and blood-replenishing herbs he bought the day before and began brewing them in a pot.

"Phew, this is quite a strenuous task. How wonderful it would be to have a maid." Lin Zheyu wiped the sweat from his brow, breathing heavily.

After several hours of morning exercises, his body was already fatigued, and now, chopping wood, fetching water, and boiling water made him even more tired.

Lin Zheyu collapsed on the ground, panting.

He didn't want to move at all now; every movement tested his willpower.

"No, I can't give up so easily!" Lin Zheyu encouraged himself.

After a month of practicing stance training, his determination had grown significantly.

Even the simple action of rising from the ground drained the determination he had just accumulated.

"Persist in one's efforts. If only I hadn't trained so rigorously under Master Liang," Lin Zheyu muttered, feeling the pain coursing through his body.

After taking a short break, he gritted his teeth and resumed his exercises.

"The heavens lay great tasks upon men; Men are nothing without hardwork and resilience ..."

Lin Zheyu muttered motivating idioms to bolster himself. While enduring the pain coursing through his body and the weariness and aversion emanating from his spirit, he began his exercises.

"If one cannot endure even this slight suffering, how can they achieve great things in the future?" he reasoned with himself.

He got into his stance.

Though lacking in strength, his posture remained impeccable.



With each exclamation, Lin Zheyu began his fist exercises.

In the courtyard stood wooden posts wrapped in old clothes for cushioning, prepared beforehand by Lin Zheyu.

Thump, thump, thump.

His fists struck the wooden post, resonating with a dull thud.

As time passed, Lin Zheyu entered into a state of focus, the thumping against the wooden post grew louder.

The beginning is always the hardest; once one compels himself to start exercising, the rest is a matter of gritting one's teeth and enduring.

Rustle, rustle, rustle.

A gentle breeze rustled the leaves.

Bathed in moonlight, Lin Zheyu's body was drenched in sweat, his face pallid, and his lips trembling slightly.

His eyes were bloodshot; with each punch thrown, his arm muscles quivered uncontrollably.

It was a sign that he was nearing his limit.


"Just a little longer, and success will be mine!"

Lin Zheyu clenched his teeth, his spirit stretched to its utmost limits, resisting the intense pain reverberating throughout his body.

Ten more minutes passed.

The sensation of breaking through his physical limits along with the sudden elevation of his spirit flooded him, and his essence and energy condensed into one.

Heaving a long sigh, he collapsed onto the ground, utterly exhausted.

Every muscle in his body twitched from fatigue.

"It's done."

A faint smile graced Lin Zheyu's pallid face.

He had gained another unit of Source Power.

[Reaping Rewards of Diligence]

Name: Lin Zheyu

Source Power: 3

Skill: Bull's Fist (5% to Mastery)

"Bull's Fist is still 95% away from Mastery. It'll take about twenty more days to achieve it."

"I wonder how significant the role of Source Power is and how much improvement it can bring to Bull's Fist."

Lin Zheyu's anticipation grew.

He rested on the ground for a good half-hour before rising.

After stretching his muscles, he stripped naked and entered the pre-prepared bath.

"Ah, refreshing!"

Enveloped in warm water, Lin Zheyu shivered, feeling some of his muscle fatigue dissipate.

"Let's see the effect of the Source Power."

Unable to contain his excitement, Lin Zheyu decided to try it out immediately.

"Use 1 unit of Source Power to enhance Bull's Fist."

As his thoughts echoed, one unit of Source Power vanished.

Immediately, the progress bar for Bull's Fist began to surge rapidly: 6%... 10%... 20%... 50%... 80%... 100%!


A mysterious energy surged from the depths of his cells, initiating a transformation of Lin Zheyu's muscular structure. Meanwhile, his spirit entered a peculiar state.

He seemed to be in an inexplicable space, where the only thought occupying his mind was to practice Bull's Fist!

He trained the technique frantically, punch after punch, tirelessly and relentlessly, as if possessed.

In this mystical state, time seemed to stretch indefinitely. Lin Zheyu's understanding of Bull's Fist grew deeper with each passing moment.

After several breaths, he snapped back to reality from his trance-like state.

His eyes widened in astonishment.


Lin Zheyu felt as though he had been practicing Bull's Fist tirelessly for a long time without rest.

His comprehension of Bull's Fist had become profoundly deep.

Suddenly, he felt a strange sensation in his nose, as if something was flowing out.

He touched his nose and saw a hint of blood under the moonlight.

"This is... a nosebleed?"

Lin Zheyu was perplexed. Suddenly, his head began to spin, and his body felt incredibly weak.

His vision became blurred.

"What's happening?"

"Why do I feel even weaker than before?"

Lin Zheyu grasped the edge of the bath, taking a moment to recover from the dizziness.

The depletion of his energy and blood was more severe than he had expected.