
Martial Arts Immortal

As the once-proud dynasty crumbles, a tumult of immortals and gods vies for supremacy, while demons surge unchecked and bizarre phenomena unfurl. Amidst this chaos, humanity, shackled by its mortal frailty, endures in anguish. In the midst of it all, Lin Zheyu awakens, thrust into this enigmatic realm. Surrounded by celestial beings and demons , can he navigate the perilous path of martial arts and emerge victorious? The unfolding saga awaits our discovery!

Noobyass · ตะวันออก
22 Chs

I am a Genius!


In the Jade Dan Teahouse, the sound of creaking wood echoed.

Lin Zheyu spoke slowly, "To know what happens next, please listen to the next episode."


"Keep talking a bit more, Mr. Lin!"

"Yes, yes, we haven't heard enough."

Cheers and pleas from the audience came from below the stage.Facing the audience's pleas, Lin Zheyu smiled, bowed, and stepped down from the stage.

After finishing the book, in a different environment, his emotions were diluted.

He hadn't done anything wrong; it was the world that was wrong!

"Wu Manager, care for a drink?" Lin Zheyu said.

In Songyi City, he only knew two people well, Wu Yinghe and Master Liang Song.

Lin Zheyu really wanted to share the experience with Master Liang after killing, but unfortunately, Master Liang was not around.

When Lin Zheyu went to his house in the morning, he knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no answer. Master Liang didn't show up during the storytelling session in the afternoon either.

At this point, Lin Zheyu knew that Liang Song had disappeared again.

Every once in a while, Master Liang would disappear for a few days. This time, who knew how long he would be gone.

Fortunately, Liang Song had taught him the method of forging bones and the inner breathing method of the Barbarian Bull Fist, enough for Lin Zheyu to practice for a while.

"Sure, but you're treating this time!"

"Recently, I've seen you giving a lot of tips; you're much richer than me now," Wu Manager said with a smile.

"Let's go, after we finish the wine, we'll go to the Hundred Flowers Tower."

Lin Zheyu said with a smile; he needed to vent, release the complex emotions in his heart, and then he would feel better.


In the blink of an eye, three days had passed.

Lin Zheyu secretly went to the Baishan District. The disappearance of Gao Yu and others finally caught the attention of their relatives. Although they used to disappear for periods of time, this time it had been quite a while. After a search, they found several bodies in a remote wilderness.

After three days, the bodies had been mutilated by wild animals. Upon reporting to the authorities, the constables at the yamen briefly reviewed the procedures, instructed them to await further updates, and then there was no additional communication.

Their families could only hastily complete the funeral arrangements and bury them.

Lin Zheyu's heart finally settled down.

"Master Liang still hasn't returned. What exactly is he doing?"

Lin Zheyu passed by Liang Song's house again, knocked on the door, but no one answered.

Liang Song hadn't returned since yesterday, and until today, there was still no sign of him.


Four more days passed.

In the Jade Dan Teahouse.

Lin Zheyu and Manager Wu sat in the backyard of the teahouse, chatting.

"I heard that the rebels have captured another city, and there are many refugees outside the city."

Manager Wu said, his expression somewhat worried.

Songyi City was a relatively peripheral city of Da Wei. If the rebels advanced in their direction, they would soon reach there.

"Don't worry, haven't you seen that the wealthy people in Songyi City haven't fled yet?"

Lin Zheyu reassured him.

When Jiunan City was captured, the wealthy were the first to flee upon hearing the news.

"How do you know they haven't fled?"

"As far as I know, those families have already begun to send their young members with some of their people to the Eight Directions City."

Manager Wu said.

It was precisely because he knew about this that he was extremely worried.

His roots were in Songyi City, and after leaving Songyi City it would not be easy to find a good job again.

"Don't overthink it; if the worst happens, there will be those capable enough to handle it."

"Moreover, the Da Wei soldiers are strong and vigorous. The rebels are just showing off for a while; it's not easy to maintain their current momentum."Lin Zheyu said.

Information was blocked in this era, and he didn't know exactly what was happening on the front lines, so he could only comfort himself.

"Alright, it's time for storytelling; I'm going on stage."

Lin Zheyu said.

He went up to the storytelling stage and scanned the audience below.

"Eh, Master Liang is back!"

At the window, Lin Zheyu saw a familiar figure.

Liang Song sat by the window, staring outside, lost in thought.

He had been gone for six or seven days, and now he had reappeared.


After finishing the storytelling,

Lin Zheyu sat down opposite Liang Song.

He poured a cup of wine for his master, then filled his own.

"Master, this drink is to you, consider it a welcome back." Lin Zheyu raised his cup.

"Thank you."

Liang Song smiled, clinked glasses with Lin Zheyu, and then joked, "Using my own wine to welcome me back, you really have your way."

"Same here, same here, I've spent all my money on martial arts practice, very poor, but the thought counts." Lin Zheyu said with a grin.

He picked up his chopsticks and continued, "Master, during the time you were away, I went over the content, and I can discuss it with you in the next few days."

"No need, just let me review the manuscripts from those days," Liang Song said.

The two engaged in various conversations.

Liang Song didn't mention where he had been these past few days, and Lin Zheyu didn't ask. They understood each other very well.If the master wanted to talk, he would naturally do so.

If he didn't want to, Lin Zheyu wouldn't ask. Everyone has secrets they don't want to tell others.

Lin Zheyu was no exception.

"For the next few days, come to my place every morning, and I'll focus on guiding you." Liang Song said.

Since starting to teach Lin Zheyu martial arts, he had only spent less than two days actually instructing him, with Lin Zheyu relying entirely on self-study.

But even so, Lin Zheyu's progress in martial arts was beyond his imagination.

It was incredible how fast he was progressing.

Liang Song planned to seriously teach Lin Zheyu. Perhaps he could cultivate a powerful martial artist in the future.

"Thank you, Master!"

Lin Zheyu's eyes lit up.He had plenty of questions to ask Master Liang...About forging bones, about refining the organs, and also about actual combat.

Originally, Lin Zheyu planned to use Source Power to enhance his strength tonight,as several days had passed, and he had saved up quite a bit of money.

Now he dispelled that idea; it would be better to wait.

In such a short period, mastering the Barbarian Bull Fist and reaching the forging bones realm was terrifying enough.

If he continued to improve and Master Liang discovered his true strength, Lin Zheyu didn't know what Master Liang would think. He was afraid Master Liang would think he had some hidden treasure.

Human nature is not to be tested.


Early the next morning.

As the sun rise, Lin Zheyu arrived at Liang Song's courtyard.

"Master Liang, good morning."

Lin Zheyu humbly greeted, then handed over the prepared manuscripts.

These manuscripts were the content of Lin Zheyu's storytelling during Liang Song's absence.

Liang Song gestured for Lin Zheyu to close the door, then sat back down at the stone table and chair in the corner of the courtyard.

"Let me see a round of the Barbarian Bull Fist, let's see if you've been slacking off recently." Liang Song said.

"Yes, Master."

Lin Zheyu responded.

He took off his long coat, revealing his muscular body.

Recently, the weather had turned colder, and it was a bit chilly early in the morning.

Lin Zheyu took his stance.

His chest undulated rhythmically, breathing deeply and smoothly.

After this period of hard practice, he finally got used to the unique breathing method of the Barbarian Bull Fist.

From the initial discomfort to integrating it into daily life, to being able to use it seamlessly with the Barbarian Bull Fist, took about ten days in total.

Even Lin Zheyu was amazed.

It turns out, I'm a genius!