
Martial Arts Immortal

As the once-proud dynasty crumbles, a tumult of immortals and gods vies for supremacy, while demons surge unchecked and bizarre phenomena unfurl. Amidst this chaos, humanity, shackled by its mortal frailty, endures in anguish. In the midst of it all, Lin Zheyu awakens, thrust into this enigmatic realm. Surrounded by celestial beings and demons , can he navigate the perilous path of martial arts and emerge victorious? The unfolding saga awaits our discovery!

Noobyass · ตะวันออก
22 Chs

Existence Of Demons

The feeling of muscle cramps disappeared, and Lin Zheyu planned to continue practicing martial arts.

He was about to break through his limits. With another effort, another unit of source energy would be in his hands.

"What are you doing?"

"Your body is nearing its limit. If you keep exercising, you won't be able to do anything else in the afternoon."

Seeing Lin Zheyu walk to the center of the courtyard and assume a stance, Liang Song reminded him.

"It's okay, I'll talk to Manager Wu in the afternoon and skip the storytelling session. I'll go over tomorrow."

Lin Zheyu said.

Reaching the limit is good, that's what he wants. How can he gain source energy without reaching the limit?


"How can you skip such an important storytelling session?"

"If you don't go, what will I listen to?"

"Practicing martial arts requires relaxation and moderation. Overexertion is useless. Go back and rest for a while, focus on preparing for the storytelling session in the afternoon."

Liang Song said.

He was just enjoying himself. How could he let Lin Zheyu skip storytelling because of martial arts practice?


Lin Zheyu couldn't help but laugh or cry at the words. No wonder Master Liang cared so much about his body. It turns out he didn't want him to miss the storytelling session in the afternoon due to excessive exercise!

"Yes, Master."

Lin Zheyu reluctantly agreed.

It seems that he can only try to break through his physical limits again in the evening.

"You've learned the Bull Fist quite well. Practice at home in the future."

"If you don't understand anything, ask me when I'm at the Bidadan Tea House. If you come here, I may not be home."

"Also, you must diligently prepare storytelling every day. Only by telling good stories can you earn more money."

"Only with enough money support can you practice martial arts well."

Liang Song said seriously.

"Thank you for your teachings, Master."


Back home, Lin Zheyu washed up and changed into scholar attire.

During the exercise, he didn't feel particularly tired. After over an hour of recovery, Lin Zheyu felt sore and weak all over, unable to lift his hands without trembling.

During lunch, he picked up his bowl, but his hands trembled, and he had to put it back down.

Energetic at first, then declining, and finally exhausted.

Lin Zheyu felt it would be difficult to continue exercising to break through his physical limits in the evening.

"Master, have you overexerted yourself again?"

Looking at Lin Zheyu's unsteady steps, Wu Yinghe smiled bitterly.

This young man was really pushing himself.

"I spent a few hours learning martial arts from Master Liang in the morning, so my body is a bit tired, but it's nothing."

"I owe thanks to Manager Wu for this matter with Master Liang. When I have enough money, I'll treat you to a meal at Baihua Tower."

Lin Zheyu said with a smile.

After nearly a month of hard practice with the horse stance, he finally passed Master Liang's test and learned martial arts.

If it weren't for Manager Wu's introduction, he would have had to put in a lot of effort and money to learn martial arts.

"Where would you get such an idea? It should be me treating you."

"If it weren't for you, the business of Bidadan Tea House wouldn't be as booming. It's probably surpassed Yixiang Tea House by now."

Manager Wu laughed and said, his fat cheeks squeezed into a ball due to excessive joy.

Lin Zheyu felt that Manager Wu had gained quite a bit of weight recently, probably because of his broad-mindedness.

"Oh, by the way, someone from Yixiang Tea House came to me last night. This time, they offered two hundred and fifty wen for a day."

Lin Zheyu said.

He wasn't just talking casually. Last night, someone from Yixiang Tea House came to him, trying to poach him.

As Lin Zheyu's reputation spread, many customers from other tea houses came, greatly boosting the business of Bidadan Tea House.

If Lin Zheyu were poached, their tea house's business would return to its previous dull state.


"Sir, please don't go to Yixiang Tea House. I can talk to the boss and offer you three hundred wen a day."

Manager Wu panicked a bit and quickly said.

These days, he often saw people from Yixiang Tea House walking around outside their building.

With Lin Zheyu's rising fame, many customers from other tea houses came, making the business of Bidadan Tea House several times better.

If Lin Zheyu were poached, their tea house's business would return to its previous dull state.

"Don't worry, I won't go to Yixiang Tea House."

"If it weren't for Manager Wu giving me the opportunity to try, I wouldn't be where I am today."

"But Manager Wu's words must also count. It's settled, three hundred wen."

Lin Zheyu smiled and turned, shakily walking up to the storytelling stage.

He believed in living with a clear conscience and repaying kindness like a flowing spring.

When Lin Zheyu was down and out, he went to many teahouses, but they all kicked him out because he was too young and looked dirty all over.

Only Manager Wu patiently chatted with him for a few sentences, thinking Lin Zheyu's story was good, so he let him try.

Lin Zheyu was grateful to Wu Yinghe.

Bringing up the matter of Yixiang Tea House trying to poach him was just a way to ask for a raise for himself.


Soon, another afternoon passed.

The applause was even more enthusiastic than usual.

Master Liang also rewarded him with fifty wen, still treating him as his eldest brother.

"Master, why did you reward me so much?"

Lin Zheyu, holding a jug of wine, sat down opposite Liang Song and asked.

"I rewarded you because you did well. If you hadn't, I would have beaten you."

"This time you did well, I'm satisfied."

"Tell more stories about heroes like Yan Chixia and Zuo Qianhu. We martial artists should eliminate demons and evil, rectify all injustices, and bring peace to the world!"

Liang Song said with a smile, liking Lin Zheyu's storytelling content today.

"Master, are there really demons and evil spirits in this world?"

"Also, can martial arts training really deal with demons and evil spirits?"

Lin Zheyu asked curiously.

In his previous memories, he often heard strange stories and legends about demons and evil spirits.

But they were all hearsay, like stories from his uncle's cousin's friend's aunt's family, and he had never experienced them firsthand.

"Yes, there are demons and evil spirits in this world, but not as mysterious as you think."

"I thought you had really experienced something with how convincingly you told the stories."

Liang Song laughed and said, "The world is big and full of many unknown and unpredictable things. When your status and strength increase, you will gradually come into contact with them."


"It's true!"

Lin Zheyu was taken aback, feeling a faint sense of crisis.

"Don't worry, if the sky falls, there will be tall people holding it up."

"As long as Da Wei doesn't fall, those demons and evil spirits won't dare to cause trouble in the city."

"But in this world, people are not necessarily kinder than demons and evil spirits!" Liang Song sighed and stopped talking.

Lin Zheyu didn't want to ruin the atmosphere and quietly drank with his master.

After a while, seeing that his master seemed to have recovered his mood, he continued, "So, Master, can martial arts training at an advanced level really deal with those demons and evil spirits?"

"Yes, of course!"

Liang Song said firmly, "Just like the character Zuo Qianhu in your stories, when martial arts reach a high level, even demons and evil spirits are not to be feared!"

"But Zuo Qianhu still lost in the end!"

Lin Zheyu muttered in his heart but didn't dare to contradict.

Respecting the master was still necessary.

Accompanying Master Liang to appreciate the scenery and exchanging martial arts knowledge, Lin Zheyu left.

Originally, he wanted to stay a little longer, but Master Liang seemed a bit annoyed.

Liang Song was a rather taciturn person, who always liked to sit quietly by the window and watch the passersby on ordinary days.