

The sun was high up in the sky shining down on the cold snow white land, as far as ones eyes could see was just a endless pure white, above and below the now barren tree's. In a open space upon a flat cliff stood to people facing one another, one an older man in his late thirties maybe early forties with short black hair and scarlet red eyes standing around 6'5 with a body seemingly carved from rock. Opposite him around six or seven metres away stood a young boy, very tall for his age at around around 5'1 with long crimson hair reaching just above his mid back with piercing scarlet eyes to match, his skin reminiscent to newborn babies though with muscles that looked to be carved out of jade.

Indra stood topless in cold wearing only black martial arts bottoms and black cloth shoes with hardened soles as he quietly observed his father waiting for the moment to strike. An old dead leaf blows by crossing his sight for less than a second, however in the next his father was already before him striking with a powerful fist, a faint golden glow illuminated his skin and body as he sidestepped to the left and attempted to grab his father's wrist only for his father to take a 180° turn and send a kick with the back of his heal towards indra's head.

In response indra ducked in a squat like motion in and attempt to dodge and sweeped his own kick towards his father's other supporting leg, to which his father responded by lightly jumping and changing the trajectory of his kick mid air into a downward axe like motion. Having no chance to dodge indra withdraws his leg and crosses his arms in front of him to brace and block the attack.

The moment the kick lands a small storm of air breaks out from the shockwaves sending all the snow and dead leaves into the air, the ground under indra's feet cracks and rumbles upon the impact. After withstanding the blow indra uses the conter charge and shockwaves to send momentum and strength towords his arms which shine an even brighter gold to send his father's body hurtling back through the air to in which he flips and lightly land on top of his toes.

Not wishing to be on the back foot again he wastes no time by charging at his father before he even lands, suddenly appearing to his right side the moment kanji's feet touched the ground. Bathed in golden light he sends a spinning right kick using his charges momentum, while his scarlet eyes blazed a bloodied crimson full of savagery and a tsunami of fighting intent. His father however was calm and raised one arm to block the kick while his other hand grabs indra's ankle and udes the impact of the previous blow to swing and smash indra's body to the ground head first in a show of raw strength.

Seeing the situation and knowing he couldn't change it with his current skill set indra brings his palms together at such speed it looked as if he had six arms just as he reached above his father's head mid air and brings one pawn in a flat downward motion. Suddenly a massive golden Bodhisattva bathed in golden light appears behind him and send down a hurtling giant palm that was larger that a grown man. Seeing his son finally use his full strength, kanji let's go of indra's ankle and sends a fist with his full might which upon impact creates a deafening metallic band however to his surprise the stalemate only lasted for a split moment, after which he actually began to loose ground. If it continues as it was he would likely lose and be crushed into the ground, as such leaving him no choice but to get serious, a faint black shadow began to appear around his body but it only flickered for a moment before disappearing however that split second caused the outcome to change dramatically as the giant golden palm was thrown back and indra blasted through the air from the shockwaves until he finally landed over twenty metres away after which dropping to one knee with a much paler face though his crimson eyes only blazed brighter and brighter, The entire exchange only lasting less than five seconds.

"That's enough son I'v seen all I need to, you've grown very well over the years even forcing me into using my quirk many weaker pro heroes can't even hope to do that, though your bloodlust and battle intent are a bit to uncontrolled and obvious which makes it easier to predict your next move"

Said kanji tengoku as he appraised his son up and down, it has been six years since indra first awakened his quirk. Wheather it was his martial arts, his physical stat's or his control and power of his quirk all had increased by leaps and bounds, for a mere ten year old to posses such abilities was surprising to say the least. Even he who was considered the greatest talent in the last 200 years of the tengoku clan had to admit he was inferior at his sons age.

Do not look at how short the fight was, even with solely his own physical strength without the support of his quirk kanji could still defeat a decent amount of well known pro heroes, to force him to use his quirk for even as short as he did, it was already a testament to his sons strength. If he had to rank it, it would be mid ranks. He still didn't stand a chance against the truly strong but indra was definitely above the newly emerged and most common pro heros.