

Afternoon, Tengoku household, in a large spacious room sat a young child with crimson red hair seemingly studying and to the child's right stood a muscular, 6'5 scarlet eyed man. The duo being indra tengoku and his father kanji tengoku, it has been four years since indra's birth and it did not take long for him to show his talents and surprise his family and clan.

At just one month old he spoke his first words, three months old he manged to walk (with difficulty) without outside aid and at six months his father decided to begin teaching him some basic lessons such as the alphabet, reading and basic numbers. By two years old he had already learned what others couldn't by five or six years old and at three he began to be taught his clans basic foundational martial arts mainly consisting of movements similar to various yoga's, gymnastics and breathing techniques to regulate the body and self hypnotise ones subconscious to help gain some unique instincts at a young age.

But what truly shocked everyone was on his fourth birthday when a vast golden light drowned his surroundings as well as the entire compound, it was that day he finally manifested his quirk. After some investigation and testing, Indra's father and grandfather gained a more in depth understanding of his quirk. It seemed to be a mutated version of there own, an aperation made by the synergy between the body, mind and spirit (a.ka battle intent) but while there's generally acted as a support and boost to there attacks, defense and movements, indra's seemed to have a more direct connection to him than there's.

His quirk, from what they've gathered seemed to focus on three major front's, first was the same as there own but the second allowed for him to slowly break his bodies limitations bit by bit over a long period of training and finally it seemed his quirk could take a physical form allowing it to directly attack and defend. However it took a large amount of physical stamina and mentality to allow it to do so, currently indra could barely manage its physical form for a tiny portion and only for around two to three seconds.

It should be noted that when summond, depending on indra's movements and martial arts he intended to perform would affect the the outcome of its attacks and for each individual attack he needed to reposition his hands in what seemed to be a prayer like stance when in physical form. Its form was still mostly covered in a vast golden light it created however if made physical one could begin to see it's true appearance which looked similar to a Guanyin Bodhisattva with an unknown amount of hands. Indra's father had personally tested the physicalised forms strength and what he found shocked even him, this manifested avatar had around ten times indra's own strength, speed and an even stronger defense, it also seemed to be able to stack it's own strength and speed for each consecutive attack e.g after each hand used to consecutively attack the speed and destructive power increased slightly for the next.

All in all it had it's own strengths and limitations however indra's father and grandfather only saw endless possibilities and potential, in there eyes this quirk was perfect for there clan.

"Indra" called out Kenji while watching his son study

"Yes father?" Replied indra confused why his father suddenly called out to him.

"We are going to make changes to your current training regime, you are going to be taught more comprehensively and in depth about our clan's martial arts and your physical training shall be be intensified, you will break your own body's limitations by a small amount each session due to your quirks uniqueness and finally you will begin to pray and study buddhist scriptures eight times a day for fifteen minutes, I want the motion and act of prayer to become instinctual to you. under no circumstances are you to miss even one prayer each day, am I understood" said kanji sternly.

"Yes father I will try my best though I don't know any scriptures or how to pray? " replied indra after hearing his father's arrangements.

"That is fine I shall teach you of course, now finish off your studies before we go to eat"


Looking at his son kanji couldn't help but let out a slight smile, his son truly had not let down both his and his wife's expectations...

And so from that day on indra followed his father's arrangements and diligently practiced, studied and prayed day in and day out, month after month and year after year. His progress in his study's was exceptional as always but it was his physical and martial training that advanced at an ungodly speed, rarely did indra ever have to ask for guidance after being taught a certain stance choosing to ponder and correct them himself. With the help of his quirk his physical abilities slowly but surely grew and after several years it reached a stage far beyond what should be possible for his age, though it couldn't completely compare to those with quirks focused on the body, it didnt fall completely behind them and slowly but continously improved.