

japan, in a vast unknown forest there was a hidden clearing full of ancient olden styled Japanese mansions, it was still dark and quiet with only a few scant Ray's of light from the newly rising sun. In the center of the hidden clearing surrounded by the various mansions stood a building reminiscent to a palace, normally around this time it would still be quite and peaceful within, hower currently it was full of hustle and bustle, as for the reason, it was because the master of the household and clan head ,ashura tengoku's, third son's wife was currently giving birth to there first child.

Kanji tengoku, third son of the tengoku's clan head, considered to be the clans greatest talent in the last two hundred years and the the unquestioned strongest of his generation. After going on a five year long journey to seek out strong opponents and better himself, he by chance found a woman who's strength and mentality he deemed worthy to be his mate as such, over then next year he ceaclasly pursued and courted her before finally succeeding, 3 years later she became pregnant and 9 months later came to the present time, with him waiting as his wife gave birth in the next room.

"You seem quite calm considering your wife is giving birth to your child after using the clans forbidden technique [Phoenix's heritage] to increase his inate quality's" spoke ashura tengoku as he sat opposite his son and quietly observed him.

"It was her own decision and I shall respect it, though I hope the boy does not let down my expectations and her sacrifice" replied kanji after a moment of silence.

"I am quite curious to know if he will inherit our quirk or hers or even a brand new one when he grows older though" spoke ashura after some thought.

At that moment the door quietly opened as a nurse walked in and bowed.

"Lord, third master, the child has been safely delivered, though her ladyship doesn't seem to have long left"

"The [Phoenix's heritage] is a secret technique that uses the blood and life of the user to enhance and guide the growth and talent of the host child it is used for. It is already very suprising she can still hold on after the birth, she truly is your perfect spouse... and person worthy of great respect"

Kanji simply nodded silently at his father's remark before taking the lead to see his wife and child.

As he stepped into the room what greeted his eyes was a incredibly beautiful woman with long crimson hair and enchanting golden eyes with a unnatural paleness holding a newborn child that seemed to be made from jade who similarly had a head of crimson hair and scarlet red eyes to match.

After sensing people enter the room, without ever taking her eyes off of the newborn the woman softly spoke.

"Look kanji he has my hair and your eyes, I just hope he inherited more than just our looks"

Kanji just quietly and calmly watched his wife and son though upon closer look one could see a hint of sadness hidden deep in his eyes.

"What will you name him" he finally asked after a long moment

"Hmm... we first met each other in India... so how about indra... yes my indra" she said as she looked at him full of love and pride.

As she finished speaking the lights within her eyes slowly but surely receded and her grip gradually weakening.

Seeing his wife's state he stepped forward and supported her to hold the child to which she weekly raised her head and looked into his eyes as she spoke her final words.

"Dont be to hard on him if can't match our expectations for him though I dont doubt he will meet and exceed them... he is my son after all... I'm sorry I can't stay with you and fight side by side any longer... though if you end up finding another woman I'll still come back just to cut it off... haha"

Hearing his wife kanji couldn't help but smile slightly, his how only showing more and more grief as he watched his wife take her final breath. Finally he looked down at his only son and spoke...

"Welcome to the world my son, I hope you become worthy of your mother's pride... our one and only son indra tengoku"