

[Host can choose to practice another martial art or continue to practice Judo until 100% proficiency.]


He won't be able to sleep comfortably if he didn't reach 100% after coming this far.

[Master "Kano Jigoro" will teach you himself from now on.]

"What about grappling and striking techniques."

[Those techniques are best to learn through direct experience.]

With that, the system went silent.

Vidal felt a bad premonition from the silence of system.

A person of about 5ft 2in appeared in front of him, whose structure wasn't as big as the previous master. Even height of Vidal was higher than this person. From the looks, he could tell he was an Asian.

But the most notable thing was his calm face and the sharp eyes. At first glance he looked like a normal harmless person, but Vidal felt he shouldn't go near him, attacking him didn't even come in his mind.

What was most intriguing for him was, even the system was showing respect to this person by saying "Master" unlike the previous master.

Vidal bowed to the master and said, "Please guide me," and moved forward.

But still there was not a slight movement in Kano Jigoro position or expression.

"Kano Jigoro" being the founder of Judo, did things a little different from the previous Judo master.

When Vidal entered the radius under the reach of master, the nightmare for him began.

Lightning fast movement and natural throw downs. He could not even see how the master was actually moving.

Time passed quickly, getting slammed in the training space and doing a physical exercise in his room waiting to enter the training space again.

[Proficiency on Judo: 25%]

[Upgrading the energy core.]

Vidal finally heard the voice of system after three weeks. And it was good news for him.

He was able to gain knowledge on handful of grappling and choking techniques and very few striking techniques.

Vidal learned that the striking techniques are directly pointed to his vital points like between the eyes, temple, solar plexus, groin and many more.

Vidal has mostly died or suffered to chokes, and grappling techniques were the most he had learned.

The warrior training class were over.

The academy started its original schedule.

With energized body and calm mind, he reached the academy. Judo taught him not only to be patient but to keep his head calm.

"I thought you died. What did you do all this time?" Luke came towards him.

"Nothing much. Just some simple training," Vidal replied.

They walked towards their class.

"Whoa. Look, she had returned to academy," Luke pointed at the girl walking with some teacher in front of the academy.

Vidal knows who that was, the talent of the academy and granddaughter of principal, his secret friend Grace. He couldn't do anything but observe from far.

"I heard she won the warrior competition in the academy and will lead the next team for the inter-academy warrior competition happening in next month," Luke said.

"So, she is the strongest martial warrior in the first year," Vidal glanced at her once again.

They moved to their class and waited for the class to start.

The person who entered wasn't their usual teacher. The person looks quite old from his look and was wearing an old style robe.

"I will get straight to the point. I will teach and train your class for one month. And I will judge whether you are worth to keep in the academy. And I will clean the trash from these class till the end of the month," the new teacher announced openly.

'Looks like the inter-academy tournament is not as simple as it seems,' James has no problem getting out of the academy, as he got the system for now. Still, he had easy food and shelter facility in the academy and was difficult for him to abandon at the moment.

The teacher provided everyone with a paper to fill in. It consists for their credentials and the martial arts and techniques they are good at.

Previously the students can choose to either enter the warrior training class or not but this time, there was no option.

Vidal had no time to train with the new teacher. The time for him to train in Judo was so little that he hasn't slept in last one week.

After thinking till the time was about to end he decided to take some measures.

So, he added a new line in the form, "Dear sir, I want to have a private match with you. If I win, I want this entire month as a holiday. I will wait in the training hall at 11 tonight."

It was a bold thing to say to a teacher whose rank was at least initial Gold; but after training with Master Kano Jigoro, other masters looked like newbies in martial art.

And he had no other choice or option to get leave from school.

The confidence of challenging teacher came when he didn't feel much pressure from the new teacher like he used to feel from the master in training space.

The teacher didn't check the paper but collected and told the class was over.

Returning to his room, he practiced Judo techniques and moves alone in the room. He started to focus on hand and foot strikes techniques as they are easy to practice without any partner.

At night, Vidal sneaked out of his room and entered the training hall and waited. He wasn't sure whether the teacher will take him seriously.


The back door opened, and the teacher entered.

"I Jonathan came here to accept your challenge. Come out," Jonathan cried with annoyance and anger. It was his first day at academy and someone was already irritating him

Vidal came forwards, "Sir, I have some problems to solve during this month. So I won't be respectful. Here I come."

"You insolent brat. Eat my punch," Jonathan started his attack immediately. Jonathan lunged forward at Vidal.

'Is this guy really a martial art teacher?' Vidal can throw Jonathan in multiple ways, if he came charging like that.

When the punch reached the radius of Vidal, the time seems to slow down. But it was just that Vidal was too fast.

Instead of dodging or backing, Vidal stepped in towards Jonathan. Which causes the punch of Jonathan to be above his left shoulder, Vidal got the chance to wrap his left hand from below the armpit of punching hand and right from the shoulder of right. His two hands meet on the back of Jonathan.

It was almost like Vidal was hugging him, but at this moment Vidal's left leg strike the right leg of Jonathan breaking his balance. Vidal slammed his down still being on top of him and immediately followed by wrapping his left hand around his neck and choked him.

Jonathan didn't see what hit him. The more strength he was using to free himself, the chock was getting tighter.

Jonathan passed out. In the night's silent, Jonathan was defeated just like that.

"How come this was so easy?" Vidal scratched his head.

Vidal waited for Jonathan to wake up.

A little bit time later,

"What are you?" Jonathan's face was like he has seen a ghost.

"So am I getting one month off or not," Vidal asked the most concerning thing for him.

Jonathan sighed, "If you can even defeat a Gold ranker easily, there is no need for you to train under me." It was hard to admit for a teacher but things had already happened.

"But why did you charge like a madman before?" Vidal was curious.

"I just wanted to see what gives you confident to challenge me and I was in bad mood," Jonathan replied.

"So do you need re-match?"

Jonathan shook his head, "No need."

They both went their ways and after reaching his room Vidal entered the training space.


Jonathan has some different ideas. He cannot advertise losing to a 1st year student but..

"If this guy entered the competition, he can sweep the floor with eyes closed. I need to inform the principal as soon as possible."

Jonathan barged into the Principal house and called him.

The principal came down rubbing his eyes, "Jonathan it is you first day here and already causing commotion."

"Old man, if I help you win the first place in competition; what can you offer?" Jonathan said decisively.

"First place."

"It you can do that, I can make you principal of the academy," the principal said sarcastically.

"Bullshit. If you agree to give me a drop of life water, I can guarantee the first place."

Ha.. Ha.. Ha…

"If you are so confident. Then I agree. One drop of life water for the first position of competition," the principal said and laughed.

Thinking the old man can change his mind at any moment; Jonathan stormed out of the principal house and went towards the Academy hostel.

After searching for some time,


When Vidal has just exited from his training space, he heard a knocking sound.

Vidal opened the door; Jonathan was standing there with a big smile on his face.

"I have come with a great proposal for you," Jonathan entered his room.

Jonathan directly tried to make Vidal join the competition. Vidal rejected and threw Jonathan out of his room.

Vidal was still frustrated with the situation in training space and about competition he has no desire.

But the things didn't end this easily, Jonathan was outside of Vidal room most of time and pestering him to enter the competition. Jonathan even promised to give some weapons and other martial art techniques.

Jonathan was pestering his day and night but Vidal rejected without any hesitation.

[Proficiency on Judo: 26%]

The proficiency was increasing too slow compared to before. He was barely making any progress.

[Host has gained enough experience in martial arts. Opening hall of fame.]

[Win five different martial art competitions in six months.]

[Unable to fulfill the task, the system will redeem host not worthy of learning martial art and the system will permanently leave the host.]


"The food is not always free…" Vidal didn't feel surprised from the system task.

Now he started to think about the proposal of accepting Jonathan offer.

He opened the door and on the back of door, Jonathan has carved his phone number.

"Hello sir, I am Vidal. Can we talk?"

"I will send someone to get you in the afternoon," an excited voice came from the other side of phone.

On the classroom, the teacher was teaching as usual on the basics of channeling energy and condensing it.

The door to the class opened and a hoarse voice sounded.

"Mr. Vidal."

Vidal stood up and looked at the teacher. The teacher nodded and under the surprised eyes of whole class he left the room.

Vidal followed the person and finally reached the Principal's office.

Jonathan shortly introduced Vidal and talked about his match on the training hall.

Roger Verlice, the principal was one of the most influential people in the whole region and there are many stories on his heroic deeds.

Roger looked at Vidal from top to down; there was no energy fluctuation nor any battle instincts in his body.

Roger looked at Jonathan with doubts in his eyes.

"Vidal just show him a demo of your technique," Jonathan could understand Roger's doubts.

"Right here."

Jonathan nodded and moved back giving some space.

Vidal stood up and performs a normal strike from Judo Tsukkake; a normal straight punch, although the proficiency wasn't high, it was good enough to show in small space.


The punch was fast and with enough power to create sound just in air.

The doubts in Roger eyes turned into shock.

After settling down, "This technique, it isn't from academy right?"

Vidal nodded.

A person who can teach such technique is definitely a master or higher than that.

Roger thoughts ran and said, "Do you happen to have a master outside of Academy?"

In a way Roger was correct, so Vidal nodded again.

"Can he come to Academy? Maybe just for a visit or exchange of techniques," Roger said his mind directly.

"Coming here," face of Kano Jigoro appeared in front of him.

Vidal's body trembled, "No, he can't. He shouldn't. He won't."

Roger and Jonathan saw the panicking voice of Vidal which surprised them. The can roughly guess how the training of Vidal would have been.

"Let's put this thing aside. Roger you should talk about the competition." Jonathan changed the topic.

"Yes. In five days, inter-academy warrior competition will be held on Perse Stadium. Warrior from academy of whole Nova region will participate. I want you to represent our academy in the competition."

"Then what will happen to Grace. Isn't she already a Bronze level warrior," Vidal asked.

"You are right. She had recently broken from iron to bronze level," Roger sighed and said, "But this time I got news, there are some silver level warriors or maybe above them."

"And by the look of it, you are already in gold level so we want to you to replace Grace," Jonathan added.

Vida thought for a moment, "I don't want to be exposed this early, so you should think of another way."

Roger and Jonathan exchanged glances and a flash of understanding appeared, 'Maybe it is because of his master trying to keep low profile.'

"Ok we will register you under another name and you can wear mask to hide your identity," Roger immediately said.

Vidal nodded. After talking about rules and formalities of the competition Vidal left the principal room.

"So what do you think about him?" Jonathan said.

"The techniques he used, did you notice anything different from ours?" Roger asked back.

Jonathan didn't know how to answer the question.

"When we use techniques, the energy in energy core is channeled to make it powerful. But his techniques was gathering energy from surrounding spontaneously," Roger said with complicated eyes.

"Then it means.."

"Yes, in the stadium where the energy concentration in already high, his techniques will be even more powerful," Roger said.

If Vidal would have heard the conversation of this two people, even he would be surprised.