
Marrying my sister's fiancee

Chartiana Feliz Alpin, Tiana for short, was one of the top-notching students who graduated with outstanding academic achievements to a prestigious royal academy. As soon as returned home. her parent surprised her with their devastating news. As her brother used all their money for his vice gambling addiction and was indebted a big amount of money to an Aristocrat family. Her sister Margaret Laurel eloped with its lover on another empire before the wedding and subsequently her brother also flees when the lender demands his payment and leaves his family in a crisis of bankruptcy. Living her brother's debt as her parents were the guarantor, they were forced to pay for his brother's debt in just a day. Chartiana have no choice but to marry her sister's fiance and give up her dreams on becoming a business woman. But the main problem is, she and her sister are the total opposite especially on everything but of course she's more prettier than her sister. As she agreed to their condition, Chartiana was sent off to her fiancee's estate and as soon as she met him, her eyes widened in disbelief as the man who was in front of her was one of the most handsome mining the empire, also this man she was going to marry was nothing but the most annoying man who made her known as the academy's ‘Luckiest girl of all and the most hated one. Chartiana wanted to call off the agreement but she had no choice but to marry her rival and spent her three years being married to him. However, the moment she spent her days with him as his wife, the more she wanted to escape their marriage. But was it really because she hated him? or because she wanted to hide the truth about her being a just a replacement? These uncertain feelings she felt for him made her hesitant to escape his husband's teasing of her. “Can I call you honey? or would you prefer to be called Darling?” he asked while teasingly hugging her in his arms as he kissed her pale neck lightly, her shoulder suddenly tensed up while avoiding his stare. " He loves to tease someone, is he? But why are my eyes constantly changing and Why do you keep coming every night!" Wondering how can't he seems doesn't get bored teasing her, she can only wish that she can leave this place. But in the end, will she still want to end their marriage? or continue to become its wife?

shootingstar27 · ย้อนยุค
4 Chs


"Do two truly love each other and pledge to be together for the rest of your lives?"

"Yes."He answered without even an ounce of worry.


On the should-have-been-the-happiest day in the world, the bridegroom has a cold face that should not have been there at his wedding. However, there was a satisfied smile on his lips. Something only he can recognize.

Chartiana*, on the other hand, was just staring at the wall blankly. She had to answer the officiant's question, but couldn't answer it. If she says yes, she won't be able to take back everything.

Still, she thought about considering a name change… coz she'll become someone's wife.

"Am I getting married?" she thought, as she can't see this person's thinking at all. Tiana never considered dreaming of marrying him. Of course, all of this was because her sister eloped with her lover. who's by the way a commoner.

"Tiana!.. Chartiana!!."

Tiana trembled with astonishment at the voice breaking the quiet silence. She slowly raised her head and looked at the man in front of her.

The man, wearing a neat black dress, glowed as if the main character of the wedding was the groom.

His face seemed to be carved, like the sculptor's life was devoted to his face. Eyes that are glistening like emeralds, and lips that are firmly closed under a pointed nose like a well-polished arrowhead.

He was perfection itself.

Much taller than any adult man and with wide shoulders, he did not neglect his training without fail.

Thanks to that, the contours of the muscles that could not be hidden even when dressed were hard and sexy enough to ignite the hearts of many women. Moreover, the robe he wore was made using the finest fabrics, the only suit in the Empire that was born at the fingertips of famous designers.

The robes were clean enough not to forgive even the smallest dust, and there were no fine wrinkles.

The tendency of the duke to pursue perfection and to keep it intact was revealed.

In addition to his robe that smells of money, the dress she wears is the same. She can dare say the designer-made white wedding dress she was wearing was her first expensive dress in this world.

The dress made of silk was luxurious with a soft gloss, with the silver lace stitched with pearl and ruby added gorgeousness around her chest line, revealing her round shoulders.

Hundreds of fine pink diamonds in a mermaid-fit wedding dress that clings to her body gave a natural sparkle.

It was a luxurious robe of wealth, worthy of the royal family.

The ceremony of the two was held in the temple, and the guests were made up of only close relatives.


Tiana looked silently at the person calling her. A smile was pasted on his face.

"Would you like to answer me?"

He asked in a very sweet tone. Garnering all the women's excitement and affection.

"Does the bride, Chartiana Feliz Alpin, sincerely loves and vows to be with the groom, Abel Altizer De Perez?"

The officiant asked once more, having heard no answer.

A quiet voice came from the half-empty guest seats with the question.


Her head turned towards the guest seats and a little child in a tailcoat was staring at her at the front where its eyes filled with excitement.

"Now I really cannot go back," she uttered eternally.

With the money she will be receiving, she can finally somehow support his family's business. Just three years. In three years, she could live without worrying about money.

"Uh… yes."

"I will proceed with the exchange of rings filled with love for each other."

At the end of the wedding, two people took out the rings that were in a box.

A ring with a 19-carat pink diamond was fitted on the ring finger of their left hand of Chartiana. It fits like a custom shackle.

Tiana, then put a simple design ring with small diamonds on Abel's finger.

Abel had a pleased expression that only he knew alone.

"I hereby declare before Goddess Hermina that the two have come to fruition and become a couple."

The officiant bowed his head in front of the statue of the goddess with a holy heart.

Tiana also joined hands along the Abel and bowed their heads before the goddess of the empire and saint Hermina.

But there were all sorts of anxiety on Tiana's face.

She feels like, she'd only realize now that she's married to her annoying rival.

"I can't believe that I ended up doing it... "she mumbled eternally while sporting a weak smile on her face.


Tiana lay on the wide bed in the room alone. It's been a long day. She got up early in the morning, dressed up, and finished her hectic wedding.

But that wasn't the end. After the wedding ceremony, it took about an hour to remove all the accessories she had worn for the ceremony.

She had dozens of hairpins, so she had to endure the pain of her scalp being torn apart before she could finally be free.

"Being married to one of the most handsome and wealthiest men in the empire, I can only wish for this marriage to live well. Besides, I'm sure that I'm not his ideal type, what can go wrong? Wait! there's still another problem, Margaret and I are the complete opposite, even if she's my twin I can't be her, it's just—just can't do it. "

The serenity in the room brought peace to her mind. She had a hard time hearing loud noises all day long.

*Knock! Knock!!*

A knock on the door was heard.

"Come in."

She replied without thinking. as she thought it was her maid. She had asked Lea, her maid, to prepare a warm tea earlier.

"Are you ready?"

However, the voice she heard was deep.

Lea's voice couldn't be like this….Surprised, Tiana rose from the bed, and her eyes widened.

An unexpected person stood in front of her.

Tiana's face quickly blushed at the very comfortable appearance of Abel.

"What's with the clothes?! Wear your robe properly! "

"Hmmmn... "He teased, with a seductive look on his face.

She hurriedly turned away, but her cheeks were hot because of the tight muscles that were silhouetted by his thin clothes.

"Duke, why are you here??!"

"Well, It's time to embrace my bride."He intoned with a teasing smile on his face.


The sly voice of Abel surprised her.

"What are you talking about? If this is one of your tricks to tease me again, then get over with it, well...you!.. "

"You seem to forget about it, but it's alright I'll just make you remember that this is our first night."

Hugging a bride. So it means….

"Today is the first night?" she screamed eternally as she soon wanted to regret her decision on marrying him.

"Did he just say the first night? This wasn't in the contract? No, why are you talking about this all of a sudden?"

Tiana shook her head to see if she heard it wrong.

"Because we're married, I have to spend the first night with you, of course. I'm ready, but do you need more time?" he asked, as he slowly leaned his towards her teasingly. However, the person speaking came in more clearly.

Tiana's mouth was wide open as if she had been hit on the head.

"Oh no… what is this?…"

Abel slowly walked toward Tiana. Step by step, the moonlight shone in the dark room, glistening his muscles.

The space between the front of the robe was sexy enough for her to swallow as the bed he approached the bed. It seems like his body was elaborately made by the creator, and it's appetizing.

Oh no, that's not it. Tiana, who came to her senses late, shouted.

"Oh, don't come to me with that fatal look of yours you!"

"Hmmm... Your cute face, when you're angry, is satisfying to watch, it's so cute."

Watching Abel slowly approaching her, Tiana faltered back. Then, the head of the bed touched her back without any corner to escape.

"Well, you don't need to prepare for the first night."He whispered, while teasingly pressing his lips to her ear making her body tense up.

Abel, who was finally on the bed, climbed onto the body of Tiana, while he slowly removed her robe and gave a teasing smile on his face.

As his hand held her cute cheek, a sweet kiss was placed over her lips making her hold his shoulder in instinct.


Tiana was surprised at the face that is nearing hers and stopped breathing.

"Don't even think about falling asleep tonight."

A voice filled the room with strange colors.

Abel's hot breaths headed to her lips, and he soon placed his hand over her thighs and legs, on the other hand, Tiana's mind slowly losing its self as his sweet kiss made her hesitant to leave.

At that moment she realizes how he was so tempting to watch, as his eyes never parted from hers. His hands slowly pulled her up making her sit on top of him, with both legs on each side, his gentle touch made her blush even more.

"Do you want to stop this? or will you do it with me all night?"