
Marry Me, Stranger

"What did you say? You want to help me? Can you get married to me?" She asked him. His brows arched up together in shock. His heart ceased. She can't be serious, can she? "I am asking you something, will you marry me?" She spoke again, this time he didn't find a bit of hesitation in her voice. She seems to be sure of what she is requesting. "You need to get your mental health checked, honey," He told her. "I am totally fine, and I am in my right senses too," She answered. "Are you sure you want to get married to me? You might regret your decision," He tried to convince her to check if she wanted to change her mind. She shook her head to herself and chuckled. "I've regretted all the decisions I've made in my life, and I am optimistic this won't be worse than them, " She mumbled in an audible voice. After her sudden breakup with her boyfriend, Aditi ends up in a bar, gets drunk, and decides to marry a stranger out of her hangover state, little did she know is that; he’s smoking hot, he’s an heir of a well-known mafia gang and he's her stalker.

Ashwini_Moolya · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Chapter 1


She wore a pink diamond lehenga, wrapped beautifully in eye-catching shining embroidery, the blouse was a little smaller than she expected, her upper curves were visible and her stomach was quite open but she wasn't complaining. She looked sexy and gorgeous. She's sure Kevin would be blown away when he would see her in this.

Kevin is her boyfriend. They have been dating for the last three years. They first met in college in America and quickly fell in love with each other. They decided to tell her parents about them after graduation, unfortunately, it didn't go as planned. Her parents didn't like Kevin because he is non-Indian, his family isn't reputed and rich like hers, and of course, he didn't belong to their religion. He was catholic and She is Hindu.

It was a major problem for them, that's why her parents didn't agree to let her marry him so she decided to leave their house, their family name, and even her religion. I don't want anything that keeps me away from my love. She believed. With clothes, important documents, and some money that she saved up from all this time, she left one night with a goodbye note and came to him. It wasn't much money as compared to her parents' multi-million dollars but they could easily survive a few months.

It has been five months now since she been living with him in his small apartment, he is doing multiple jobs to pay for them and she is planning her business, she didn't want Vicky to pay all the bills, she wanted to become his support system in everything, just a couple of more months and she would be making thousands of dollars by her business once her loan gets section, everything will be settled.

And today is her wedding day with him, she always wanted to have a mixed cultural wedding, she loved it that way. I can't wait to get married! She squealed, she has waited for this day for so long that it feels like ages. After she did her soft sparkly makeup. She readjusted her lehenga, and jewelry and called an Uber cab to go to the marriage register office from the beauty parlor where Kevin is waiting for her.

Fifteen minutes later, She found herself out of the office, walking in with a smile and a bouquet of roses in her hand. She saw a few couples already there, looking freaking happy together.

She couldn't help but get involved in their happiness too. Soon her turn came but Kevin still hasn't shown up yet, only five minutes left for her wedding, where is he? Is he stuck in traffic? He could give me a call at least. She thought.

"Dear, is your soon-to-be husband going to be late or something? Because it is the time to close the office now, " Priest said to her, smiling worriedly.

She is sitting on the bench, stupidly, waiting for him for more than six hours now, she has tried to call him and even dropped tons of messages that were is he and picked up her phone. There wasn't any reply from his side.

"I don't know, Father, maybe he could be stuck at work…" She trailed, unknowingly, about what to say.

"Maybe you should come back tomorrow, dear? It is getting late outside, I can drop you home, " He offered. She didn't have any choice now. She doesn't wanna go alone at night like this, anything can take place since she is wearing so much fake jewelry and a dress that barely covers her. The priest looked genuinely worried for her too.

"Okay, father, " she replied, slowly following him to his car. Why didn't you show up, Kevin Are you okay? What If he met with an accident- She stopped her mind before it could conclude more wrong thoughts.

When he comes home tonight, I will ask him about the matter directly. She thought. They planned this day together and he didn't show up, just leaving her hurt and embarrassed. The Priest dropped her outside of the building, she got out of the car and turned around to thank him.

"Thank you so much, Father, I really appreciate that you dropped me home safely, " She said to him.

He gave her a little smile, "You're like my daughter so it isn't a big deal, besides, have a talk with your guy, it is very shameful of him to make his woman wait the entire day, " He told her just like how a real loving father would tell his daughter. "And if you need any help you can contact me on this number, " He handed her his contact card. She kept it.

She chuckled and nodded her head, "I will,"

"Take care, dear," With this, he drove back and she began to walk upstairs to their apartment, finding the door was still locked. He hasn't been home yet? She leaned down a bit to get an extra pair of keys from under the flower vase which was placed outside of their apartment and unlocked the door. Walking in, she switched on the lights and threw the bouquet somewhere on the couch while making her way to grab a glass of water from the kitchen.

I didn't have my lunch either, I thought Kevin and I will have it together after getting married, my stomach was growling badly for food. She took out a pan and put it on the stove. She planned to make instant noodles for now. She's dead tired to make a proper dinner.

Suddenly, her eyes catch something on the dining table of their living room. It was a letter from Kevin, "Aditi, I am sorry, but I can not do this, I can't marry you, I thought we could live together with your dad's money but you came to me with empty hands and I was afraid of telling you this from a long time now, although I have met another girl who can help me secure my life better, I like her, and I left for Seattle this afternoon with her to meet her family, her parents already likes me too, we'll be getting married next month so it would be better if we call off our relationship and you leave my place by tomorrow morning, I have left a couple of bucks for you so you can drove back to your home easily. Goodbye. Kevin." She read off the letter with tears drifting down her eyes.

So this was the reason why he didn't come. Bloody piece of shit! After everything how can he easily just call off our relationship?! How can he easily say that I should return home! How dare he leave this money for me, what does he think of me?! A beggar or a whore that he is done enjoying and now wants her to leave?!! Aditi was fuming furiously.

She tore apart the paper into tiny pieces and threw them on the ground. It isn't time to cry, she told herself but how cannot I cry? I left my parents, my home, my religion for him! And he left me like there was nothing between us! With what face do I return home? She asked herself. Her parents love her so much but if she knows them well she is sure they will never accept me again. After all, she destroyed their image and reputation. They would be either glad if she died on some street rather than her returning like this.

She wipes off her cheeks and took out her suitcase from the wardrobe and started to fill her things in it, once she was done, she took her purse, removing a couple of bucks more from it, and put it on the table with a note for him, 'Think this as a little gift from my side for your future with her, buy her a nice dinner from the money you left for me, I hope you get to taste of your cheating someday, you piece of shit.' She couldn't find a better revenge at this moment.

She brought her stuff and left his home. I don't think I can live with such a heavy heart anymore. She waved at a cab and told the driver to take her to a bar. I will drink and jump off the bridge. She decided. It will hurt a little less at least. Now I understand why they say nothing hurts like a breakup.
