
Married to the wrong billionaire

Leah Harlow was willing to do anything to save her family from debts. She signed up to a dating site that her best friend Amelia told her about. She told her that billionaires who were in need of a contract life partner, sign up to the site to get a date, and this got Leah fascinated. The date was arranged and she met with Jay, a billionaire who was only there because of his persuasive grandfather. To avoid going on other dates his grandfather had arranged for him, Jay asked Leah to marry him in exchange for money. Leah desperately needed the money to bail out her consistently impecunious parents, so she accepted. Leah hit a hard spot when she went for an interview and found out Jay was the owner of the company, and her parents also discovered her secret marriage to a stranger. As if her problems weren’t enough, another man named Jason called her saying he was her date from the site and he was sorry he couldn’t make it. What will happen to her little marriage arrangements with Jay? What will happen between her and Jason? After all, Jay was to divorce her after sometime.

Only1aysha · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
4 Chs

Chapter three



How am I supposed to marry a man I just met in less than an hour? Someone who has said little to nothing to me, I was the one talking while he stared. I asked myself.

He was offering me the sum of two million just to say yes to his proposal. How bad would it be? I have been thinking about all the possible ways in which this proposal could be good for me but I just remembered the most important part. What will I tell my parents? How will they take the news of my sudden marriage with a strange man they have heard nothing about? Oh God, what was I doing? I thought but then again, the money will be a great help to us. 

"So what do you say, Leah? Are you going to accept my proposal?" Jay asked me, cutting me off from my thoughts.

"I have been thinking and I really need the money you are offering so yes, I am in," I tell him

"Great, let's go," he said 

"Go where?" I asked in a confused state.

"Go get married, Leah," he replied as he picked up his phone 

"Just give me three minutes to make a phone call," he added, standing up to excuse himself. 

I stood up and quickly grabbed his wrist, stopping him from leaving the table. We locked eyes as I held his wrist and just as fast as I held him, I left his wrist and tried to find my words.

"You didn't tell me we would be getting married right now," I exclaimed to him

"Now, tomorrow, next week, two years to come, it is still the same thing. So what is the difference? We're still going to be married no matter the day or circumstances," he said staring into my eyes. 

I looked at him, he was so calm about the situation unlike me, and my nerves were getting the best of me. I was so confused.

"Okay, but I need to go change my shoes, this pair hurts as hell," I said to him as I rubbed my ankle.

"That is not a problem, let's go," he said pointing at the car in front of the restaurant. 

"Okay," I said, being more submissive than I have ever been.

We arrived at a private court and the way we were welcomed was so extravagant, I was even given a pair of ballet flats which I wore. I wondered how he was able to pull all of this in less than thirty minutes. It was a very fast wedding. I never imagined how my wedding would be but I knew I didn't want a fast and quiet wedding but it doesn't matter any longer, me getting money I can use to solve my family's financial problems is what matter right now. 

"Just sign here and that will be all," the lawyer said indicating on the document 

I stared at the document as I picked up the pen and nodded my head to the lawyer. I signed the paper and immediately the lawyer picked up the document and turned to Jay as they discussed. I stood there waiting to be told my next move as I debated on leaving. 

"My assistant will make a payment to you and I know how bizarre this situation is but I need you to know that this little arrangement we have will not change anything in your life. Live your life and if we need to see, I will have my assistant communicate it to you," Jay said, finally acknowledging my presence.

'Who refers to marriage as a little arrangement?' I thought to myself. This guy could literally care less about all this because he was walking out of the court, not waiting for my reply to him.

I got out of the building and a designated driver was waiting for me. Today has been really grandiloquent for me, but I was returning to my parents and siblings and it gladdened my heart that I could make payments for our rent and clear us from the constant embarrassment of our landlord.

I read through the contract I signed in the car and it says that at we're to be divorced at a point. When Jay wanted to get a divorced, he would pay a certain amount of money and we would both walk away from the marriage with nothing to lose as the paper said. 


Amelia was as shocked as I was about my marriage news. We talked for hours after I got home and I told her every detail about the situation. She was always talkative and had something to say in every situation but she was quiet now and it made me wonder if I had made a wrong choice. 

"How are Mom and Dad going to take this, when are you telling them?" Amelia asked 

"They don't need to know, it is just some paper works that says we are married, and he didn't care about the situation and I don't care either so I think we will be fine," I told her 

"When you say HE you mean your husband, right?" she asked teasing me

"He is not my husband," I replied 

"But you literally just got married to him," she said laughing

"Whatever. It's just some contract that says we are married. I didn't even wear an actual wedding dress, who gets married in a mini black dress with ballet flats?" I said defending myself 

"Well, I have to go now, good luck with your interview. Love you" she said 

"Love you too, thanks" I replied ending the call

I laid down and tried to sleep as I closed my eyes but my head was not trying to cooperate. I shut my eyes as sleep started to kick in and I prayed silently that my interview goes well tomorrow.

I got up earlier than usual to get ready. I made toast and sausage and ate in a hurry. I planned to see the landlord before heading for the city and make our rent payment and also thank him.

I got to the landlord's house and he wasted my time with his stories. After paying him the money, I even made a deposit of a one-year payment and I saw how money could earn one respect.

I got into my ride, heading for my interview and I had enough time to reflect on my own. I was thankful to Jay because of him, we won't be homeless, and Mum would finally get her complete medicine. It felt unreal. At a point I was going to tell Dad what I felt but I can worry about that later. 

As I sat in the car, lost in my thought my phone started to ring and it was an unknown caller. I imagined it was Jay but I wondered what he was calling me about. I answered the call and it was not Jay. This person's voice wasn't as deep and serious as Jay's.

"Hello, am I speaking to Leah?" the man asked 

"Yes. Who is this please," I asked

"I am Jay" he said 

Jay? I asked myself, I was confused because I know this isn't Jay.

"Well Jason for full," he added 

"Oh. Okay" I said in relief 

"I am your supposed date from the site. I am sorry I could not make it," he said 

My date? I was baffled by what he said. I was on a date with Jay and now this guy that calls himself Jason claims to be my date.

"I had an important meeting to attend that was why I couldn't make it. But I had to make inquiries from the site to apologize for not showing up," he said

"Okay," I said not sure of what my reply was supposed to be

"I also further my information about you and after seeing what you look like, I will very much like a second date with you," he added 

What is happening, not only did I go on a wrong date, I also married the person I was on the wrong date with. 

"Can I call you back," I told him, eagerly waiting to end the call. 

"Okay Leah, take the time you need, I will be expecting to hear from you," he said 

"Bye then" I said ending the call

My chest felt heavy, an arranged date turned into a sudden marriage and to top it all, I found out the person I got married to wasn't supposed to be my date, it was merely a coincidence and the marriage was a mistake. How was I going to relate this to Jay, I didn't even know how to reach him. I had no information about him.

I looked through the contract again and I found out Jay was actually Jayden Xavier. Jayden was his full name. I remembered the tag on the table said 'Jay' so was Jayden also on the wrong date? Maybe he was supposed to meet another girl and not me since the tag did not specify.

I sat with my many questions and no answer when the driver called my attention to let me know I had reached my destination. 

"The boss just arrived ma'am," "So you will need to wait a little before you're called in for your interview," the secretary told me as I walked to the front desk.

"Wait here," she said pointing at the other side of the building.

I sat with a few people who were also there for the interview and I watched as everyone walked around. The place was very busy. I was cut from my thoughts when I heard some people behind me talking about the boss.

"He doesn't talk to anyone I hear," one man mutters

"Jayden Xavier is always by himself that I'm sure of," someone replied 

"Jayden Xavier?" I thought to myself, was he the boss of the company? I carried my phone and searched for the company. The man was not wrong, the company I was waiting to be employed was owned by my newly wedded husband.