
Married to the wrong billionaire

Leah Harlow was willing to do anything to save her family from debts. She signed up to a dating site that her best friend Amelia told her about. She told her that billionaires who were in need of a contract life partner, sign up to the site to get a date, and this got Leah fascinated. The date was arranged and she met with Jay, a billionaire who was only there because of his persuasive grandfather. To avoid going on other dates his grandfather had arranged for him, Jay asked Leah to marry him in exchange for money. Leah desperately needed the money to bail out her consistently impecunious parents, so she accepted. Leah hit a hard spot when she went for an interview and found out Jay was the owner of the company, and her parents also discovered her secret marriage to a stranger. As if her problems weren’t enough, another man named Jason called her saying he was her date from the site and he was sorry he couldn’t make it. What will happen to her little marriage arrangements with Jay? What will happen between her and Jason? After all, Jay was to divorce her after sometime.

Only1aysha · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
4 Chs

Chapter four



"We have gone through your resumé and you have been hired by our editing team. Congratulations, we will send you an email with everything you need to know." The lady told me. 

I knew she told me I just got the job and she said some other things but my head was still trying to figure out how I ended up applying for a job at the company Jay owns. I just got a job I thought to myself trying to calm my mind. I figured Jay was very rich when he made immediate arrangements to get married in less than an hour and sent my dowry immediately but I didn't know he was rich rich to own a company that had branches worldwide. He is a billionaire billionaire! I thought to myself looking lost. 

When I applied for this job, I wasn't sure I'll be eligible to actually get the job but thanks to Amelia for pushing me and making me believe I could get it. Now I have gotten my dream job and I am rethinking my life choices after my findings. Working on the editing team would put me on a step towards becoming a professional writer but it'll also mean that Jayden would find me out. Because he for sure would go through the papers and my name would be on it! 

"Leah Harlow?" A lady came in calling.

"Yes," I answered leaving my thoughts

"I am sorry for the mixup and inconvenience but you are not supposed to get the job" she said 

"What do you mean?" I asked confusingly 

What does it mean to me giving a job and in less than a minute you're told the job isn't supposed to be yours. Why is everything about me confusing! I was already sliently rejoicing to myself that I was finally going to be financially stable…

Is life ever going to be fair to me? Why have you forsaken my soul? I went to hell trying to get my GED so I could get a better job. I worked three jobs trying to save money. I worked in a frozen factory, God I hated that job. My ass was freezing off and my skin got pale but I couldn't quit because it was paying more than my other jobs. The one that didn't suck the most was Papa J restaurant. I got free food and my boss was nice. My co-workers were not bad also but the pay was very little and couldn't cover anything. I worked so hard to get this job! 

"I was just told I got the job and now you're saying it's a mixup. This situation is so confusing." I told her.

"I understand but that how it is and like I said, we're sorry for the mixup." She said.

Laura I said as I read her name tag. 

She turned to back at me and replied "yes,"

"Isn't there anything you could do for me?," I replied to her pleading.

"No," she said and worked out.

Rude, I thought as I picked up my purse from the chair trying to figure out my next plan. My dowry will barely cover anything because I already used it to settle your rent and because we had outstanding debt which had accumulated, I wasn't sure of what to do. I could cry right now but it wasn't possible to break down at this moment. I would look mad if I just started crying now.

I held myself together and worked out of the building. I opened my purse to get my phone and order a ride and Amelia's call came in. I knew if I answered the call and I talked to her I would not have the strength to hold myself anymore and I would completely break down.

Amelia would probably know I was not doing well the moment she hears my voice and she will try to talk to me nicely to make me feel better because she always has something to say. I felt pathetic. My ride was here and I got in. 

"Hello ma'am," "Good day," the driver greeted me.

"Good day I say," I say 

"Isn't it a great day today," he added. 

Oh my goodness, he was trying to start a conversation with me. I didn't like it when designated drivers talk too much and that is exactly what he was trying to do. On a normal day, I will try to keep up with it but not today. Today isn't a good day for me and I barely have anything to say. 

"What a beautiful day ma'am," he said

"Yes," I finally said after my attempt to ignore him didn't work. 

"So how're you doing?" he asked 

I couldn't answer the question, so I plugged in my earpiece to my phone and played my music. He was still talking because I could see him from the driver's mirror and his mouth was moving. 


I stopped at a coffee shop near my house so I could get myself together and get ready to face my parents because I am sure they know I have made the payment for the rent and I have to say something about the outcome of the job I applied for. 

"Hey Leah," the shop owner said, waving at me. I and Amelia always came here after school and Sir was so nice to us. I've known this shop and Sir almost all my life. The shop was opened when I was a junior in high school. I and Amelia always came here to get donuts and after we became regular customers, he stopped charging us and he would give us donuts for free. We helped sometimes. After Amelia left for college and I started working, I hardly came here so Sir looked excited to see me.

"Hello Sir," I greeted back.

Everyone called him Sir. No one knew his government name, he was simply called Sir by everybody.

"How are you?" he asked 

"Fine," I said followed by a sigh 

My tone when I answered said it all because he looked at me with pity. I felt so pathetic, everyone always pitied me and I was just a miserable unfortunate girl with pale skin.

"How is Amelia?" he asked

"She is good, she always sends her regards. I'm sorry I never pass them to you, I am usually busy during the day and when I am returning from work, the shop is closed.

"Life is a great deal," "I am glad you stopped by today," "I am happy to see you," and "I want you to know that it gets better at some point," he said, assuring me as he squeezed my shoulders. 

I smiled at him, feeling a little better after hearing his nice words.

"I also want to tell you that I will be closing soon," he said 

"Closing?" I question

"It is still evening I say looking at my watch," I say

"Oh Leah," I mean closing the shop for good.

"Why?" I replied so sad

"Well," "I need to live life more," he said smiling at me

Sir has always been a man of little words. He doesn't speak much but I liked him very much.

"I met someone whose spirit is alive and her aura has awoken mine too," "She wants to see the world and I would like to see it with her," he said smiling. 

"Ohh Sir," "That is so sweet and beautiful," I said as I wiped the tears of my eyes. 

"Be happy and live life," "You deserve it," "I am happy for you." I tell him 

He looked at me and smiled, his eyes were teary and his smile turned into a laugh and I laughed too with my teary eyes. 

"I have something for you," he said and walked inside. 

I sat down trying to dry my eyes. I said I wasn't going to cry today, but I couldn't hold myself when Sir was talking. Everyone was leaving Cold Spring, everyone I grew up knowing was leaving. I thought about how I was going to tell Amelia and how she would take the news. I know she would be happy for Sir and probably blunt out "Awww." She was a very sweet soul. 

At least the people around me were having a happy life, everything wasn't all bad. I sipped the coffee that Sir brought to me earlier. 

Sir came out with a box in his hands, smiling at me as he walked to me. He was always smiling, I have never seen him angry, I have only seen him sick and even on his sick bed, he was still smiling. I and Amelia went to visit him and he told us he was never going to forget us even if he left Cold Spring.

"Here, have it," he said, handing the box of donuts to me. 

I collected it and opened it. I smiled as I raised my head to look at him, it was the donuts I and Amelia always ordered after school. He smiled back at me.

"I really miss those days, when life wasn't kicking my ass so bad," I say

"It gets better," he said. "Also, look," he added, opening his hands to me.

It was a purple bracelet I and Amelia made for him, I was surprised he kept it. We made it for him when we found out it was his birthday. 

He looked at me and said, "I am never going to forget you and Amelia even if I leave Cold Spring."

I stood up and hugged him as tears poured from my eyes, I couldn't hold them back anymore. He hugged me back and patted my back as I cried my eyes out.