
Married to the General's son

"I've already known that you are the most arrogant and pompous being I've ever seen nor met but now I would add being senseless and unreasonable to the list -what did you take me for kelvin Morgan? a cheap slut? ". Claire said glaring at him trying to pour out all her frustration and pent up anger through her words. It's been four years since she had started working with the Morgan's beauty world and she barely got to see the so called hier of the company. though their parts barely crossed, she would not denie the fact that she's familiar with the CEO of the company, not that she wants anything in return but because he's a kind and simple man. a retired General. And here his arrogant and pompous (of course I know he's pompous) son wants me to marry him or I lose my job. Claire thought as she rolled her eyes. "Who gave him the right?.. me..marry him because he's the heir?.. no way ".

ken_marvellous · สมัยใหม่
32 Chs

Chapter 4

The following day  Claire went to see the CEO in his office concerning the file she summited the previous week.

    She never knew she would be running into his son. after knocking and receiving response from inside Claire entered.

     " wow, miss Scott " Mr Ben said as he sat  down opposite him with a smile,  " I never knew I have such a talented staff like you ".

      Claire flushed "thank you sir "

     " don't worry I would put it into action - and also, " he wincked, "I would increase your salary by twenty percent ".

     "Wow " Claire cupped her mouth in shock, "thank you very much sir ".  she said clasping her hand together. he didn't know how much that twenty percent meant to her. it would go a long way in her life, at least she could afford some decent dresses.

     cleaning the tears that drop from her eyes, Claire repeated her thanks as she left the office.

      "Dad who is she? " kelvin who was standing at the window all  along asked as she left.

      "hum Claire Scott, one of my hardworking staff "-

      "if you can find a lady like her type to settle down with I would be glad "

     Mr Ben suspiciously chipped in as he pecked at his son from under his hands.

     looking at his father, he came up with an idea, he would ask the girl to marry him after he checks her background  since his father likes her type.

     with that thought he left his father's office to begin his investigations. after asking from the staff around he located her office and entered.


       Meanwhile Claire who had just entered her office not quite long picked up her phone to share the good news with  her friend when the door opened and the CEO'S Son entered.

     bewildered, Claire stood up from her seat.


      " Uhm sir -

    "Sit " said kelvin as he placed his hands on the table and looked down on her with his icey glare.

      nevertheless Claire sat down curious to  know the reason why he was here.


       "I'm not going to eat you, " kelvin started as he casually sat down opposite her and picked up a book while placing on of his legs on the table.

     " I just want your birth details " he finished.

         "Huh?" Claire almost jumped out of her seat as she looked at him in shock but quieted down after a moment as he glared  at her irritately.

      " I just want your birth details nothing else "

      " why?" Claire restrained

     "I just want your birth details ".  he slammed his hands on the table as he flared obviously annoyed with her quires.

    Claire shutted her mouth as she nodded.

     "Good " he stood up and walked towards the door then turned back and said.

     " summit it today before you leave " with that he left.

   Claire could only stared dumbly at the closed door. after some minutes of thinking she went down to work. it doesn't look suspicious anyway moreover he would soon be her boss very soon. giving him her birth details isn't  anything she had to fuss about.

      Later that day kelvin sat down majestically on his chair in his own office as he looked through the birth details Claire brought for him.

     He came to a conclusion that she would be suitable for the marriage. a normal non fancy, easy to manipulate lady would fit in the role, then when he's ready to pursue love or settle down he would divorce her.

     He was happy because he know he would offer her enough fortune with an excuse to get a divorce and he know her type would not hesitate.

     he kept this thought to himself so his plan would not be ruined.



     Pursuing the so called fake wife was not really easy for kelvin. he kept nudging her everyday in the hopes that she would yield. even at that Claire refused.

    She didn't quite understand the reason why their CEO'S Son would want to marry her all of a sudden.

     She disclosed it with her friend, after screaming and shouting, Carole told her not to accept it because it may be a  trap. she even told her to change her dress pattern so as not to cause herself more trouble.

     With that Claire finalise her standpoint to him one afternoon in the office.

     "You don't know what I'm doing for you " kelvin chuckled as he sat opposite her.

     " I don't want to know and I don't care " Claire retort back.

   that got kelvin laughing as he pointed at her in mockery and said

    " with your background how did you manage to feed? "....

     " I'm just giving you an easy way to relief yourself of some burdens ".....

     "Just imagine how many months you owe your landlord, you just accept the marriage, it would be of use to the both of us "

    "Aren't there other women?" Claire chocked, "why is it me?  I'm sorry I can't marry someone i don't even know let alone have feelings for "...


    Amused kelvin said " I'm not asking for your feelings miss Scott, I'm only saying you should sign the paper and answer my name -

   "I'm sorry "Claire shaked her head, " I can't do it "

     Silence reigned the office for some moments before kelvin loosed it .

      "You are just a nasty poor stubborn woman who would throw away a good opportunity that comes her way "...

    " well.. since you refused, be ready to summit your resignation letter to the company ".  kelvin spat

         " what!!? " Claire jerked up from her seat

     " I've already known that you ate the most arrogant and pompous being I've ever seen nor met but now I would add being senseless and unreasonable to the list - what did you take me for kelvin Morgan?  a cheap slot?.. " Claire said glaring at him trying to pour out all her frustration and pent up anger through her words.

      It has already  been four years since she had started working with the Morgan's beauty world and she barely got to see the ao called heir of the company.

     Though their part barely crossed she would not Denise the fact that she's familia with the CEO of the company. not that she expected something in return but because he's q kind and simple man, a retired general.

     And... here he's arrogant and pompous (of course I know he's pompous) son wants me to marry him or else I would lose my job.  Claire thought as she was tempted to roll her eyes.

    Kelvin cleared his throat and stood up with his hands in his pocket and said

     " I've treated you with the  soft and hard method but you still refused, either way, do what I said or summit your resignation letter in one week " and he left.

     It was as if a bag of ice was poured on Claire as she shivered and sat blankly on her seat.