

He never believed in the will of God for marriage. Now he is lured to marry the devil's daughter where he would learn the hard way - at the end he will be a preacher of God's will in marriage.

AneeDavid · สมัยใหม่
60 Chs


"Dani What's it?" Apostle Aondofa Daniel asked from within the sitting room

"Oga sorry for disturbing you sir." The sister that came the other day to see you is at the gate. I want to know if I am to open up for her to come in." The security officer inquired.

"Who could that be?" He thought for a while and commanded that she be allowed in.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel been curious, stood up hanging a towel across his shoulders and went for the door.

Immediately he saw the color of the car, he was reminded that it was Victoria's.

"What is she doing here without a pre information?" His heart muttered and he stood still to attack what was coming.

Victoria alighted and headed to the door expecting to be allowed in but the Lord's Apostle stood still.

"Victoria!" he called out.

"You didn't tell me you were coming." He inquired silently ready to defend his stand against whatever she was going to say.

"Bu..but" She spoke with a spasmodic repetition of the vocal (stuttering)

"Bu..but what?" Apostle unveiled the beast in him for the first time.

"Papa, why are you treating me like I am a total stranger?" She spoke shylishly with a degree of shame dancing on her cheeks.

"That's exactly what I want you to take from me Victoria. We are total strangers aside that I am your spiritual head, that's if you still want to maintain that. Beside that, I want you to take this into your spirit.

Whatever that happened between us two the other day was a fatal and potential calamitous to our both destinies and callings." He verbalized.

Slopping to her knees, she pleaded for pardon from the man of God;

"Papa I am sorry. I promise not to put you to test again. It was all my fault. I am sorry papa. I won't be myself if you throw me out. I really ... (she got cut off)

"I'm sorry Victoria. I won't have you place a full stop to your sentence. The truth must be told. There can't be anything between us two.

Please leave my house?"

"Papa are you asking me to leave?" She asked and stood to her feet with tears stealing out of her balls.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel couldn't watch her cry this way. His emotions triggered and he felt touched.

"Victoria!" He called out and she turned.

Even as she turned, she kept forcing her tears out because she knew that men of Apostle's Calibre couldn't be angry for too long. He had discovered that the Apostle won't let her leave in tears like that.

"Please come in." He felt overcomed and invited her in.

"It's okay, I'm sorry for yelling at you just..(he stammered unconvincingly)... It's just that I want this to come to an end." He pleaded and went close to her, pulled her into his arms and tried innocently to console her.

Like a flash of light, The Lord's Apostle's body triggered. His hormones toughened and jingled. The hair on his body stood to flight. His organs danced in frightening cohesion.

Before he could hold back, Victoria had caught hold of his lips - pulling his neck to trap him from escaping.

The Jesus Christ he shouted fainted in her mouth as she forced himself against him.

It was the fastest battle ever fought.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel tried to pull back but Victoria was now a beast too powerful to be overcomed.

He gave in for the next two seconds.

He wanted to let the act be, since he was already overcomed.

But like a revival stirring up within him, He pushed his head back and pushed her off, such that she fell on the cushion.

"What!" He cried out disgusted and tried to check what was on his lips and to measure the depths of the abomination that had just been committed.

Before he could lift his head, Victoria had gone unclad. She had taken off everything that covered her body. She wanted to know if the Lord's Apostle could overcome this too, then she would know that he wasn't human.

Sighting her, he buried his head again and strength was awakened within him.

"I give you five seconds to put on your wears and disappear from this house." He thundered, but his voice fell on deaf ears. Rather, Victoria Stood to her feet and was heading his direction.

"Daniel!!!" The Lord's Apostle shouted the security officer's name which sent a quick threat to Victoria.

"Daniel!! Hurry up and come over here." He shouted again and Victoria knew it was a serious business.

If she does not act fast, she would have two men to rape.

As she hurried to dress up, Daniel, the security officer was already at the door knocking.

Apostle Aondofa Daniel delayed a little to give her grace to dress up.

When she was done, he ordered Daniel to come in.

"Daniel! Throw this lady out of my house with immediate effect."

"Without wasting a dime time, Daniel swung into action and lifted her to his shoulder as he head back to the door.

Coming out of the house, he dragged her to her car and gave her a minute to be out of the house.

Haven lost the fight, she boarded her car and drove forcefully to the gate.

As the security officer pulled the gate for her to drive off, she pulled out a bundle of the naira note and threw it to him such that no one could see.

Immediately the money fell on him, he picked it with an iota of shame and stocked it into his pocket.

"Come over!" Victoria instructed and he quickly shut the gate and ran to where she parked waiting.

"So you had the gut to lift me to your dirty shoulders and throw me out of the house!" She contended.

"Madam is not like that o. I was only doing my job. If I don't do like that oga (boss) would sack me and I have a family to take care of. Please don't be offended. He pleaded stupidly

"it's okay. Let me have your contact." Victoria demanded and he hesitated but when she yelled again, he collected her phone and typed in his contact.

This he knew he was endangering himself.

Victoria saved his contact and drove off.