
Married to the Demon Prince

Who knew that a tiny cut to the finger would hook her to the dark lord? * Hell broke loose when the bloodthirsty demon prince and conquerer of the underworld was bonded to a brainless underling by a ring. For generations his ancestors ruled the world with the powerful ring. One day, it vanished from the surface of earth and their power slowly diminished. After searching for it for so long to reclaim what was rightfully theirs, it finally appeared... bonded to a human girl.... and being the direct decendant of the great king and the righful owner of the ring, it enslaved him. ******* Frustrated, Que felt like screaming and punching him, but sadly she couldn't do either. Wiggling her butt, she slid down from his midriff when his hand left her butt briefly only to land back sharply with a smack. Silence. Silence More silence. "Did...did you just spank me?" "Stay still." "That gave you no right to hit me!" "I'll do it again." "Get your paws off me!" "You are the one straddling me." "It was an accident! What were you trying to do?" "That's what they all say." "You... unbelievable!" With a swift motion, he shifted until she was underneath him, his weight crushing her. "Silence I said..." He growled into her ears a large paw covering her mouth. With his free hand he switched off the light. ******* As a famous doom bringer, Que was avoided by everyone. If her childhood sweetheart could abandon her, who wouldn't? Something definitely smells fishy when she got a marriage proposal out of the blue right after her engagement was called off. What's more, its to be signed in three days! . ***** Hi... Yours Truly here, Cover not mine,credit goes to the owner.

Blooming_Safflower · แฟนตาซี
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155 Chs

29. Break.

If there's one thing I pride myself of, it would be my cooking skills. One can not be a total failure in life now, can we?

Though I'm not the best cook out there, but whatever I manage to scramble, it'll be edible. I consider that as an achievement.

Growing up, I had no companion other than Jiji. My parents would go away leaving me behind with her, and since I wasn't a social butterfly, I had no friends my age and just stuck to Jiji where ever she went. That means sitting beside her all the time as she cooked.

After the discovery of my curse followed by the death of my parents, Jiji grew distant and no longer took me out with her, the only time we spent together would be when she is either cooking or gardening, but the soul drainer I was, I wasn't welcomed to her garden, thus the kitchen was our only option.

I believe that was how I got my passion and cooking skills.

When I finished high school and couldn't secure admission into any college in town that we can afford, I used that time to enhance my skills, I refused to be useless.

Anyways, it wasn't like I had a choice in the first place. Cuz among Jiji's 20 amendment of the perfect house wife, a good cook is the 3rd. Right next to submissive and refined.

You could only imagine what I had to go through. She was damn serious with her perfect house wife upbringing.


Standing by the instant pot immersed in her cooking spree, Que suddenly smacked her forehead cringing. If there was anyone looking, they'd probably think she'd gone nuts in the head. She had been doing that alot. Really? Of all the times she could meet him, it had to be that day?

When she was at her worst?

Focus que, focus. She said taking in a deep breath, returning her attention back at the task at hand.

Ever since she stumbled upon the kitchen 2 days ago on her way to back to her room, she had came here often whenever she was free. Her days had been monotone and she had started getting bored of doing nothing. Whenever she's idle her mind wandered to a certain someone who had just returned. She was trying to get over him, so cooking was an escape.

Since she wasn't allowed out of the mansion, she busied herself in the kitchen even though none of the cooks were friendly to her and took it upon themselves to ignore her. On certain occasions they evacuate the kitchen all together if it wasn't meal time, like now.

Ha! Like that could bother her.

Please, have they any idea who she is? Even flies avoid her like plague, she've mastered the art of being ignored. She hummed stirring the beef stew in the pot.

According to what she saw, the hierarchy of demons resemble that of the werewolves (from what she read in the books). Their pack is distributed from cooks, the nurses and maids and then the soldiers. Though almost everyone participate in their training, it's just like a werewolf pack.

If she'd fit in, she'll be a cook too. Hmm, that sounds like a nice idea, maybe she should talk to Zeus's about it. He'll surely approve, even if it's just part time. It's better than being an additional mouth to feed.

Isn't she a genius?

The day is bright, so also are her stars, she had every reason to be happy. She is cooking one of her favorite dish, purposely tweaking the recipe a little, adding more oregano making the aroma fill the air.

She was having a day off. Her shrink had excused her today and for some reason Zeus had been away since last night and only got back in the morning, which meant no exercise today! Woohoo!

What a great day.

Once the stew was done, she natural release pressure for 10 minutes trapping the steam in to make it more tender and brewed a cup of sweetened chamomile tea.

Fetching a hearty potion in a bowl she sat by the window and dived in. She'd never get tired of this, no matter what she did to it, it always taste fantabulous.

Que was about to take her 3rd bite when she felt a malicious gaze on her. Thinking it was just one of those cooks eyeing her food, she ignored it and carried on. If you want something from someone, try being friendly to that person. That would teach them a lesson.

She patted her stomach burping, nothing beats a bowl of hot beef stew. She took in the empty bowl sitting in front of her and smirked, feeling like a badass.

She could still feel the burning gaze on her which was seriously getting uncomfortable. She glanced back in the direction to gloat at them but there was no one there. She glanced all over the spacious kitchen but it was surprisingly empty.

Huh. Was it just her imagination? But the feel was quite strong and it hadn't left. She stood up having a better view of the kitchen and nearly jumped in fright at the sight of a black cat glaring at her.

"Sweet Jez...Bubble gum! What...oh Lord I almost had a heart attack." She wheezed tapping her chest. "It's only a cat," Turns out the malicious gaze was coming from her cat.

"You've been gone for like forever. Where have you been?" Nay, Bubu turned her head to the side ignoring her. Que pursed her lips and walked over to the cat. She felt guilty about her actions earlier, but truly she had forgotten about her, she didn't remember bringing her back when she was abduc....ahem, rescued from the tunnel. She had abandoned her, it only added to her guilt.

She turned towards the counter and scooped a generous amount of the beef into a bowl and gave it to the cat. Thank God she made plenty,

Crunching awkwardly in front of the cat, she tried to pet her when the cat insisted on ignoring her. She was angry, she would be too. They had always eaten together, she wouldn't forgive Bubu either if she ate without her.

After some persuasion the cat started eating, she never got angry with food. They had that in common, if you want to bribe them, give them food. If you want to poison her, just add it to her food, you won't need to ask twice.

Seeing the cat immersed with the food, Que sighed. She had missed her. There was still a generous amount left and she had no idea what to do with it. She is already full.

For some reasons she found herself thinking about Zeus. He had returned an hour ago from what she heard from the cooks, he must be hungry. She squashed the other thought that popped up in her mind whenever she thought about Zeus these days.

Thinking about him means hurting, and she tired of the pain. Thinking about him would do her no good. She knew she'll eventually think about him, she couldn't escape that so she tried to avoid it. It had been successful because a certain somehow had kept her occupied with none stop exercises throughout the past few days.

She prepared a plate and head towards her dear husband's room. Note the sarcasm.

He had gave her food the other day, it would be nice to do the same as well. Given that he had just returned from wherever he went, he should be hungry.

She had no need for the food anyways.

Que knocked on the huge mahogany doors in front of her, snickering at the skeletal head carved on the edges. Seriously, is he showing off his his demon-ness? What's with this blatant display of satanic symbols? His personal guard Ifrit was no where to be found which was much to her delight.

The guy is mean.

She waited and when for him to give her permission to enter but nothing came. Oh well, she pushed the doors open and entered holding the tray with both hands. Perhaps he is throwing his tantrum, angered by something or someone. She didn't plan on staying long, she had already come this far, might as well drop the food and leave.

This guy is not easy to please and she already braced herself with what's to come. She wouldn't be surprise if he ask her to take the food and leave. She just had to get use to him if she want to get on his good side.

Darting her eyes all over the room she walked towards the coffee table near the fireplace. She couldn't locate him anywhere but that wasn't unexpected. He appear only when he wants to be seen.

She kept the food on the table and stretched. "Breakfast is ready Master Zeus. I hope you enjoy it." She mimicked the maids, clasping her hands behind her back obediently and turned around. He'd probably ignore....heraaaaa!

"What in the world..." Que froze coming face to face with a... very peculiar looking Zeus who was standing behind her. His eyes twitched at the girl's high pitched scream assaulting his eardrums.

"...what happened to your face? Are those...cat ears?" Her eyes rounded on the two perked black triangular furry thingies on the sides of his head. His eyes were slanted and his features had sharpened considerably.

"Fool. Those are my hones. It's call demon's crown." He side stepped to the table behind her.


Her eyes followed the long black tail trailing limply behind him.

Hones? Demon crowns?

Why do they look like Bubu's ears?

Yey me.

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