
2 sneaking out

The holiday is over

*Alexia's POV*

I had to prepare a new schedule for my activities this year, training in the morning, school and reading in the evening.

I attend Holfery academy,lt is located at the center of cumodra 'the meeting point of the five most powerful kingdom'. The school is mostly attended by royalty, highly ranking chiefs and wealthy top ranking merchants

Franka is the daughter of a very wealthy merchant in Alura. He has business in every kingdom. With her father's fame, she is known for her proudness.

Lewis Smith is the son of king lengfe. The first most powerful kingdom in Alura . He is very cool and handsome. He is the brilliant boy in our class.

Xavier Kingsley is a friend to Lewis Smith,they always behave like brothers. He is the son of the second most powerful kingdom in Alura.

*In school*

I was walking towards my locker when I came across ana

"Hi, Alexia"Ana said with some textbook in her hand

"Hi, Ana"l replied opening my locker

"Lucky me---,my locker is just beside yours"Ana said opening her locker

"Oh, that's nice, l'm having biology this morning and I must not be late"l replied not wanting to develop any friendship feelings as l locking my locker

"Me also,just wait for me"Ana said as she closed her locker. We both walked into the laboratory for the practical.

After the practical,l head towards my locker as l heard Ana yelling and running towards me

"Why are you shouting my name like that"l asked looking disgusted

"Don't be annoyed"Ana said gasping as she bend down

"I just wanted to tell you something"Ana added standing straight

"And what is it"l asked as l look at her

"A party is going to take place at froist star hall"she explained

"A party"

"Yeah and all the students in the school is going to attend"

"So .....are you trying to tell me to attend"l asked

"Yeah,at least to prove them wrong that you are social"

"I'm not social"l said

"You are"

"You don't even know me,my dad doesn't like me .. hanging around with friends, especially you

"So you mean,... you're not coming"Ana said worriedly

""Don't you heard the girl,she doesn't need friends like you,talkless of attending "franka interrupted

"Yeah, and I don't need people who pock nose in one's business

"Are you saying.....

"Yes, I am telling you to mind your own business"l yelled at her

'seems every one has known me for who l am but I am going to prove them wrong'

""You're annoying"franka yelled as she walked out embarrassed

"An sorry"l apologize as the bell rang

"Gotta go"l added as l left

I quickly ran outside, entering Into the already prepared carriage and flew home

*In my room*

"She's not social, she's not social"l repeated countlessly

"It's just a matter of time"l said to myself

'l need to find a way to attend the party without my dad knowing. Firstly I need to convince Jaxan after closing hours'l plotted in my mind as a knock on the door interrupted me

"Yes,come in"l said as Jaxan entered

"I came to ask if I could lend some of your books"Jaxan asked

"Sure,why not"l replied as Jaxan begin to select the book

"Hmm... Jaxan

"Yes "

I will be going to..um..

'what did she call the place'l asked myself

"yes "l said as l snap my fingers as l turn to see a confused Jaxan

"I will be going to froist star hall,all my classmates are going to attend and it is compulsory"l lied

"Have you tell the King"Jaxan asked as he stood up with some books in his hands

"Of course"l lied

"And he agreed"he asked


"Are you sure about...

"Jaxan will you stop questioning me"l yelled at him, annoyed

"I just wanted to be double sure,but since you said you've already told him,l believe you"he said as he leaves my room

'thank goodness,my plan is working'

*In school*

After lecture, students were busy discussing about the party,for me l don't see any amazing or fun in it or maybe because l haven't attended one before. School party is different from kingdom party where you always have to be royal in front of everyone

After some minutes to myself,l decided to go to meet Ana,since yesterday l felt bad with the way l spoke to her

"Ana ,l'm deeply sorry about yesterday"l said soberly

"It's fine, at least it's yesterday's case" she said with her head's down

"Are you coming"she asked looking at me

"Yes, of course"l said cheerfully as we both enter the restroom to change our clothes

Once the closing bell was ranged, Ana and flew sneaked into the carriage and rode off to froist star hall

*At froist star hall*

The place was bubbling with music, cheering and dancing. Everywhere was so lousy,you could barely hear yourself.

"Alexia, alexia"Ana shouted as l face her

"Let's go sit over there"Ana added as we both went to sit at the bartender's place

"My stomach is turning"l complained

"Why"Ana asked

"You Know, l'm not use to this kind of gathering"

"You'll get used to it"she said as she face the bartender"please, serve us a tropical drink"Ana said as she gave me one bottle

"Hope, you're not giving me alcohol to drink"l asked

"No,l don't drink alcohol"she answered

"Hi Collins"Ana said as she stood up

"Alexia, meet Collins, Collins meet Alexia"Ana introduce

"Nice to meet you, Collins"l said as l look at him, he's quite handsome

"Same here, Alexia"he said as he holds Ana hand

"I will be back"she said as she left with him


"It's getting late"l said, looking at the time from my phone


"Hi"l replied as I look up

Gush!,it was Lewis Smith

"Mind dancing with me"he said as l blush

"I don't mind"l replied receiving his already stretched hand

We entered the crowd to find a spot to dance

45 minutes later


"Um.... Lewis... l'm getting late"l said looking so shy

"Alright,see yah in school"he said as he waved at me

"Bye"l replied as I ran out

After dancing with Lewis, I felt like not leaving his side,but my dad will be so mad. Standing outside,l took out my phone to call Jaxan

"Where are you"

"I'm at the backyard"

"Okay"l said as l ran to meet him. I changed my clothes, entered into the carriage and flew back home.