
Married to Santa's son

A girl obsessed about Santa wishes for one particular thing every year and that is to see Him. But as times goes on she begins to lose hope but thought of asking Santa for something else and guess what it is? read this book to find out

DaoistJG8xWx · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Dinner time!! Part 1

"What! Are you still blushing over what that lady said?!."Janta said staring at the doorpost; they just arrived Nikita's house, "Or is it that I'm too handsome that you're having naughty thoughts",he continued ,turning to look at Nikki.

" Hey, I'm not and I was not blushing, I just ate something spicy"Nikita said, immediately rubbing her face.'He's so silly for thinking that I'm blushing over him' She thought.

"Ummm...are you still here. You sure zone out a lot" Janta said with a worrisome time.

"Oh, I'm just stressed on what to prepare for Eleanor"

"Your sister has a cute name...don't worry leave it to me that's why you employed me.."

"Urgh.. Jeremy I haven't employed you yet. Let's say you're under pending review"

"Seriously!?!.. Ok whatever.. Now tell me her favorites" With that Janta opened the door and they both went in.




Eleanor, Nikita's sister who was just six years younger : a senior in high school was preoaring to visit her sister when she received a somewhat depressing message.

*LOML: Babe, whatever happened between us was a joke. I was dared to be with you for a year for $2500 and I couldn't stand you but now time's up and I'm finally free. Have a nice life, Miss Eleanor Maxwell*

*He must be joking, it must be a prank because he can't even say it to my face.Punk!!*She thought smashing her lipstick with her palm.

"Eleanor, You're going to your sister's place right?..."Her mom said running into the room like she was about to give a very important information but she noticed that Eleanor didn't give her a response which is unlike her. Mrs. Maxwell stepped to see her daughter in silent tears. " What happened dear?, why are you crying?"

Eleanor didn't notice that someone had entered her room until her mom tapped her on the shoulder, she hurriedly wiped off her face and tried so hard to smile but couldn't.

"Oh mum, I didn't see you there. I'm fine actually. I just got something in my eye that's all"

"I know when you're lying,what happened?"

Eleanor bursted into another round of tears, she tried to tell her mom but kept on hesitating."I... He... I mean..."

She then showed the message to her mom ad continued sobbing.

"I knew there was something off about that boy but you were blind to see it. I don't want to see that to make you feel bad or anything but you shouldn't be suffering emotional because of someone like him... Wipe your tears now and go meet Nikki"

"Finally, We're through preparing dinner! Oh my it's past seven already" Nikita said panting like she just finished wrestling with a kangaroo.

"Call her to find out if she's still coming" Janta siad taking off his gloves, they just finished baking a cake.

"She has to be here!. All my efforts won't be in vain"

*Ring ring ring*

Nikki called her sister four different times and she wasn't picking. Janta had just finished having a shower and saw Nikita was stressed

"Hey, I know you're sister will come unless she's the devil.."


"That's what you saved her contact as.. Just take a shower and came down fast. She'll be here"

Without thinking, Nikki dashed off to the bathroom.

The door bell rang, Janta went forward to open the door and when he did..


Hey everyone

I know the chapters are very short but I'll make sure it's longer from the next chapter onwards.

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