
The wedding

Samantha POV

After the Engagement was over, the visitors all left as the Al Thani to me it was Thank God for me but do how long.

In the morning I wake up in beautiful breeze drink my tea ooh wow so great while looking outside but then I was my mom comes in with something in her hands ," Samantha you are awake ?," Why do you say it like that ?,"Nothing like am just shocked that you are awake so early normally I wake you up but that good after all you are getting married you should start getting used to wake up early," mom what do you want and whatare you holding in your hands ?," Aah I brought you a dress to wear for your henna ceremony tonight it a traditional Arab dress but before hurry up and get ready ,"why you said that the ceremony is tonight?,"yeah but tomorrow is your wedding we have to go buy your wedding dress and your jewelry hurry up okay ," As we left to buy my wedding dress wow all the dress were all beautiful," Samantha try on this one ," as I wore looking at myself mom I don't like it tryout like three more until I love the silky white long behind and opened cut little on the shoulder wow it's was really beautiful , " Samantha you love it because I love it ," Yeah I do ," Fine then that what you are wearing on your wedding tomorrow let me go pay for ," looking at myself in the mirror it could have been so good and better if I was getting married to Logan the love of my life ," Sam you have not yet removed it hurry up today is you Henna ceremony hurry up ," okay mom i removed the dress and got into my clothes they packed for us the dress as I was outside the store I met Logan can we talk for a while what no what do you wanna talk about says my mom after all what can he do ," Mom please just got a little while ," we went a side away to talk alone ," Samantha what are you doing to yourself you are going to marry that man ," Yeah What's wrong with that ahh it my life and more it I can't talk to a person who called me a slut ," Samantha what do you want me to do or say you are getting married," you should have trusted me Logan and waited for but no you didn't you just got ideas from your mind ," ooh so now am the fault one here ," You know Logan I can't keep talking to a man who doesn't wanna hear me sorry but I got a wedding to prepare for so goodbye ," Samantha you may go now but you are never going to be happy with that man ," Good bye Logan have a good day ," As left and reached home I couldn't hold and cry but no I had to be strong after all the preparation were on the way it was a woman only ceremony and no time to waste so I weeped my ties away and got ready in my dress let on the evening my mom came and got me my brothers and and dad were not there as I went down stairs they only women that I didn't even know ," Hi let me first introduce myself am Zayed's first wife and Nasser's mother and your soon to be mother she tells as she holds my hand getting me to sit down and there cane three more women , Samantha this is Nasser's first wife she should be just like your older sister," You hear that Sam you should treat her like an older sister ," Looking at her as she smiles at me okay I will , she came close to me welcome to the family Samantha

Mother-in-law told me everything that's happening to you and your family but don't worry we are all here for you okay ," thanks ," what are you all wait for start the ceremony she left from there and started dancing with the others and they came a woman and started drawing Henna on my hands I could only stare only the danced and after a while all my hands were filled with Henna so I finally got what the ceremony was all about all the woman's were just looking at me and laughing at me but my mom came near me and told me ," Honey are you okay ," Yeah am fine ," Don't worry everything will be fine okay ," thanks mom I say it as I look at my soon to be older sister.

In the morning it was the big day the wedding I was just stressing in I was getting my makeup done and got ready in my dress my dad came ," Oooh my God Samantha you look amazing honey ," Dad please," I just can't believe that you are getting married but honey you should know something you are not alone you have your family behind and we love you so much ," Dad is right Samantha says my brother Henry you are not alone don't let anyone step on your head okay ," thanks all and I love you all too

After the family talk we left for the wedding venue I was kinda shocked when the Nasser accepted that we will marry in the Christian way it was time to walking as all eyes were on me not only Nasser's the man I only who is so older than me and I don't really know well I hold me dad's arm so tightly and he swipes " Everything will be fine as he kisses my forehead and gives my arm to Nasser he holds my hand as we get married it was really scary as I did my vows to him holding the ring I was only shaking as he hold my hand and did his too after the wedding we headed home for the party for our wedding not only celebrating our marriage but dad's victory too as promised Zayed kept his promise the party was really amazing my friends said loving thing to me and wished good about us not only them my mom even cried while giving a speech it was really beautiful but I was so scary of what is going to happen to me since now I am now a second wife of someone I could feel ties in my eyes as I said good bye to everyone after the party was over after that my grandmother prayed for me and said good bye to me my mom came close to me and swipe you are no long a child now you are a married woman now you have to be strong and make this marriage work no matter what Samantha as she kiss my cheek Good bye baby we are all going to miss you she touch's Nasser's arm take care of Samantha she is now your wife ," Don't worry I will ,"Thank you take care of your self too , okay I sat in the me and Nasser looking at my family that I have left behind wondering if everything will be fine since I am going to be alone married to a different kinda of person and going to live in a different country will everything really be fine?.