
Married to Mayhem

" Are you crazy ? " She asked " No am not " he replied. " But am indeed crazy about you . No am really really crazy for you " he replied with a warm look in his eyes. I can't marry you, never !!! She screamed at him. Listen young lady, you have little or no choice. Not even your money can save you and you are very well aware of that , so stop acting up . He explained gently. " What in the name of God is going on here " . She thought. " Despite all my yelling, he is still talking warmly. He must be crazy, I mean more crazy than I am " she concluded. Revenge? Yes ! Workaholic? Yes !! Marriage? Relationship? No !!!. Elena Shawn has lived her life without the thought of getting married or even being in a relationship until a document arrived from YR corporations for a contract married. Bringing out the anger and pain she had perfectly hidden and with her decreasing health, she's left with no other choice then to marry Edward Jones a man of mysterious background. How would she navigate her new life?. How would she accept the truth about her husband?.

Miss_Light_3601 · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

Your Mother

" Have you all gone speechless? .... Oh my ever great grandma can't you say anything ? " She asked harshly. Their silence was constantly reeling her up and unleashing an unexpected anger within her.

" Wife ....

" Don't you dare Edward " she yelled. It was evident that she would not accept any form of lies.   " You knew about it right ? " She asked

" Listen wife, you just really need to relax and wait for them to speak. Bombarding them with questions won't do you any good. Moreover , you know they would never do anything to hurt you ." he explained trying to calm her down.

" Okay, am calm now. Am really very very calm. " she said trying hard to hide the brewing storm in her.

" Listen Elle, I .... We never intended to hide anything from you my love. We just wanted you to be happy without having to look back on your past my dear " Old man John explained.

" Yes dear, it was for your own good that we never revealed anything to you my dear " madam Clara explained.

" All these doesn't explain who she is, you know " Elena said in a harsh tone.

" I .... We understand Elle but it is imperative that you be in a calm mind while we explain this " Mrs grey said.

" You too auntie?  You know about this right ? And you never even thought of saying anything but why ?" She asked in  shock.

" I ..... I "

* Ruffles her hair harshly *

" How much of a fool did you all think of me ? , like how long did you all intend on keeping whatever truth that I need to know from me ? " She asked.

" No baby, no one thought of you as a fool, and we never wanted to hide anything from you " madam Clara tried calming her down.

" Then why..... Why can't you all just tell me who she is and stop beating around the bush for goodness sake " she yelled.

" She's my younger sister " Mr grey finally spoke up.

" ...!!!!.... "

" Si.... Sis.... Sister ? " Elena stammered out.

" Yes Elle, she's my younger sister Benita " Mr grey continued.

" Oh.... okay..... " She said waiting for them to continue.

" She's was the most adorable and amazing young lady I have ever known, she was my best friend and the closest person to being a sister to me " Mrs grey added.

" She was my source of pride, a Viking like you my love, she was stronger than most and was the most fearsome intelligent and incredible person " madam Clara explained.

" She was my only daughter " old man John said.

" Wow that's so .... So ... Well surprising you know " Elena said.

" That's not all dear " madam Clara said.

" Yes I know , am just waiting for you all to, you know , continue " she replied.

" Well.... 21years ago....

" Mother, mother " a female voice called.

" Oh my darling Benita, why call me so loudly? " Her mother answered.

" Well mom... Its .... It's.... I don't understand Patrick anymore, he doesn't take my calls anymore mom " she complained.

" Maybe he's busy my dear, he always takes your call love " her mother said.

" But mother , he hasn't taken my calls for a week now, he isn't even bothered..... I mean he doesn't care about our unborn child " she cried.

" Calm down my dearest, like I said he might just be really busy with work. You know how is job is " her mother said.

" But mother.... "

" Enough Nita, you are just being paranoid and that's it " her mother shunned her.

" Clara, don't you get what she's saying.... That bastard is trying to run from his responsibility and abandon our daughter and you are trying to see reasons where there's none " her father explained walking towards them.

" But John, we can't just conclude things just like that. Patrick has been doing his best for the past seven months now and just because he has called or take her calls for a week doesn't mean he's running form responsibilities or trying to abandon Benita here " her mother explained.

" I don't know what you are trying to explain mother but this isn't funny anymore and I agree with father. Who would not want to check on his wife and unborn child " she barked.

* Sighs *

" Just relax dear, he would call you soon " her mother encouraged.

* A month later *

" Doctor, how's my daughter? " madam Clara asked.

" She's okay ma, we'll just prepare her for the CS " the doctor replied.

" But why CS ? " Old man John asked .

" She has a major issue with her left pelvic bone, sir. So it's imperative that she is operated on " the doctor explained.

" Okay doctor, just do your best " madam Clara encouraged.

* Fifteen minutes later *

" Excuse me nurse, how's the operation going " old man John asked.

" I can't explain sir " the nurse explained running off.

" Mother in-law, father in-law " a woman called out.

" Oh my dearest Helena " madam Clara called hugging her.

" How's she doing father " a man asked.

" We don't know grey, we don't " old man John replied.

" Here comes the doctor " madam Clara said.

" How's she doc ? " Mrs grey asked.

" She's in a critical state but the baby.... She's very healthy. Your daughter would love to see you " the doctor explained.

* Inside the room *

" My love " madam Clara cried upon seeing the condition of her poor child.

" Mother " she called out smiling. It was a beautiful yet sad smile.

" You.... "

" Take care of my child mom, she .... She should be called Elena..... Please take her out of this country. She should never return to country H " she said sadly.

" What do you mean by that Nita, you need to get stronger and take care of you daughter " Mrs grey said with tears.

" I ... I ..... "

* Back to the present *.

" So Elena, that's what happened. The lady in that picture..... She's your mother " madam Clara explained.

" My ..... My ... My mother ? " She asked.

" Yes Elle, she's your mother " old man John answered.