
Side Story-16


"Green-brother!" Steve exclaims enthusiastically and particularly runs to Joe. 

Joe blinks and tilts his a little in confusion, "Green-brother?" 

"Green-brother." Steve hugs his legs and smiles brightly. It's nice to see him all bright and shiny. He is recovering from his trauma little by little. 

I chuckle, "Joe, he calls you green-brother because of your eye color." I explain. 

"And who gave him the idea to do that?" Ruth smirks from the couch playfully. 

"I was just suggesting." I snort as I beckon Joe to come inside. Joe picks up Steve's little frame from the ground and sets him on his arm. Then nods and follows me to the living space where his brother is scrolling through Netflix on the TV. 

"Hmm, what should we watch tonight, John?" He asks.