
| Chapter One: Introduction

"Marry?! Him?!"

I still remember the night I was officially engaged to someone. I had always thought that when I got engaged, it would be with someone that I loved, someone that I trusted, someone that cared for me. I never thought it would be with someone I had barely known.

"Nora! You've been in the shower for too long! It's my turn!" Max, my... husband, called for me. I slipped out of the shower, put a bath towel around my self, and headed out of the bathroom, I made sure to sneak past Max while he was changing so he didnt see me, because, Max.. isnt the most innocent man I've ever met. Even though we have both agreed there are no true feelings between us, and that we are only doing it for our parents.. He has forced me into bed on multiple occasions.

I got on some sweat pants and my favourite grey sweatshirt with a photo of a wolf on it. I had that day off, so I wanted to make the most of it.

I got everything set up for my perfect chill day, I had my favorite show playing on the TV, two big bowls of popcorn, some candy, lots of pillows, two blankets, and the fireplace was on.

"Jesus woman. Your gonna get fat!" Max said to me as he walked out of the bathroom. I didn't care what he thought. HE had to go to work that day, and I didn't.

"I'm 'trying' to chill, and your voice is making that difficult." I didn't look away from the TV as I spoke.

"Honesty, I would 'love' to teach you better comebacks. But I've got to go to work. See you later my beautiful wife!" Max had left the apartment without me replying to him.

Everytime he called me his wife, I would never speak. I just couldn't stand the fact that the man calling me his wife, was a man I felt no love towards, in a way, I even hated him for it, even though in the back of my mind I knew it was not his fault.
