
marriage to Mr. Ryan

she is his secretary and he is her boss. his grandparents wanted his to get married so quickly to head a project. but she didn't have a single up to live so she got married to him on a contract

Okekunle_Goodness · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Dinner Date

"what?" Astoria said and continued coughing, then Mrs Rogers passed her a cup of water for her to calm down so that she can continue her questions.

"Are you feeling okay now?" Mrs Rogers asked patting her on her back.

"Yes ma'am" Astoria replied wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"So Are telling me that both of you are not preparing for babies?" Mrs Rogers continued from where she stopped.

Astoria looked at Ryan for help, she really don't know why Mrs Rogers is facing only her, she can't get pregnant alone.

"Grandma stop minding our business we would mind out own business" ryan interrupted.

"Are you two seriously not preparing?" Mrs Rogers asked all curious.

"Is that why you called me here?"Ryan asked looking annoyed.

"Ryan?" His grandmother called looking disappointed.

"We would take our leave now" Ryan stand standing up.

"Ryan see me before you go I have something important to tell you" his grandfather who has been silent all alone said still focusing on his salad.

"Then I would see you privately, we have a lot of work to do in the office" Ryan picked up his suit and made for the door.

"Should I park the food for you? You guys didn't eat" Mrs Rogers called standing up.

"You did not let us eat, Astoria let's go"

"Okay goodnight ma'am good night sir" Astoria also said and made her way outside with Ryan.


"I am sorry about that" Ryan said when they got outside but Astoria is in a different world of her own.

"We really didn't prepare about that Ryan, it is so normal after marriage is pregnancy" Astoria said worried.

"Yes I totally forgot" he said with his hands going inside his pocket.

"We should come up with a excuse or something" Astoria said trying to think.

"What excuse?" Ryan asked looking at her face.

"For example let's tell them that you have low sperm count" Astoria said with a shine on her face.

"What? Why can't we tell them that you have problems with your eggs" he asked annoyed.

"What I don't" Astoria said annoyed to

"Then I don't have problem with my sperm either"

"The what should we say?" Astoria asked lifting her hands.

"Let's think about that later, let's go to the office for now" Ryan suggested and made his way to the car

"Okay" Astoria said and followed still thinking.


"Hon how do I explain this vibe between the both of them? When they got outside they were talking about something" Mrs Rogers said adjusting the curtain after peeping on them outside.

"You embarrassed them enough to make them have a little chat outside" Mr Rogers said focusing on his salad, trying so hard to separate the onions.

"Could Astoria be sick?" Mrs Rogers wondered.

"Ryan can be sick also" Mr Rogers also added.

"Why do you keep siding Astoria?" Mrs Rogers said looking surprised.

"If I don't then who will?"

"There is something fishy about those two and am sure of it I have noticed ever since their wedding, but I can't just lay my hands on it"

"Wether fishy or not they are both married a legal one"

"I don't know why I still feel this way"

"Hmmmm I don't know to"

"I don't want anything to happen to my grandson under my watch" Mrs Rogers said holding her chest.

"Same her nothing must happen to Astoria under my watch too"Mr Rogers said and nodded

"Hon?" Mrs Rogers shouted looking at her husband disappointed.

"Why is this salad so cute?" He said ignoring his wife and focus on his business.


When they got to the office they both got down together after Joshua opened the door for them, she sat at the back beside Ryan this time so that he won't yell at Joshua like the last time.

Ryan was on a call so her left before her and Astoria stayed behind, to apologize to him.

"Errrm Joshua, I am sorry for the other time, I am also sorry I didn't tell you that I am married I embarrassed you a little" Astoria apologized.

"Nah it is fine I am just surprised that you are married to Mr Ryan, nobody told me" Joshua said and smiled.

"That is what I am taking responsibility for I should have told you" Astoria insisted.

"You don't need to be sorry, we are still friends after all"

"Yes we are still friends" Astoria smiled at him and walked inside.


Jasmine stood at the entrance watching the both of them, she was sent on a errands and she sighted them, she stood and looked at than for a very long time.

"She always get what she Wants huh? Let's see how long she can hold up" jasmine said and walked inside the building.


Ryan opened the door for them and they entered the house together, Astoria found it weird and somehow, it never happened that they would come home together.

Ryan to never imagined that he would be in this position.

"I would shower first" Astoria said.

"Oh I would also shower and come out"

Both of them made to their rooms but Ryan called, he wanted to say something.

"I would make dinner" he said.

"No let me do it, I would make the dinner"

"No, like I want to use it to apologize to you for being rude to you, it is like I said some words that annoyed you"

"Yes you did but it is fine"

"I am sorry of that came out the wrong way, but that is not how I wanted it to come out, I feel like I hurt you so bad"

"I understand, and you can make the dinner"

"Thanks Astoria"

"I would go to my room now"


Astoria go to her room and closed the door, she rested in the door and held her chest.

"Did he just apologize? Wow he did" she said happily

She ran to the mirror and looked at herself.

"No this is not time for this, let's take our bath and prepare for dinner, no not that I am excited I just want to eat dinner" she smiled at tbe mirror and made her way to the bathroom.


Ryan closed his own door and held his mouth,

"I can't believe I said those words, I hope she is not getting the wrong idea, I should get ready for dinner"

He stood up and made his way to the bathroom, he also as a lot of things to prepare.