
marriage to Mr. Ryan

she is his secretary and he is her boss. his grandparents wanted his to get married so quickly to head a project. but she didn't have a single up to live so she got married to him on a contract

Okekunle_Goodness · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs


"Harry?" Ryan said calmly but his voice showed that he is about to roast his friend.

"Yes?" Harry answered taking grape from his plate.

"I heard you hurt your head in your accident" Ryan asked

"Am fine now why are you asking"

"I don't think you are cured yet'

"What?" Harry said taking back by his statement.

"Put yourself in her situation are you telling me to take advantage of her? Because she is in a difficult situation."

"No this is business your life time opportunity to be saved from embarrassment or don't you know?"

"Know that what?" Ryan said.

"Your wedding as been fixed to next week Saturday?"

"Whose wedding?"

"Your wedding of course bro is it mine?"

Ryan opened his eyes in Surprise as Harry comfortably do what he is doing.

"Who made that arrangement" Ryan said getting all serious.

"Your grandfather, didn't you know?"he said picking blueberry.

"This is not the time to eat berry Harry*

"What? Would you marry me?"

"What?" Ryan said disgusted.

"What is what? You need to get married next week we have the groom but not the bride"

"Why didn't they tell me anything?"

"How would I know am I living with them?"


"I can't married next week Saturday I haven't seen a bride yet" Ryan said with his eyes pleading with his grandfather.

"Does it look like I care?" The old man said stamping his stick on the floor.

"I need love for marriage grandfather"Ryan said

"When I married your grandmother I didn't marry for love"

"That's you not me" Ryan added.

"Your parents also didn't marry for love" his grandfather said not wanting to lose the argument to his grandson.

"That's them not me" Ryan said serious and shocked.

"How are you different?"

"Grandfather I would get married but I don't have anyone yet and against why am I the last person to know about my own wedding? Without a bride?" Ryan said with ridiculous inside his voice.

"I don't care about were you want to get your bride, you need to get married to get that project. And your wedding has been fixed to next week Saturday and that is final, all other arrangements would be taking care of by me all I need from you on that day is a bride"

Mr Rogers stood up and adjusted his clothes ready to leave Ryan.

"But you can't do that to me" Ryan pleased

"I already did grandson, congratulations in advance"

Mr Rogers said and made his way inside carefully walking on his three legs and Ryan watched him go.

Ryan ran his hands in his hair and sighted.

"This is messed up" he said to himself.


"Hon don't you think we are rushing him, he doesn't seem ready for marriage" Mrs Rogers said to her husband as she massaged his legs.

"We need to be hash on him for him to obey" Mr Rogers said and nodded

"What if he gets married to the wrong woman? That would be bad everything would get worse" Mrs Rogers said as she dropped the bowl on the floor.

"He won't, he doesn't make wrong choices I know him"

"What if he doesn't show up next week?"

"He would I know him"

"Shouldn't we give him enough time?"

"Time Is what I don't have, Ryan's parents died because of insufficient time I won't lose me grandson to time to"

Astoria sat down carefully as she waited for Ryan to come home, she checked her luggages well, and she is all set to move out.

She really wants to stay but her mind would not tet her.

Ryan open the door and walked inside, he was so tried and was hoping to clash on his bed at that minutes and also to clear his mind while sleeping.

But he was dead surprised by the fact that Astoria has already parked her loads. And is already dressed like she is going somewhere and obviously she is.

"Are you going somewhere?" Ryan asked and sat opposite her looking at her loads.

"Yes I thought it would be rude if I don't tell before leaving, I have to go my Ryan am sorry" Astoria said Inching her fingers.

"I told you that you can stay"Ryan insisted

"I don't want to overstay my welcome" she added wanting to end the discussion quickly.

"Okay we're are you going, back to the office?"Ryan said already getting angry.

"No I have a Friend that I can stay with"

"Ohh.. you do"

Astoria stood up and adjusted her dress.

"Thanks for the hospitality I really appreciate it"

She made for the door but Ryan's voice stopped her, he is really not going to let her go like that, right now her needs her.

"Astoria?" He called

"Yes mr Ryan?"

"Well would you....m..marry me?"

"W..w.wha..what marry you?"

"Yes would you mind to marry me?"


"So he proposed instead?" Isadora said looking at her friend who looks so pathetic

"Yes" Astoria said looking blank

"Then what did you say?" Isa asked searching her eyes for answers.

"I smiled and walked out what was u supposed to do"

"What? I thought you would jump at the opportunity" Isa said and signed

"What? Marry my boss would you that?"

"Of course, he has a house and a good job and most importantly money. Isn't that what you need?"

"Well he does but am his secretary" Astoria insisted.

"There is always romance between a boss and his secretary" Isadora said smiling.

"Stop watching dramas dude"

"I just ended what's wrong with secretary Kim"

"That's a movie this is real, real life babe"

"Astoria deep down you want this, why not go for it? I mean it's harmless let me ask were are you sleeping tonight"Isa asked getting serious.

"A motel"

"As a friend and sister I would advise you to take this opportunity you need it seriously"

"I know it is opportunity but I didn't plan marriage now, it is just happening so fast"

"I have a question for you?"


"Do you have feelings for your boss"