
marriage to Mr. Ryan

she is his secretary and he is her boss. his grandparents wanted his to get married so quickly to head a project. but she didn't have a single up to live so she got married to him on a contract

Okekunle_Goodness · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

About to be busted

She did not know were the crazy idea came from but it felt nice to her and she liked it very much. No one who know and she can at least stay there for a week before she finds a new place.

It lightened her mood and spirit and she couldn't wait to leave the restaurant.

Ryan came back to his sit and looked at her with a face full of disappointment or maybe like he felt sorry.

"Am sorry Astoria I need to go grandfather request my presence" he said without sitting down.

"Oh sure you can go, I would finish my food and go home" she said also getting up on her feet.

"It's late I can't let you go alone, I would tell my driver to take you...."

"No no no no am fine I can go home myself it's not that far" she said cutting in.

"Okay then see you tomorrow"

"Yes sir"

Ryan left the restaurant quietly with his bodyguard and all that while Astoria smiled to herself. She made sure he as gone and faced the food in her presence her dinner is set and she should take some along at least he paid for it all.

"Yummy" she said and picked her fork.

Ryan button his suit and entered his grandparents house, he should get ready for another roasting section because his blind date of yesterday went bad and his grandfather is not going to take any excuse.

All of them were so weird and annoying and he is sure that their pretty faces is not natural and they are really not his type at all, so he can't choose any one of them if he wants to live long.

He sat down quietly and faced him, his hands shaking and his heart beating fast and now only heaven knows what is going on in his mind.

He is so scared of his grandparents not that they beat him but they do something more than beating, if they remove their shares his company would be hopeless.

"So which one of them have you decided to marry?" His grandfather asked stamping his stick.

"Excuse me?"Ryan said pretending he didn't hear.

"You heard me which one did you choose" the grandfather asked with his anger building up.

"Am not so sure grandfather I need a little more time" Ryan said

"When I die? Oh are you waiting for when I die?"

"I never said that" Ryan said.

"Then get me a great grandson" the grandfather shouted and started coughing.

"Am I not enough?" Ryan said handling him a cup of water.

"Who are you?"

"Grandpa?"Ryan said surprised.

"I give you one week just one if you don't introduced your wife to me, i am carrying out what I said I would do and young man I am not joking"

He got up angrily and looked at Ryan, he turned his back on him and Walked inside the house, he knows his is not playing.

Ryan fell back and sat on his chair, *this is a total disaster* he said to himself

Astoria switched on the light in Ryan's office and smiled, she closed the door gently and sat on the sofa. She looked around and her smile increased she never noticed how beautiful and big his office is until now.

God provided this for her and she is greatful, she opened his toilet and smiled, first she should take a shower and sleep, the day as been so long. He had all kind of unused shampoo conditioner and stuffs.

"Let's just use a little" she said and started bathing.

After taking Her bath she sat on the sofa and brought out her phone, she should have thought of it earlier, why does he even bother to have a house when he as a office that looks like a penthouse.

She held her towel on her head to dry the hair since she doesn't have a dryer but she felt relaxed a little.

A knock came through the door and she shivered, her imaginations went wild, who could it be? Ryan? What in heavens is he doing at the office this time? Does he come to the office late?

She walked slowly to the door and swallowed all her spit. She placed her ears on the door and closed her eyes, she better be careful because her fate lies on what she says at that moment.

"Yes?" She said with her voice so unsure.

"Miss. Astoria are you there?"

"Yes I am"

"Are you working late? It's the security"

"Yes I am"

"Okay I saw that light on and I wanted to check who is there"

"Yes I just want to take a little nap"


"I would soon go home"


"I really would soon go home she emphasized"

She closed her eyes as she sighted in relief, that was so close, she switched of the light and turn the heater everything went nice and well.

She closed her eyes and slept, she slept like a baby beautiful peace and joy she found on his office.

Ryan sat opposite Harry as he sipped his wine.

"We're do they expecting me to get a wife within a week?"he said with anger in his voice

"I don't know"Harry replied dryly

"I mean I can't marry any of those ladies"

"I don't know"

"What the heck am I going to do Harry?"

"I series don't know"

"Shut the fu*k and stop saying you don't know" Ryan said getting more annoyed.

"What am I supposed to say?"Harry asked

"Find a solution" Ryan said and sipped his wine again. Then a prefect silence came upon the two guys before someone finally spoke up.

"Oh before I forget I saw Astoria parking out of her house this morning. the moving service came to collect her loads" but she wasn't there. Were is she moving to?" Harry asked.

"What? She didn't tell me that she is moving?"

"What kind of boss are you? That your worker doesn't share such information with you?"

"Harry she really didn't tell me"

"You must not have treated her well. Huh so pathetic."